Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about CRAZY grandma!?

so my grandma went into the hospital the first week of december, and my boyfriend and me have been at her house, which is 3 hours from where we live, taking care of my grandpa, which was easy and no big deal. well my grandma got out of the hospital the first week in february and it has been hell ever since. we are still here because she has to walk with a walker now and has a bad knee, she has to wait for 5 or 6 months before she can have surgery. anyway since she has been home she has been constantly nagging, blaming me for things and not doing anything to better herself (such as her excersises.) every other day i am getting accused of stealing money from her, I would never do that! her cat died last night and she also blamed that on me. she doesnt listen to what anyone says. on a daily basis she will sit there and talk and swear at herself while rocking back and forth. i personally think she has bipolar disorder or skitzophrenia. we are potty training my daughter and the other day she had an accident, which i cleaned up right away, but my grandma freaked out and was like my house is going to smell like piss and on and on. her house has smelled like piss for as long as i can remember, her dog isnt quite potty trained. all this is just a tiny fraction of everything. me and my boyfriend have been fighting constantly because we are so stressed out from her demands, nagging and accusations. we have tried to talk to her several times about everything, but none of it is helping. i have 2 babies and i am pregnant so i do have other things going on in my life. i guess my main thing is when is enough enough. what would you do in my situation. other people have offered to come and help, but she very rudely refuses. she expects me to stay here until she has her knee surgery this summer, that is when my baby is due! we missed out on christmas with my boyfriends family and everything to help her, and she seems not to appreciate any of it. i really dont know what to do, i want to just leave, even if it is for a little bit so i can regain some of my sanity, but i feel guilty. when i try to talk about it with her she sits there and tells my grandpa things like, well i guess we will just have to sit here and die alone and on and on. i guess i should mention that my grandpa has alzheimers which has progressed extremely far because my grandma is too scared to bring him to a doctor because she thinks they will take him away. i did bring him in and get him medicine for it but he is so far gone he is kind of in his own world.

i guess i am writing a novel, but i just want to know what i should do and if me leaving would be mean and selfish.

thanks in advance!Advice about CRAZY grandma!?
Well you think she has schizophrenia, maybe she does. Can you just look at it that way and not let it get to you? Old people, especially those with health problems, can become cranky. You should try to not take it personally, just do what you can for her and ignore the bad stuff.

I have a friend who works with the elderly and she's constantly being harassed. The old people make racist comments about her, some of them have even tried to scratch her. But she just smiles and shrugs it off because she knows they wouldn't have acted that way when they were younger. She doesn't take it personal. You should try not to take it personal too. Good luck!Advice about CRAZY grandma!?
I would say you should stay because it sounds like they need you. although shes nagging and stuff sometimes older people are grouchy because they hurt and they don't feel good. maybe talk to her about it. good luck
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