Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about Lakeland Terriers?

My parents have a 4 year old, very boisterous, affectionate, Lakeland Terrier. Their only problem is that he will not sleep downstairs in a basket like all their previous dogs. He cries and howls if he is left downstairs, at night, and also hates being left alone in the house, despite the fact that he is never left alone for more than a couple of hours, now and again, during the day. My parents are retired and take him for a long walk during the day, and he gets loads of attention. They have had two dogs of the same breed before him, who happily slept downstairs, and never worried about them going out, but not this one. If anyone has any advice, i would be grateful. Thanks.Advice about Lakeland Terriers?
He's crying because he wants attention

When he was a puppy did they spoil him like letting him upstairs?

What they need to do is learn to ignore him

I know it's hard but he's associated crying with getting attention and they need to break that habit

Ignoring him is the only way they can do this

As for going out and leaving him they need to build this up gradually

Start by leaving him alone in a room for a couple of minutes, if he's quiet then give him a reward when you walk back in

Gradually build up the time in short intervals until he's learned that if he stays quiet he will get the attention he clearly thrives on

They key is to be consistent

If they inadvertently reward him for bad behaviour (ie when he's crying) that can put you right back to square oneAdvice about Lakeland Terriers?
Were they retired when they had the other 2? It sounds like the dog is spoiled, if they stick to it and can sleep through it he will get used to it eventually.

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