Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Needing Advice about pregnancy!?

Im 16 years old and in a serious relationship. which alot of people think is not possible at 16. Well for the past 2 months we have been having unprotected sex. My last period was in the middle of August, but not as normal as usual. I have very normal periods mostly on exact dates. This one was 4 days early very light but lasted for 5 days. That was over a month ago and now im feeling very tired and bloated constantly.I also just have a feeling that i know i am pregnant. I took 3 test and all were negative, ive heard alot about not having enough of the pregnancy hormone to be found in a HT, and my friend didnt know until her 5 test in her 2nd month. Im very impatient and dreading the wait for my period. Let me know what you think. thanks!!Needing Advice about pregnancy!?
There is a possibility that you could be pregnant. i would suggest going to a doctor or clinic to get a blood test because i know waiting on your period is a long wait when you suspect pregnancy. And about the serious relationship, I married the same guy who asked me out at the age of 13 (he was 15). Now i'm 22. Yes we've been together for 9 years! Ppl tried to tell me it wasn't real too, but we both knew it was! Good luck and best wishes!!!!Needing Advice about pregnancy!?
There is a possibility of you becoming pregnant, but stress can be a reason also why you are not having your period. So take another test in a week and see a doctor, only two possibility
Why are you having unprotected sex at 16? That's extremely irresponsible. Go to see a doctor and have a blood test. That is more sensitive than a urine test.
You might be testing too early. Call a clinic and see what your testing options are. Or, you could talk to a parent. Going to a doctor and getting a blood test is an option also. As for the serious relationship, I think it's very possible for 16 year-olds to be serious about each other. A friend of mine married her boyfriend that she had when she was 16 and they are still together at age 27! So, sometimes it does work out! good luck with everything!
I would wait until at least a week after your missed period to test. You might be testing too soon. My sister thought she was pregnant because she was 10 days late, but she took the test and it was negative....she started the next day....=) All the stress you are under could be delaying your cycle. I know how you feel about waiting for your period....that is the longest wait ever!!! I hope everything goes the way you want....oh yeah and about being 16 and in a serious relationship, I am 22 and my husband and I started dating when we were 14 and we have been together for almost 9 years, married for 2!!!! Good Luck!!
I thik that you should wait a couple more weeks, and if u still think you may be pregnant get a blood test from your doctors. or family planning clinic
Well, i think you have no choice but to wait. If you are really that concerned, go see a doctor and have a blood test.
Go to Planned Parenthood. They will test you and give you birth control. It's confidential, they won't tell your parents. Also, if you don't have a job, they won't charge you anything.

Having a baby is not just about being in a serious relationship. You can't even begin to imagine how much work is invovled. You have your whole life to have babies, but only a small window in which to be a teenager.
Go to the doctor and have a blood test done... that's all I got sorry
Wait until you are closer to next period date or go to doc and get a blood test.
If you are really worried why don't you go see a doctor. Most of the time they can run tests and get you the results confidentially so your parents don't have to know until you decide to tell them.
Don't think your PG! Nope I wouldn't worry. Your bloated cause its almost the middle of Sept. which means your due for your next period. So if you are late in Sept take a test again. Chances of you having a period even irregular and being pregnant are slim. At 16 your cycle will change several times in your life. If you are having more sex than usually, your diet, stress lots of stuff troughs us off whack. Don't freak yet though.
u could be pregnant it is a possibility
Dear Friend, It is likely that someone will become pregnant or get a disease when people who are unmarried tempt themselves by being alone with one another. You can get support and information at a pregnancy resource center, which you can find by googling optionline, or call 1800afamily. Please take good care of yourself and your baby if you are pregnant. Sincerely, Runner
You should just go to see a doctor and get your blood test done. They can usually tell you in one day if you are pregnant or not. Or you can try the new pregnancy test that can test a few days before your missed period.

To answer your question: It's best to take the test once you have missed your period. Most doctors will tell you to wait until your period is 5 days late. This will get the HCG hormone enough time to accumulate and spill over into your blood.


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