Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can anyone give me advice about when u fall in love with the wrong guy?!?

help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can anyone give me advice about when u fall in love with the wrong guy?!?
try to get your mind off of him..try things that will make you forget about him. see other guys more and see if that works.Can anyone give me advice about when u fall in love with the wrong guy?!?
Absolute no more contact.
you should know if you fall in love with the wrong guy.....if starts to become controlling...acting like his your father or something...wanting to know everything u are doing....and really if he puts his hands on need to leave as soon as possible
Learn from the experience. Relationship is a gamble, people could be decieving sometimes especially in the courtship period. True colors and personality appears when you are already steady or going together. That's the best way to know a person.

Time is the greatest healer of all time. Let go and just let time heal the wounds and the painful experience.
define wrong guy.

hey, girl, you aint alone! ive done that, too. but my ';wrong guy'; may be different than yours.

my ';wrong guy'; is a guy i like, but dont wana like. hes a guy that my friends dont really like to the slightest bit, but i think hes funny. But if i start talking about him, theyll think i like him, which i DONT want to do.

So basically, im in denial.

But then there was this other guy a year ago, hes cute and funny, but doesnt follow my standards, and i just asked myself, ';Is it worth it?'; ';Is he worth my time?'; ';Why should i sit here and love a guy who will never love me?'; Magically, i stoped liking him when i found all the answers were ';no';

There are a multiple amount of ';wrong guys';. Which one is yours?
Well it depends on how he's the wrong guy. if he's one of your friend's Boyfriends or even if he's anyone's boyfriend then wait, keep your feelings to yourself and wait it out until you find another person or until he becomes available. It's hard and I know but it's the right thing to do, you dont want to be known as the shaddiest person someones met and that is one thing that people do to make them known as shaddy and a back stabber and those aren't fun things to be known as. But if you mean that he's wrong meaning that he's bad, like if he's gotten in trouble with the law or if he's abused someone before then well it depends on what he's like now. If he's abused someone before a lot of the time it will stick with them and it's something serious but you really need to follow your heart on this one if he's something different than what I said.
hi, I am a Mexican. I married at 33, now I am 39. My experience say that do not repeat the same kind of guy. You have to be honest by your self wich kind of guy or relationship you are looking. When I was tired ';';to fall down with the same stone';., so, I decied to fiend honest and mature guy at first to be the best looking guy...the mature guy and be sure that he can offer me a save future. Just the love anybody can live. good luck
well my wife was told she was in love with the wrong guy, I was no good, just going to run at the first sign of trouble, no plan for the future, just a born looser. well thats what her parents tried to tell her anyway. It turns out that i wasnt so bad after all, we have 2 beautiful, girls a nice home and 18 years together. so who is telling you that you are with the wrong guy?
depends on what you mean by wrong guy.
You only fall in love with the ones you want to fall in love with. No sex until you are married, and there are very good reasons for that. You sound like a teenager, so you'll understand as you get older.

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