Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some advice about asking out a girl?

Me and a friend recently went to a concert that we had to go to for a college music apprec. class. We went together, but we never really established it as a date. For me it was, b/c I paid for dinner and her ticket, but I dont know if she perceived it that way or not. So, for the paper we had to write on the concert, I have a book that we needed for a source and she may be coming to my house to get it. So..I was thinking of asking her out on a real date the next time we have time 1 on 1. Here's how I was thinking of doing it.

Me: So, would call our outing the other night a date?

Rachel: yes/no

Me: If I were to ask you out on a real date (movie, bowling) what would you say?

Rachel: yes/no

Me if yes: I continue to talk about date possibilities

Me if no: Then I'll say ';then I wont ask.';

Do you think she'd buy this? Do you have another suggestion as to how I should ask her?

Any advice you could give would be appreciated.Some advice about asking out a girl?
Instead of establishing whether the concert was actually a date or not, why not just ask her if she enjoyed the concert. Ask her if she enjoyed the company (being you). And if she liked all that, then why not ask her if she would be up for going on a ';real'; date with you. Or you don't even have to say date. Just ask her if she'd want to go out with again. Good luck!Some advice about asking out a girl?
just be confident and ask her, forget about the yes/no stuff
I wouldn't ask her if she considered it a real date or not. Is she involved with anyone? If not, then you could tell her that you really had fun before and you'd like to get to know her. Tell her that you like her and think she is a cool person and do not want to hurt the friendship but you'd like to move further if possible.

Otherwise, I'd try Yahoo! personals. That's where I met my current girlfriend whom i now live with and we've been together for a year and a half. She is a great woman and I had a great experience on the site.
Don't have a script. First line is good, take it from there ad lib. You will NOT remember a script, no matter how simple.
As difficult as it may be to do, a more direct approach is usually best for all involved. Your prepared statements are creative, but they are constructed more to feel out the situation than to achieve a result. Throw away all the inferences, probing, and what ifs, and find the courage in yourself to simply ask, ';Hey, would you like to go out with me sometime?'; Be the answer yes or no, surprising or expected, the truth is, you'll be a better person for the courage it took, you'll know definitively where she stands on the subject, and she'll ultimately have more admiration for you than a wishy-washy approach.
dont ***** foot around and say stuff like ';would you call last night a date, If I were to ask you out on a real date (movie, bowling) what would you say?'; you sound like a pansy. my roommate does the same crap and always screws things up with every girl he meets but never listens to me. just pick what you want to do say ';we should go do such and such thing sometime,'; she says yes or no, and leave it at that. then go, joke around, and have fun instead of worrying about whether she likes you or not. dont act all insecure and ask ';do you like me?'; stuff
I think there's a better way to go about doing this than ';so what would you call the thing the other night blah blah blah';. To me, you sound like you're unsure, with no confidence, and begging for a hand out. Girls don't dig that.

I would simply say something like ';Although it was for class, I really had a good time the other night.'; (her response should give you the yes or no you're looking for to pursue another date) If she says ';I had a good time too...'; then you know you can ask her out again...I would do it right then and there. Show confidence, and interest in her. I think you'll get a much better response than the situation above.

Good luck!!!!
I'd say give it a try, since it sounds like an okay plan. However, you are much better off going at it with a little spontaneity. Girls can smell rehearsal from a mile away.
Just walk up and ask her out. Dont be a puss.

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