Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about weight loss / personal training?

I'm just over 30 and suddenly I have a belly and it really bothers me. I'm not disciplined enough to radically change my behavior...I've tried jogging and eating salads and whatnot, but I can't seem to stick to it. I'd like to get a personal trainer to keep me on task...hopefully a woman. Where can I find qualified personal trainers? Should I join a gym? I'm apprehensive about 24 Hour Fitness kinds of places, as they always look so sleazy (women working out in makeup, etc). I thought about Weight Watchers or something, but I feel like I'd be with a bunch of really heavy older women and wouldn't feel comfortable. But maybe I'm wrong? Anyone out there have advice?Advice about weight loss / personal training?
I am 40 something and always was thin, but in the past 2 years my tummy got big and flabby. I started doing sit ups everyday, 2 sets of 30, sometimes I just try to do 60 straight through. I also take walks around my neighborhood, it is a circle block which I drove around and calculated that it was a mile. I try to walk around it at least 4 times a week. Also, eat lean meat, fresh veggies and fruit. Celery is good to munch on, and because it is difficult for the body to digest, it is actually minus calories. Cut out all sodas. I drink lots of water, Your body needs water to break fat molecules apart, and Crystal light is also good when I want something with flavor.

I don't think you need a personal trainer, instead of spending the money for that, reward your self when you lose a few pounds and buy yourself clothes or something. Also, remember, fat and muscle weigh about the same, so as you lose fat and gain muscle, you may not lose weight, but your will lose inches, which is more important,

good luckAdvice about weight loss / personal training?
Jogging and eating salads probably isn't the answer because it sounds a bit boring! You need to find something that you enjoy!

Why not look into Body For Life? It's about setting yourself a 12 week challenge and once you get into it, it's alot of fun. You do weight training 3 times a week and cardio 3 times a week, combined with 5 - 6 small meals a day.

Weight training is essential, especially as you get older, because muscles keep your metabolism humming along efficiently. Plus, muscles take up less space than fat so you'll get slimmer and sleeker. There's nothing better for reducing belly fat than a combination of weights and cardio!

So it doesn't have to be about tedious, long jogging sessions and eating salads.

I've also joined a gym to use their equipment and for the variety. It's just a local gym and there are no women working out in make-up! I could also hire a personal trainer there very easily if I wanted to.

I've started a blog about it here:

Good luck!
Walking and doing housework is the best exercise for losing fat and ensure that your diet does not include any high calorie foods. Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. From
A personal trainer is easy to source - your local white pages can help or try searching personal trainers and your suburb. There are many around though, so the best way to find a good one is by word of mouth.

If you have a partner, joining a gym can be another great way of spending time together, or join with a girlfriend and catch up on all the gossip three times a week!

Also try some do at hom DVD's such as Tae Bo etc. Some of them are good!

Also try joining health or fitness website forums - they can help motivate you as well as give good advice. Online personal training is another option but requires discipline from you to actually initiate and do the work!

And i agree - stay away from huge 24hour gyms. You will lose motivation quickly and will probably spend half your time there waiting for the machines to become available!

Good luck - and remember to keep in mind all the great health benefits that being fit can bring (as well as looking hot, hot hot !!! )
To-day they said on City T.v. that it takes six month's to take the x-ess flab off and it won't come back. Hard workout's
Go to small GYM. I agree 24 hour fitness is intimidating %26amp; more costly. Good luck! Try getting a friend to join, great for motivation.

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