Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need help w/ advice about my girlfriend?

My girlfriend and I had an argument this past week. She's already told me she's not giving up on me; but because of the way I acted, it's gonna take time for her to be able to get over it and for things to get back to the way they were. What are some ideas and things I can do to ';speed up'; the process, or is it just gonna take time, like she said? There's gotta be something....I need help w/ advice about my girlfriend?
send flowers

invite over for pizza with her fav topping that says ';I'M SORRY';

hire someone to right ';I'M SORRY'; in the skyI need help w/ advice about my girlfriend?
treat her like a queen. like she is the only one in your life,and say sorry, if you want to bye her some flowers:)
SO you spit out your dummy %26amp; she stood on it. then i think you will just have to give her time. i have found you a good site to help you. good luck.
Take things slow and be the best boyfriend you can be. That may speed things up, but really, when's she's ready, she'll let you know. Just be nice. And cautious.

Good luck!
Apologize, it takes a big man to do that. Make it sincere, and show her that you really care and that you are willing to work things out.

Best Wishes =)
You already answered the question, time. If you were right don't give in, if you were wrong you should apologize.
forget about it
check out a romance ebook at
find another woman, if you mess up once, she will never let you live it down, that is how women are. you mess up once, that is it. so find another woman and try not too mess up.
sucky situation! i feel for you..i think itll just take time and try to cater to her and be very thoughtful and sweet..
Young love at its best/
this question pretty much applies to me too, in a way. i'm looking forward to the answers.

personally, though, from a girl's point of view, just give her some time.
There's a danger in you trying to speed things up and that is that she may not be working or thinking at the same pace you are. You might well feel frustrated that you are 'making all the effort' and getting nowhere. Result; another argument!

Be patient, kind and your normal self. She will respond if she cares, but it's going to take time. Hang in there!
just take the time. you need to let her take control sometimes, and now let it be up to her
everything will work out unless you aren't telling the whole story?!? If you were just immature then she will forgive you and you two will be lovey dovey in no time
You're in the doghouse for sure! Just give it the time or else you might lose her.
tell her that you are really sorry and that you have a suprise for her. for the suprise, take her to a place that she really likes and get her a gift that she really wanted or likes. at that place, do whatever she enjoys to do. then at the end, tell her that your sorry again and that you would do anything to speed up the process of getting back to the way things were. if that doesn't work, then it might take time just like she said.
Don't worry,man. Just tell your g/f that your real sorry for what happened, even if you did'nt do anything, tell her sorry anyway and let her know you love her more than anything. Good Luck!

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