Saturday, December 19, 2009

Help me i need advice about my b/f.?

I have a boyfriend and we have been going out for 4 years. after we both moved he didn't talk to me anymore. he has free minutes

on his mom's cell phone but he still won't talk to me. has he found someone else because he won't talk to me period. Me and him are only 11 years old!Help me i need advice about my b/f.?
Long distance relationships are difficult for adults. And seriously no offense -- you're a child. I understand that you might be hurt, but surely there is another boy that lives closer to you that deserves your attention.Help me i need advice about my b/f.?
Holly crap, this is why I don't want a daughter! Seriously though, take everyone else's advice.... you will have your whole life for messed up relationships. Concentrate on other things... school, sports, church, whatever.
so you have been going out since you were 7. Right On! Where were your parents?? dont be ridiculious, grow up first. I didnt get a cell phone till I was 18. let life pass you by, dont get pinned down at 11. jeez.
your to young
it could be. Long distance relationships r hard to maintainn.
11 years old, and you've been going out for four years?
You are too young to be involved with a boyfriend. Work on your future ambitions, and don't worry about a boy. He's decided to drop you.

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