Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need advice about friends.?

my 2 best friends were hanging out with each other . well i started to get jelous bc my best friend michelle started to flirt/hold hands/hug/ and even kiss! with my other best friend gerard. well starting at the end of that day i started to like him but he liked me a long time ago but idk about now bc he tells me he likes michelle but idk what to do. should i ask him out? not be friends with michelle?Need advice about friends.?
All I can say is ';Thank God I'm not a teenager';Need advice about friends.?
First thing you need to decide is your friend more important-ed then the guy you like. That guy might come and go and friends are suppose to last forever. Talk to you girlfriend see if she is just flirting or she really likes the guy
Think about why you are all of a sudden interested in him. Is it because you really like him or because you are jealous of his relationship with Michelle and feeling left out. I wouldn't stab my friend in the back and take her boyfriend. Is it really worth giving up a friendship?
Sounds to me as though you are suddenly having an interest in him because Michelle is. Be honest with yourself and if this is the reason you like him suddenly, then let him have a relationship with Michelle and do not be jealous which is a dangerous and negative emotion.

Don't know if you are religious at all, but if you are(even if you aren't), you will see that jealousy is covered by the Ten commandments in the Bible.

Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife/husband


Thou shall not covet thy neighbor;s possessions (King James)


';You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or is manservant, or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.';

everyone is your neighbor..remember Mr. Rodgers? (lol)

to covet means: to want what another has; wanting something that is not yours..desiring something that you do not have, is jealousy.. It is better to continue a great friendship with both than to have intimate relationship with ';Gerard'; that may fall apart and in the end destroy all of the relationships

The choice is yours...

Good luck.

you sound jealous of their happiness- just let it go. its not going to solve much if you act like a b**** and ruin their relationship. you might lose both of them as your friends if you decide to do this

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