Saturday, December 19, 2009

I really need some advice about a guy i think he is using me! Help!?

Why do you think he's using you? You didn't give any information that would help.I really need some advice about a guy i think he is using me! Help!?
give him what he wants, or he'll leave u.I really need some advice about a guy i think he is using me! Help!?
If he is a co-worker, then just ask him to back off. If you confront him and tell him that you know what he is doing, that usually makes people change their ways. Be assertive. No one has the right to use other people, so you should stand up for yourself.
Details maybe?
ask him. communication is the most important thing in the relationship. if he is, DUMP HIM. doesnt deserve you.
You need to provide how he is using you? no one has the faintest idea, but if you feel he is, then he is
If you feel that is he, then I'd say that's all that matters. Do what you feel is necessary.
how do you expect us to help you when we do not know anything about the situation.
i don't get it... using you how?
If he is using you then you need to walk away but I cant tell you more than that because I dont know more details.
If he is using you for sex I would tell you to dump him.
what makes you say he is using you and for what sex?material possesion? to get to someone? will know when a guy is using you when you have to give him something all the time to be with him. For instance if you ask him out on a date you have to pay for the chow and the drinks and then he is still not smiling so you have to get him a gift to make him smile...the trend will keep on untill you find out you are actually broke and when you cannot afford to pay for something then he won't show...these guys are not worth holding on to. Ask him if he would like to take you out on a date at his expense and if he makes an excuse 3 times in a row then you are definelty being used......dis him!!!
if you know he is then kick him to the side of the road and find someone new.

What's the problem?
I was in a relationship who this guy for 4 years he just used me but for me i was just wanting someone to love me and i found out that i was trying to bye love and boy was i wrong. You need to stop !!!!! I know we all want someone to love us and you probley feel if you stop spending money on him hes going to leave you ,well then you know that he was useing you don't bye anything for him for a while and if still sticks around then that all good but if leaves you then let him go he was not worth it and belive me you deserve love from someone who just loves you not your money and there will be someone out there for you so STOP !!! good luck and remember if he loves you then he will stick around of not theres someone better out there!!!!!!!

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