Saturday, December 19, 2009

May I ask for advice about my kids? They are hitting that age where they want to be more independant....?

and I honestly don't know how to go about a lot of it. It has been a long time since I was a kid. Please don't tell me to go to the parenting section, as everyone who is a friend and an acquaintance is here. If I have questions will you answer me honestly and in a helping manner?May I ask for advice about my kids? They are hitting that age where they want to be more independant....?
I'll do my best to offer some good advice. How old are your kids and what is the question?


I have a son 10 years old a daughter 8 1/2 years old and

a son 7 1/2 years old!!May I ask for advice about my kids? They are hitting that age where they want to be more independant....?
if they are starting to be over defiant, dont just let it go, take away something they want depending on the severity, if they break a window for example, no videogames for a month, but if they say shut up to you or something, make your own judgement, and dont let them get away with too much or else they WILL take advantage of that weakness and test you by being more defiant.

i know, i hav alot of little cousins to watch, not to mention i am now an uncle :)
lol yea sure even though i dont have kids, i will try to help by what my parents, do...... i am only childd(thats boring). GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR KIDS, BLESS
It all depends on the acts or do-ins. U don't want 2 give 100% independability. They might just take advantage if u do. U seem 2 have good kids SSIREN. I don't think u'll have much of a problem.
im not sure how to handle that , sorry .
I know what you mean, I've got one like that too. All you can do is don't lose sight of the fact that you're older and more experienced than them and that they, don't know nothin' from nothin'. They only think they do. Let them make their own mistakes, but don't let them go too far and make big ones! And remember, one day they'll see your side better and probably thank you. Even though parenting is a thankless job!!!! :)
ill do all i can to help whats the problem kids hitting u because there in there stage but if it is then tell them no hit and put them in a chair or sit on couch and tell them its not nice

its like supper nanny on those shows that help parents to under stand

but im here to help u as much as i can
They are all old enough to do basic things on their own: clean their room, take the dishes to the sink/washer, help bring down the laundry, etc.

You are still the ultimate decision maker: what time they go to bed, whether they can go to a party, what TV channels they get to watch. You are the boss!
It was a lot easier when I was a kid with a lot less predators out there and everybody knew everybodys kid. Yeah you have to let the boys visit their other friends some but only with the other parents checking on them from time to time. Of course I'm talking about the 8 and 10 yr old. The 5 yr old and the baby of course are too young to be independent. Of course you being the Mom are in control and though you have to let them have a little slack in the line, no too much as I'm sure you have sound judgment on this.
Yeah, sure...I myself am at the teenage years, (14), but most of the time I don't act it, (or look it) people think I'm older than I am. But I still know what kinds of things a teen goes through I also know what a kid goes through since I have young kids around here all the tiem (one my sister and the others are just some other kids, but yeah), trust me I have been through alot over the years and know how to handle things. So if you do have any questions I can help you. Just e-mail me...
well there not very old u give them to much independance theres a chance thay will walk all over u being nice. my brothers used to all the time.. my mom would slowly let us do more things with out her and stuff and make are own lunches and stuff.. like she would let us walk to the park and go to are frineds houses. but we had to call her if we was gonna go any where elts and stuff. and every so offten we had to check in with her and stuff. but we basicly got to do what we wanted with her permission and stuff.
Your first instinct is going to want to hold on real tight. It may be hard but you can't. I wouldn't let them go off and do whatever they want. They need to have guidelines to live by and know what is expected of them. Kids around your age are just starting to get a feel of being more and more independent from mom and dad. This is only the beginning. They will reach the teen years and then it will get worse. My suggestion to you is to let loose of the rope a little, don't let go but give them some slack. If they want to go over to a friend's house then you can let them only if you and your child follow the rules of When, Where, and Who. The three W's. The first time your kids want to visit you will be the one to take them, meeting the parents and knowing the house location, and how long your son or daughter is allowed to stay. You will get the phone number. Remember a little slack is good, the harder you keep a hold on your kids the more they want to get away. Make sure that they know curfews, which days are off limits to go out with friends or to have friends over. Let them know that if they break certain rules then privledges will be taken away. Kids are a balancing act. You want to hold on and they want to get away. It seems to be happening earlier and earlier these days. I wasn't a teen that long ago and now I have two kids of my own, so I can understand the want to be more independent and to want to go to friends homes and go to arcades and what not. I know that it's hard but you'll get it. Just talk to your kids and understand what they want from you and what you want from them.

Good luck! And these are the calmer of days, just wait till they are in high school and it's not worrying about kid independence. It's worrying about teenage independence and what that entails.
Stay strong, firm, and direct at those ages as they have a lot to go before maturity. Many kids reflect back years later as adults and remember those traits more so go with a winner!!!
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