Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about helping 10 y/o child focus on normal things like homework and cleaning room?

I am a nanny for a 10 y/o boy who does have ADHD and has major trouble when we try to do homework. A simple spelling assignment could take us up to 2 hours, luckily I tend to have a lot of patience when I comes to situation like this but I would love some tips on ways I can help him maintain his focus so we can get through things easier. He can't even stay focused on cleaning his room with out me constantly (about every minute and a half) reminding him what his task is.

He does have a prescription that seems to help but his mom forgets to refill it or forgets to give it to him some mornings and I get stuck with the tough job of getting the homework done. It just worries me because he'll be in middle school next year and that's a big change in classwork and homework, so any tips or activities we can do to help improve his ability to focus would be greatly appreciated.Advice about helping 10 y/o child focus on normal things like homework and cleaning room?

1st: Let him pick which page to start on.

2nd: Don't get frustrated, b calm and he will also relax

3rd: Tell him, CALMLY, that until he finishes his homework that you cannot do anymore activities.

4th: Try having some kind of motivation for him.

ex: Special game, Snack, Prize,

5th: DO NOT be harsh. If you yell ad criticize him it will make him think that homework time is something to dread.

6th: Help him work things out, but don't give him answers.

7th: Praise him when he finishes and when he gets an answer right.

8th: Making games to mak homework fun helps kids to focus and relax better.

9th: Remember he looks up to you. So don't let him think you are disappointed in him.


Make a pile in th middle of the room and tell him he has 5 minutes to sort the big pile into individual little piles then give him 2 minutes to put the piles awayAdvice about helping 10 y/o child focus on normal things like homework and cleaning room?
If you do bed-time, I highly recommend making sure he gets enough sleep and ditch the technology stuff (video games/ computer/ tv) an hour before bed. More and more research is saying that people aren't getting enough quality sleep as they should -- especially kids.

Set up a ritual and specific area in which to work. Maybe he isn't one who can simply do homework at the kitchen table when you make dinner -- maybe he needs a totally quiet space to work. The more organized and ritual (we get a drink of water and some pretzels, we unload out book bag and prioritize, etc)

Finally, try working just five to ten. Work for ten minutes, then get up/ look around. It may allow him to focus if he doesn't have to worry about the clock -- nothing beats a deadline for getting stuff done.

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