Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need advice about my friend Timmy?

Timmy has a bad version of autism and can really only say his name and some noises that he uses to tell us all he is excited or happy. Yesterday my sunday school teacher told us that if we do not repent for our sins we can never go to heaven no matter how good or innocent we are. Its not Timmys fault that he cant talk but god doesnt want him in heaven so where is my friend timmy going to go and why can't he go to heaven with the rest of us?Need advice about my friend Timmy?
hey! i have a friend like that! all he can say it TIMMAYYYY, TIMMAY? TIMMYYYYYNeed advice about my friend Timmy?
If your sunday school teacher cannot answer this question correctly you need to find another sunday school.

There is an age of accountability. That age is different for all people. After we have reached that age, we are required to make a decision that we will be held accountable for.

Timmy's spirit will always be his spirit. You will always know his spirit if you love him. His soul is cared for by God. His physical body will made whole at the resurrection. God offers eternal life to all people.
Josh, everyone will have the chance to hear about the gospel in the way that is best for them. There are people on this earth who have learning disablities that will not be able to understand the fullness of the gospel. They will have a chance after this life to understand that gospel. What is most important for you to remember is that Hevanly Father loves his children and will take care of them.
The Bible also says that their is an age of accountability when someone is old enough to understand. If they die before this age, they will be in heaven. This age is different for some people. some people never reach it. God wants everyone in heaven and Timmy can go there too. I know an adult who has the mental capacity of a 5 yr old. She can not read the Bible but knows Jesus loves her. She knows right from wrong and knows she makes mistakes and trusts Jesus to forgive her when she does. She may not be able to express all this well with words but you can see His light shining through her. Timmy may be able to understand more than he can express it might make him happy to know about Jesus' love. Jesus says that the meek shall inherit the earth. God has a perfect body for Timmy in heaven. You are a good friend.
God does want timmy in heaven he want all us his kids on the earth wit hme when we die and even though timmy cant talk he can talk to

GOD in his heart and GOD will listen all he has to do is to ask GOD for Forgivenes and GOD will surely for give him and if u love GOD and ur friend y r u doubting and and not prayin for ur friend cause u just said GOD dnt want timmy in heaven but u go to church and u still doubtin GOD i think u also need to pray for yourself
Joshua, that's an interesting question.

Based upon what God has revealed of Himself in the Bible, I'd say that God is more interested in whether Timmy is repentant in his heart than whether he's repentant in speech.
they are saved naturally anyways, they cannot be repsonisible for their sins, so Jesus died for them and saved them nautrally.
Sounds like your church has taught you to accept their knowledge of good and evil. Read the first three chapters of Genesis and you'll see they got that ';knowledge'; from Satan.
Im Sorry But Thats Really Mean! Your sunday school teacher should be fired! I meen everyones going to heaven regardless of what people on earth say!! so dont listen to himm :)
i believe if he believes and god and knows when he does something wrong he will go to heaven
Timmy will go to heaven because his mind is of a child who does not know what a sin is, and most likely never will. Those special children God keeps with Him. Your Sunday school teacher needs not teach because she is wrong in her teachings. If you repent of your sins to Jesus, acknowledging that He is the son of God who died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day, inviting Him into your heart and life, you then are Born Again. and shall enter into the kingdom of God. Even after we are Born Again, we still fall short of God's Glory and need to repent of our sins daily. Get out of her class and into one who teaching the true Word of God from the KJV Bible.

John 3:3Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Romans 10:9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Your friend Timmy is going to heaven. He is one of Gods special children. Mentally ill people are not capable of knowing what they are doing may be a sin, and God knows this.So don't worry. Find another Sunday school teacher. She is wrong in her teachings.

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