Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about bipolar daughter?

My 15 yr old daughter was recently diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder,pyschosis,adjustment disorder and cluster b traits. She is on medication. She has been really irritiable and it is almost like you have to walk on egg shells around her. I am trying my best to be patient and loving with her but everything I try she screams at me and dismisses. My question is any of this going to get easier for the both of us? I love my daughter but it hurts me when she yells at me and how can you discipline a bipolar teen? I am at my witts end.Advice about bipolar daughter?
I have been diagnosed with bipolar and when I first went on medication it took forever to take effect. I was diagnosed when I was only thirteen.

As well with medication, make sure she gets some exercise daily! Having at least fifteen minutes of exercise a day helps get rid of the extra energy she has. Offer to walk around with her, swim, or do jumping jacks. When bipolar teens have a lot of energy, their brain responds by releasing it with strong emotions instead of normal ways.

Make sure she eats fruit and veggies daily too. Processed food (that comes in a can or plastic container) is the worst for a bipolar's already imbalanced brain. She might protest these changes, but when she has a clearer mind, she'll see what you did was to help her.

Having her on one medication to take the edge off is better than putting her on three as she eats processed foods.

Disipline her as you normally would. My mom gives me consequences for my actions. It would be cool if you told her why you are giving the consequence too. It will stick with her better than saying ';because I told you so';.

Let her learn about her own condition. Many people with bipolar can ';feel'; a depression or manic episode come.

Bipolar doesn't have to be a bad thing either. The mania can give you many new ideas and insights. Just watch her carefully after she has a mania episode and ask her to exercise. A lot of people who made huge changes to the world had bipolar or had characteristics of it.Advice about bipolar daughter?
you should treat the girl the same as everyone else in my opinion when the bipolar child sees stabilty in the way you discipline then they won't be as bad in the way they act.
dude i so feel for you

it sounds like ur doin a pretty good job as it it

just b patient and as understanding as u can be

cuz ur kid needs love right now more than any medication

i no the yelling hurts

but shes probably just scared

its a scary thing to think about for a teen

and for the punishing her part

go to her doctor

and ask what would b suitable

good luck

I'm Bipolar. It's Hard.. You Know We Can't Control What We Say Or Do Or We Feel Like We Can't. But What I Want My Mom To Do Is Just Understand My Problem.. Talk To Me And Maybe I Will Calm Down. But Sometimes If You're Bipolar No Matter What... You Can't Stop Yourself You Get So Aggravated. Good Luck. Eventually She'll Be Better At Controlling Herself TALK TO HER ALOT!!
if she just started her meds you should see a change in about a month. if she has been on them for a while, you need to address this to her doctor. do they have her on a stabilizer? my daughter is, to control her anger, if shes not maybe you should suggest this also. its hard to tell you how to discipline her because i had to go to my doctor and he gave me xanax to keep my stress levels down during that hard time. hope everything gets better for the two of you.
Yes, things will get easier for you both, however this will take some time and dedication on both your behalf. Generally the onset of Bipolar 1 occurs during mid-teens, as the individual becomes more aware of their condition they ultimately begin to grow out of some of the symptoms. Of course this is not everyone, but in many cases. It may take many trials of medication to find the right one that works best; keep all lines of communication open. Continue to parent as you deem best and most appropriate, any deviation may inadvertently give the signal that the individual鈥檚 behavior is acceptable. Though this is easier said than done, just use tact and your better judgment, and you both will see this through.
my hubby is and i can tell you that it is not easy for a family to go through this.........let her calm down after she blows up.....then sit with her and talk to her about how the yelling twards you makes you feel....just DO NOT confront her while she is still upset.....but also she needs to know that even though she has bipolar does not need to use that to her advantage of getting away with everything.
i have 1 18 yr old daughter and myself the have bipolar , she was 15 when this started, she actully started cutting for that. she and i are on zoloft and it makes a night and day differance...remember part of the is hormonal changes in to the dr. and take a deep breath, it will work out. keep an open relationship if you can. its best if you can talk to her good luck
I wish I knew what to tell you. I am bipolar and recently had a manic episode. One thing you might want to ask her doctor is how long it is going to take for the medications to work fully. Is she on an antidepressant in addition to a mood stabilizer. She may need one if not. Irritability can be a symptom of depression. Good luck and God bless.
Woah, I know that would be a toughie. A teen that yells at you for no reason whatsoever. Try maybe giving her gifts? Not asking her too many questions.

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