Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I am thinking about joining the Illinois National Guard. Any experiences or advice would be a huge help!?

Well, the question is pretty self-explanatory. I have been talking to a recruiter about joining the National Guard here in Illinois. The problem is that it can be up to a six-year commitment and can even get me deployed to Iraq. I don't mind fighting for my country if it comes to that; I wouldn't desert or anything. Basic and Advanced training doesn't seem like it would kill me, either. The signing bonus and once-a-month training is tempting as well. I got a 92 on my ASVAB, which is the most important score for determining my placement in any branch of military (Correct me if I am wrong, please!). Can anyone give me any advice or a personal experience about what I might experience if I were to join the Illinois National Guard?I am thinking about joining the Illinois National Guard. Any experiences or advice would be a huge help!?
you did not say if you are still in High School or not. If you are, I would say wait until you graduate. those kids give up an entire summer doing basic training. Then you are a ';pogue'; for an entire year and then have to go do ait for another summer. My advice is wait it out and do it all at once. Now as a former Illininois National Guard member. The only thing that i can honestly is what unit you get assigned to. The travel every month can be cumbersome, especially with the gas prices being what they are. the one thing that can make or break your time with the guard is your chain of command, that can make or break any unit. GOOD LUCK ./I am thinking about joining the Illinois National Guard. Any experiences or advice would be a huge help!?
Im in the texas guard and i love. I have been on several missions here in the us and have active for 41/2 of my five years. Ive made friends for life and party my *** and made a difference in the world. Do it, it is well worth it. But you have to endure some bs overall it is what you make it. E-mail if you wanna know more and i can help neg ur contract to better suite you. The money is also great. Im 23 and i have made about 190000 since 2001. with alot of times my quaters paid for.

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