Saturday, December 19, 2009

PLEASE answer! I need advice about undercover officers.?

I am from the USA and have been having an online relationship with an officer from England.

The last time we talked he said he had a special assignment and had to be undercover for a while. And, that I wouldn't be hearing from him during that time.

He came home about a month ago....looked dead tired...and said he would be heading back out very in a couple of days. Then...poof....he was gone again.

I'm sure he's an officer. I've seen his photos in the depts. newsletter and photos where he has received awards.

Do you think he is being legit with me? I want so much to call his dept. to check on him, but I am afraid of causing him trouble.PLEASE answer! I need advice about undercover officers.?
Who cares?PLEASE answer! I need advice about undercover officers.?
Hi, sorry to hear your feeling a little unsure, but i have to admit your prob right, i work for a force, and whilst i have an understanding wife, we are advised not to tell our partners what we are doing for both there sanity and our safety, my personal feelingis something is amiss, ask him what force he works for, collar number, then ring the force (number on the net) with a message for PC ??? no. ???? (old bobby 4 digit number new bobby 5 digit) then they will tell you if he exisits, its not fool proof, just in case hes using someone elses name, but its a check, if you think hes a fake bobby, then if he reports to work for Hampshire police say, then give them a call to advise that someone might be impersonating an officer, as you have seen him in uniform?, on the other hand he might be telling a limited truth, like he works as a community officer and has a double life, (with or without a partner) and gets off on creating a web of decete.

good luck, but confront him, your gut feeling wont let you down... go with your instinct.
If you have distrust in any form of relationship, you shouldn't be in it (unless you two were already married, that's different). I think you need to talk to him, tell him how you're feeling. It does sound like he's married to me though?
it is true they do need to disappear for a while at times. They cannot talk to any family of friends because they literally have to become someone else and cannot jeopordize talking to anyone cause it can blow their cover
Sounds abit dodgy to me but surely once the assignment was finished he can show u evidence of it,be careful he might be telling his wife some thing else but as you said you don't know for sure,it's like this guy i met,well when i met him he was working in the tower at the airport then aweek later he got the sack,i never believed he even worked there %26amp; oh how i would love to find the truth out just so i could go %26amp; laugh in his face.
A friend on mine had a relationship with a MI5 agent.....Clever convincing people can fool us into a lot of things. After many years of not knowing what he was up to on his little ';assignments';, my friend hired a Private investigator who found out that he had a wife in croatia who had recently had a child, he also had an ex-wife he supported and still looked after in Devon/Cornwall, and his relationship with her. He borrowed money from her and other woman and paid bits and pieces back so that they would then lend more and more. My friend is now some 拢40K down, and emotional wreck and believes anything that comes out of the mouth of this bloke. Be aware, be positive and dont be fooled. Its not the best way to have a relationship online, anyone can by anything they say.....Be wise.
On the internet, you can try Make an inquiry. I suspect you are being used.
I smell a rat. Sorry, but I do.
I think you are right to be worried.

If this guy is an officer I would doubt very much that he goes off on assignments undercover. There is only a very very very small percent of officers that do undercover work. Its more likely that he's living in a fantasy world.

I also guess that he has a family somewhere that he is keeping undercover.

I know its sounds harsh but if I were you I would move on. I doubt very much that this guy is genuine. Sorry.
NO...he's returning to his WIFE and FAMILY...move on and find someone local and less mysterious to have an online fantasy life with..!! good luck
Rubbish - if he was an undercover cop he wouldn't tell you and he wouldn't have time to be on line, the British are know to be story tellers - did you see the original newsletters or was it through the computer as there is a lot you can do with the computer and photographs - you will find the days he was BUSY was the days his wife was there or he had to go and get his unemployment money. Tell him you have got a ticket to fly to England to see him and I guarantee he will tell you he is going away on a long assignment.
Sounds a bit sus to me.
(1) If he is indeed, working that sort of assignment, then this could be an indication that you may not be the sort of person to handle another in a relationship where this job plays a part.

Think about this: You develop a relationship with him but you, being a suspicious person, can't accept that it IS his job, although you have known it since you first started chatting with him. How do you think that will play out if feelings intensify? It doesn't sound like you are the right person for someone who needs discretion.

How long have you chatted with this guy? Calling ANYONE at their work is what a wife / husband, parent, relative, significant other does to look out for another's well-being, not what a person in a short term internet relationship should be doing unless they, themselves have some serious issues that should be sorted before embarking on a relationship with another.

You seem to have some trust issues. Sort yourself out and don't use this man as your soundingboard, he probably deserves better than that.
Hmmm, sounds fishy to me, sorry!!
Mc Fly,,I was monitoring that scan you just interfaced ,,you are terminated!!!
Sounds dodgy to me - maybe he's married
Your B.S. detector should be going off non-stop.
Did you source the photo's yourself from an independent source ?

This sounds WRONG and being concerned is not a sin it's an endearing attribute so act on it Good luck
HA ha ha ha, errr I think his wife is home lol

sounds as if he is married to me!
he is full of shite.. ring his police station and ask to speak to him. bet they say sorry never heard of him
Two words, photoshop, married - He's a Walter!
Hmmm~ from the details you've given it does seem a little questionable as to what he's up to, but he could very well be being truthful. Or like others have posted, he could also be married :(

Calling his dept. won't really get him into trouble or blow his so called cover. If this bothers you this much i say call the dept. and ask for him, but remain anonnomys (or use an alias) and see what happens.. if they put you threw to him and he answers hang up LoL... and you've got your answer.

This is a tough situation~ my uncle is an undercover and sometimes they can act really loopy and secretive because you have to understand depending on what he's been assigned to, blowing his cover could mean death for him. Just be careful not to jeprodize his safety just incase.

If I were you though it wouldn't be a bad idea to dig a little deeper t o find out whether he is married or not.... because the whole coming back and then dissapearing thing is whats suspect to me. They are not reassigned that quickly and if it were the same case he wouldn't have come out of cover...thats risky business

Good luck
what nothing is going on
Leave him alone. My nephew is an undercover and your mistrust can be putting him in jeopardy.
he's married

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