Saturday, December 19, 2009

Okay i need some advice about a GUY?

Okay A guy asked me to go to the movies and out to dinner yesterday and we did... I've known him for 10 years... We just never really talked we went to school with eachother... Well yesterday he asked me to go camping with him and it's gonna be 4 hours away from my home and **** ... I don't know if he'es interested in my . He hasn't tried to kiss me yet... So i don't know what to think ??? Please HELP MEOkay i need some advice about a GUY?
Ok well a guy doesnt usually kiss on the 1st or second date. And also you should give him a chance...wait a few more dates and see where your going with that. If hes intristed in you he will show it sometime through the dates you all have...if hes not hes not...he could just be wanting to catch up with old friends!!!Okay i need some advice about a GUY?
I think he's interested, but if you want to know for sure, you could always ask him.
Just go with the flow. He's probably just gathering up the courage to make his move.
It sounds as if this gentleman is really digging your company and would like to deepen the relationship you guys alreafy have. I take it he wants to go slow with the romance (even though you have 10 years under your belt with each other) so it is not bad that he hasn't kissed you yet. When he does, there will be that much more meaning to it.

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