Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about this boy?

ok i need some advice there is this boy who is my best friend i meet him last year and right away we became best freinds im just wondering cause my sister and my freinds say that im going to end up together is that true cause we always hang out at school in the morning , break, lunch,and after school so please help me give me some advice please?I need advice about this boy?
thats a tough question. do u like him back? if so, u may want to take things SLOWLY and persue a relationship. because it sure sounds like he likes you! most relationships start out as friendships.I need advice about this boy?
Well i not an expert but i don't think so, i mean just because you guys hang out all the time doesn't mean y'all end up together! It sounds to me like you guys are really good friends, that's all! Unless y'all have hidden feelings for each other.
if you like him you'll be friends all your life
take about umm...2 years...and then talk about it. and say we cant be friends anymore, and u gotta go out...

i saw it on this tv
your young. some people are in our lives for a reason, a good reason, but aren't ment to be in it forever. stop thinking about what may happen later and enjoy it now!
ok thats what I hat, people telling others to get together just cause you look good!!! maby you should study him more, if people say that stuff infront of him, look at his reaction. just wait for the right moment and if you find you like him, ask him out.
Well How old is he and how long or how do you know him?
its really hard to say,however its a very common thing when two people of the opposite sex hang out they become more than friends especially after a bad break up because they be there to give you that comfort that ends up becoming something more than friends
Do you like him as more than a friend? If so then yeah ask him out.
well you sound like really good one knows the future
only if you and him have the same feelings for each other and there good feelings
usually it does end up that way the more your with someone your heart grows bigger in a strange way.

it will happen naturally on it's own in time for a

best of luck
probably, i ended up with my best frend....

I Need Advice About Love...?

I'm 16 and i have no guy friends AT ALL most probably because i don't go to church ( don't ask me to go) and I am studying in an all-girls school. I live alone and I feel like having a boyfriend to care for me. can u please give me as many ideas as possible? I don't want to turn into a lesbian and i don't wanna go for matchmaking stuff ( thanks!) ...and... randomly checking out a stranger is weird %26amp; uneasy for anyone isin't it?I Need Advice About Love...?
Please believe that you are a whole person just the way you are, and that although it is great to have a meaningful relationship where you both care for each other, you will never be really happy until you realize what a powerful person you are. You are a goddess!

That said:

Give yourself permission to make mistakes with guys (I'm not talking about sex! I mean conversations).

The best way to meet guys is to do volunteer work at the United Way, or at a job--even Burger King or a Library or something.

When I was 16 I had lots of guy friends because I was just ';one of the guys';, and I didn't get asked out at all. My friends did though.

The teenage years were just practice for real relationships.I Need Advice About Love...?
Are you sure you aren't a lesbian?
you have the rest of your life to worry about men finish your education trust me men will come
try going where a lot of ppl hang out. maybe a place where ppl from ur school hang out but where there are guys too. good luck
You are asking for advice, yet you shut out all possibilities to give you advice on!!!!! What you should do, which you already answered yourself is to go into your cacoon, and shut everyone out!!! Your too young to be so grumpy!

I need advice about my childs father!?

My babys father (who is black and I am white) dated casually for a few months and needless to say I have a one year old daughter. We werent together when I was pregnant and argued constantly when he came to visit after she was born. We have spent time together a few times here and there, when I visit. We do have good times and are still intimate at times...but as soon as I mention trying to work things out and be a family he runs the other direction and tells me he doesnt want to put himself in that situation. Should I keep trying..or give up. I do think it is important to give my daughter a conventional family life. All the sudden he seems caught up in being different races, but yet we were together before and it was never a problem. I live across the country and he wants me to move Houston, but am I wrong for not wanting to go because he doesnt want to be in a relationship. I am just at my wits end and dont know what to do anymore! Any advice about this situation?I need advice about my childs father!?
The best advice that was ever given to me about anything in life was ';When in doubt, keep out.'; which means if you don't understand is, don't make decisions about anything until you are very sure. In this case if you give up everything and move it should only be if everyone is going to benefit. If this is not the case stay where you are.I need advice about my childs father!?
You need to move on without him. You will only be setting yourself up for more heartache. He obviously doesn't want a relationship with you.Forget him, and don't move just because he wants you to. Stay where you are, go on with your life, and ,if he wants to be a father to your daughter, its still possible. Get things set up in court for support, and visitation rights.He can be your child's father without you being with him. Don't get me wrong, I think every child deserves to have a family with both parents, but, in this case, I cant agree with that. Its not gonna happen. Good luck
why did you post this again? you still looking to justify or waiting for someone to agree that you should go? not gonna happen baby doll, you know you dont need to be in this yourself and your kid enough to say no this man, i know its hard kiddo but stop trying to justify this you were just bootty that happened to get pregnant and keeps allowing him to come back , move on and forward
  • eyeshadow
  • I need advice about a hippie name and other stuff..?

    well i have always been a free spirited child and i have decided to go on my instincts and change whom i am to who i wanna be..

    So i am following all these hippie rules to get me started but i feel odd cause i don't have a hippie nick name

    has any body got any ideas..

    So far i have

    Mystery as one name that it..I need advice about a hippie name and other stuff..?
    You don't choose a nickname, it chooses you. Nature with thrust a nickname upon you and you'll like it, or else.

    How 'bout, Spiritasia?I need advice about a hippie name and other stuff..?
    Changing your name will dishonour your parents. They chose your name and you came from them. Your name is something that connects you to them.

    If you hate your parents or something they may have done to you then by all means change your name.

    But if you love and respect them accept and love their name for you.

    Changing your name will only result in you creating some hippie la la image for yourself that may not be the real you.

    Think about it.
    Hippie rules? Hippies were against rules honey. Just go with a name that seems to fit you... Flowery names and nature etc will inspire you... moonflower, river, harmony....
    Uhm.....a hippie name? Is Robocop hippie enough?

    Okay, try....Myth. Its mysterious enough.
    why in the world would you do this? you will regret it.

    here's a list:






    You are not a hippie.

    But Vanderama Patchuli-Peace would be a cool name...but don't take that.
    Here are a few






    you could always go with Chong HAHA
    Maryjane, Sensimilla
    clearance clearwater
    The hippie name I've always liked the best was ';Flo';.

    Need some advice about LOVE?

    ....whether it's from a Religious perspective or not.

    Let me first start off by saying: I'm Confused!!

    There's a guy I met not too long ago at my church who I befriended. One Sunday, we were designated as the primary organizers of the annual ';Nursing Home Visit'; program [Hence, this is how he got my number]

    To make a long story short, any time we talk, we can go on from as little as 30 minutes to hours--just talking. In fact, recently we were both coming from a church program and happened to be getting on the same bus ----and we BOTH missed our bus stops because we were so focused on our conversation with one another. Any time we talk, it just -flows.

    He's not drop-dead gorgeous or something out of a magazine, but he's certainly Not ugly.

    Any advice?Need some advice about LOVE?
    is there a reason why you shouldn't like each other? what's the problem?

    it sounds as if you two should continue talking. one of the most important parts of a relationship is being able to talk to each other.

    why not invite him over for dinner, or out for coffee?

    good luck.Need some advice about LOVE?
    keep talking and do meet at a place that doesn't have wheels those walks form a passed bus stop are no fun, sounds like a nice guy encourage him to get to know you
    advice on what?
    Probably an insurance agent or someone whos very talkative.

    Try talking more and see if you ever get tired. If you don't after, say 3 years, you might like to consider him as a lifelong partner.
    As cliche and corny as this may sound, I would advise you to trust your instinct. Dont rush or push it, just get along well, learn about each other and if you think that he's the one, only then you can start trusting him but again, be steady and natural. Never ever be hasty or superficial when it comes to finding your soulmate.

    Good luck!

    Peace and Love
    My advice is to dump him -- he talks too much.
    Religion is best way to hook a mate because of the moral foundation. get him by all means if you feel you are falling in love.
    just get to know him.

    he may want to be just friends. he may like you. Just let it hang awhile. But if you continue to like him alot...hint a little. Tell him, ';I really like talking to you.';

    He may be shy. So try and let him know you like him. good way: try touching his arm when you talk. touch can tell you alot. when I was in high school and i was talking to a girl, the closer she stood and the more she touched me, the more I thought she liked me and the braver I got. you don't have to bat your eyelashes.

    and if you are scared to just touch him, then touch him by checking out his jewelry, or watch, or straightening his shirt.

    sit next to him in church. get bold and hold his hand.

    if all that fails, and he still is clueless or shy, then just come out and say, ';I like you. Do you know if you like me?';

    If he says yes, then say ';do you LIKE like?';

    that is how it worked when I was young.
    keep dating as long as youre the opposite assuming youre a girl.. make sure youre compatable with birthdates...
    Hey, follow your heart. Sounds like you have a winner there. I followed my heart and married a wonderful guy who is christian and he loves cats and dogs. It sounds like God may have sent you someone. Bless you
    Just for the record, there is nothing in your question that would give any indication as to whether you are man or women.

    (just commenting on your ';additional information'; section.
    If you feel like you want to be more than friends go for it. It sounds like you guys get along great and could either be really good friends or a couple. It's all up to you.
    One thing not clear - - are you a guy or a girl?? I can't offer advice without knowing the answer to that.

    I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    ok i have had a friend for 3 years and in 8th grade we started like talking to each other less frequently. my friends told me that she was talking to me behind my back and i did confront her about that but she said that she didnt know what i was talking about. Just recently her brother told me that she was talking about me she said i was a slut and alot of other stuff. I know she has been jelouse of me ever since we have been friends. what should i do????? should i talk to her or should i try to ignore her??? I NEED HELP!!!I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
    I would talk to her and ask her what he problem is, because obviously she has one. Sometimes we just outgrow friends - maybe that is what has happened!? You're young, and throughout your life you will meet a lot of new people, make a lot of new friends, and lose some along the way too - it's all part of growing up. If this has been going on for the majority of the time you have been friends, maybe it's time to evaluate the friendship. Like I said before, try talking to her and see if you can work it out - if not, and it still continues, then I would think about moving on!I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
    you're welcome :) Hope everything works out great for you!!

    Report Abuse

    ignoreee her! i have a friend like that but instead of ignoring her i let her get away with everything she did to me with an appology! Than she would act all innocent! dont let it happen anymore! be strong dont let anyone walk all over you and make you look like she is contolling you! Good Luck
    ask her brother again if he would be willing to confront her w/ you, gossip hurts and it wouldn't be good if she gets something going around
    i don't think we have the full story. what did you do to make her say those things?
    Fun Fun I remember those ages. I was BFF with my friend since kindergarten to 9th grade then we split. Just don't talk to her as much. Still say hi to each other but split ways. Most of the time when people reach high school they split ways bigger classes more people, Different clicks ect. Plus when you graduate it is not like your going to see or really talk to them again they say less than10 percent of people in high school and after College still talk. Good Luck and Don't Let your difference bother you. I had the same problem. Just think of it this way. Girls never really get along together because they are always jealous of each other.
    ignore, if it continues, then break it up. or as they say (two can play the gossip game) remember, a little kid will only annoy if u give it attention.)

    i think you should ignore her because why would people start that she was saying bad stuff about you. i mean theres got to be a reason. i think shes jealous of you and she is talking behind your back. people dont say stuff for no reason they most likely heard her talk about you.
    Ignore the things she says. Only you know the truth about yourself. If you know for sure she is saying stuff, confront her. Don't start drama or a fight just keep it real and maybe try to patch things up. Its much better to be friends than enemies. Don't retaliate.
    You told us all about the things she has done without telling us what you have done. By that I mean are you a good friend to her ALWAYS? If so then it is time for you to reevaluate the relationship. So often we stay in what is familiar and comfortable when the fact is we should move on with our lives. Life is too short to waste on people that don't have our best interests at heart. Don't tell her how you feel--show her. Stop answering the phone for her or if you do make the conversation very short and just put some distance between she and you. Remember actions speak louder than words.
    Over throw her. I did it with my friend who talked sh*t behind my back. Now hes a ****** and a looser while me n my boyz are at the top partying every night up. Trust is what you need between your friends.
    ignore her!!!! she's def. not worth her time
    Ignore her...girls are so catty
    well dont talk about her behind her back but just ignore her and when she wants to come to you for help dont help her and make her suffer just give a while but dont make it last forever u need to eventually talk it out but but not right now
    You should talk to her instead of listening to what everyone else is saying. If you find out that she is talking about you behind your back, then she was never really your ';friend';. Find a new friend. I wouldn't suggest sinking to her level and talking about her behind her back, then you would look just as bad as she did and you can say you are better than that.
    you need to talk to her. first confront her with it (again), and then tell her that she is beautiful, and give her complements to help higher her self esteem.
    There wouldn't be any use trying to talk to her because she would just deny whatever you accused her of doing. The best thing you can do is just distance yourself from her and totally ignore her.
    Well, confront her again. We can tell if people are lyin!!! Also, if i were u id keep my distance!!! she seems like the shadey type to me
    Ignore her..she's fake.

    Need some advice about this girl???

    Ok so there is this girl that is in a bunch of my classes.

    We talk a lot online and we walk to and from some classes together.

    We also text eachother a lot.

    We have known eachother since middle school.

    I have always kind of wanted to go out with her but i wasn't sure what she would say back, but she always smiles at me in class and sits on my desk before class.

    I really have no idea what to do in this situation so any advice can help?? preferable from a girlNeed some advice about this girl???
    go for it

    some girls are to shy to ask out guys and want the guys to ask them out but they'll hint it a lot so they knowNeed some advice about this girl???
    yes yes yes.

    it seems like she likes you, because if i was doing all of that with a guy that ive known ever since middle school that i would forsure like him!

    but if its been along time that you guys have been doing all of that then she might not like you as much as she did when you guys first started doing that, does that make sence?

    well i hope i helped somehow.

    mabe try to ask her to hang out with some of your friends at the mall sometime. that could spark something up!

    goodluck %26lt;3