Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need girl (or guy) advice about getting the guy i like .(details)?

ok. im 13 and i really like this guy. ive liked him off and on and he liked me. but a few months ago we got into a huge fight because i was ';going too fast';. are guys or girls supposed to make the first move?! we are good friends again but i cant just be good friends... i want him more than that. i wanna tell him i want to go out with him, but i dont want to be overbarring! help me please!!!I need girl (or guy) advice about getting the guy i like .(details)?
You're too young to be dating.

That aside, I would recommend not asking him to ';go out';, ';date';, or ';be his girlfriend';. Chances are that at your age, the boys are not interested in dating. Most likely he's a little embarassed by being attracted to girls. Think about being his friend, not his girlfriend. Treat him like a friend. He'll relax and warm up to you much quicker.I need girl (or guy) advice about getting the guy i like .(details)?
u should let the guy make the first move- that way u know hes interested in u.then start makin moves of ur own-lol
tell him what u just put in the question.(i know were frends but i want to be more then that...)
well its ok if girls make the first move but only if she knows the guy is ok with it..if obvioulsy he said that u were moving too fast then that should be a hint that maybe he just wants to be friends.

Need some advice about returning back to college and about jobs?

I am 32 years old. I am thinking about going back to the community collge that I had left 4 years ago to get my associates degree . After that I am going to pursue a bachelors degree.

here is what I need the advice about due to the fact that some of my classes that I would have to take would interpruet my job I would have to leave my job to get my degree.

Would and employer look down on the fact that I would have to take a couple years off to get my degree.

I am looking to get into the accounting or financial field would I be able to get and internship to gain work experience?

Is it too late for me to change my life. Would I still have time to climb the coroporate ladder?Need some advice about returning back to college and about jobs?
I don't think an employer cares how long it takes to get a degree. However, what you need to think about is whether you would be OK working for a boss much younger than you. For example, suppose your boss is 27, but with 5 years experience in accounting - can you handle this? Employers also wonder whether as a slightly older person you can get along with co-workers much younger than you. Anticipate these objections, and have an answer ready. yes, you can still climb the corporate ladder.

Go for it! Good luck.Need some advice about returning back to college and about jobs?
its never too late. Dont let your age be the variable to deter you from your goals. There are people getting their Phd's in their 80's and 90's! Speak to your job and see if they will allow you to work various day and hours if not seek counsel from the college and apply for all the various grants available.

Never give up.

Advice about making the first move on a girl?

Hey everyone, I need some advice about this girl I really like. We are both Juniors in high school. We used to talk a lot and it seemed like she figured out that I liked her and it seemed to me that she was showing me signs that she liked me. But this year and the year before we haven't seen each other that much anymore, though when we did see each other it was always her saying hi and me saying hi back, nothing really came out of it. I'm really REALLY shy. So telling her my feelings is very hard. I'm insecure about my looks and I'm not confident. I'm wondering if I should wait for next year so I can work out during the summer and try to impress her or talk to her before the school year is over. What do you think?Advice about making the first move on a girl?
Okay, the exact same thing happened to me (i'm the girl though)

I really liked this guy and he liked me too, we got on well and chatted loads, but he was so shy and stopped talking to me, I thought he hated me for like a year, he would never speak to me, I felt crap, but then he said he liked me, talk to her please, good luck :)Advice about making the first move on a girl?
talk to her now before it is too late. you maybe never get another chance and you will regret not trying and always wonder what if. go for it now just take the plunge and see what happens. life is too short.
my dear friend, you gotta talk to her right now! before its over
TALK TO HER NOW!!!! What are you waiting for.

Advice about government state penstion?

My husband is 61yrs old and never lost a day's work in his life. I am almost 59 yrs. My husband has not a pension through his firm. Took out Private Pension which has literally 'went down the tubes' as have many others. His state pension forecast shows he should get approx. 拢200 per wk at 65 yrs. My state pension shows I should get just a little under 拢100 per week. We thought therefore this would be our joint income if he retired, plus a very small private pension. However, a friend who is usually knowlegeable in such matters actually laughed at us and said we will not recieve anything like this from the state and more likely to be something like 拢130 per wk between the 2 of us. I am now a bit worried with how we could survive on that. Is this correct?: Both of us have worked almost all our lives.Advice about government state penstion?
This is a useful link.鈥?/a>

In fact, as I understand it, the pension you might receive yourelf as of early in 2009 will be higher than the additional pension that your husband receives in your name once he retires (your chunk of his pension). That means that instead of adding your pensions together, you have to find out what the joint pension will be, as it will be less. But don't forget SERPS -- the earnings related on top of your basic pension. Has your knowledgeable friend taken that into account?

Sadly, your private pension is taxable. A lot of us forget that when doing our sums.Advice about government state penstion?
Pension must be readily given to those who are entitled because they spent the best of their lives in the military and served the country well.
You can now possibly claim Pension Credit to top up to what the government sets as the minimum level of income if your pensions do not come up to that. You can phone them and they're usually quite helpful.
All State Pensions are also taxable over a certain limit if you are under 65. Your joint pension should be well above 拢130, the Pensions Service will give you the correct figures.

Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?

About a year ago, a consultant I was seeing for an eating disorder started to contact me at home for help with his masters degree in medical law. I had a background in Law and he was sturggling with his part time course. The calls were unsolicited and unrelenting [often 15 times a day - I never picked up the phone after the first call from him]. I eventually submitted a complaint to the NHS Trust as all he was doing was asking me to help write his essays without providing any form of help to me.

What happened?

The complaint backfired on me. The Trust wrote to my GP to say that no doctor should see me unchaperoned as if I had done something wrong. As a result I changed my GP to another who were very understanding, and commenced an independent complaint against the Trust. One year on and the complaints procedure has been concluded. The Consultant was disciplined [I had proof he was phoning me constantly so he could not deny it. He did other things too numerous to go into] continued...Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?
Personally I would consult a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence, you may even have a claim against the Trust. Always remember, Doctors are the only people who can bury their mistakes and no I wouldn't trust one of them an inch.Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?
It is unfortunate you encountered this individual who behaved both unprofessionally and inappropriately. You should now try to get some closure and put this behind you. Rather than questioning the motives of the Health Care Trust it's more productive to focus on what you need. Presumably it would be with a different Consultant so it would be in your interest to give him/her a chance. It will probably take a while but your trust will return.
Honestly, the medical community will defend each other and even hide each other's flaws to keep from being sued. I had a terrible doctor who basically almost killed me, and when my new doctor heard what he had done, she didn't say ';oh my goodness, you should get a lawyer'; She said ';well, that's pretty unorthodox, but maybe he does things differently';. And she's a good doc.

I would not take their help. I would ask your GP for a referral for other help. They ARE just offering help so they can save some face.

I hope you find what you need. I'm sorry you had to go through this, I wouldn't trust doctors if I was you either, but hopefully you will find someone you can trust and will eventually feel better about the whole thing.

Good luck.
It sounds like the system came round for you in the end. The complaint did not actually backfire on you, it is standard practice to have a chaperone if there is an ongoing complaint; this is to protect you as much as the doctor in question (gives a benefit of the doubt to both sides) so I wouldn't take that personnally.

The unfortunate side of a system that involves people is that it is fallible.

It only takes the stupidity of one to spoil the reputation of an entire profession, but there are infinately more good people in the medical profession than there are people like this consultant.

The only solace for you here, is that it is extemely unlikely that you will encounter someone like that again and that, in general, our doctors are a trustworthy and professional bunch.

Well done for having the courage to make a complaint about it.
aaah, yes u should start trusting doctors, jus don't care about wot thay put on ur record, if its false they will get found out, and the person who put it down will get disiplined, or equally u could jus join bupa, jus go with the flow it doesn't matter wot the trust syas its near enough all bollocks, jus listen to ur doctor.
  • skin cream
  • Advice about senior girl and freshman boy?

    I sometimes help out with coaching the freshman boys soccer team at my high school for extra credit. The other day, word quickly spread at school that one of the guys on the team was caught masturbating with a picture of me. I actually wasn't grossed out, but I was very flattered instead. He's a very sweet, funny boy that I can't help but notice is quickly growing up to be a little hottie. So I was wondering if it would be OK for a senior girl to give a 14 year old freshman boy a kiss and maybe ask him out to a movie or something, or is he too young for me?Advice about senior girl and freshman boy?
    skip the kid...

    Advice about being kicked out of pub?

    This happened to my boyfriend about 2 months ago

    But I am wondering if anything could have been done

    Basically we were at a pub in Dublin having a few drinks before we went to a gig just as we were leaving I legged it to use the toilet..when I came out my boyfriend had gone.. So I found him down the street..he had been forced to leave the pub and shouted at being accused of taking drugs out the back of the pub (completely untrue, he does not take drugs )

    The man that kicked him out was shouting at him in front of all the customers and my fella kept asking what he had done wrong and the man kept saying, you know what ya did

    It was a busy kind of pub and there were a few people our ages so obviously the man mistakenly identified my boyfriend for sdomeone who had been doing drugs

    We had sat in one spot for the hour or so we were there so wouldn't that be on the cameras TO PROVE WE ARE RIGHT?

    Honestly just writing this I am getting mad. We didn't do anything about it that night but it wrecked the rest of the night

    What steps could I have taken?

    I asked this a few minutes ago and nobody read the question, they are presuming I mean that we got kicked out for actually doing drugs

    Basically my boyfriend was innocent and got humiliated in the middle of a pub and treated like crap so there must be something we could have done?

    Advice about being kicked out of pub?
    If it was me I would go back and give them a reason to kick us out starting with the guy who caused the trouble, but that's me, I hope that guy gets a bad case of herpesAdvice about being kicked out of pub?
    You don't have a lot of recourse. About all you can do is not go back to that joint. Pub operators have a lot of discretion when it comes to ejecting people. As long as the person who ejected him did it in good faith then he was within his rights-but he didn't have to be so unprofessional about it. The tape has likely long since been taped over.
    Not sure about the law in Ireland but in America the owner/manager/bar tender has the right to refuse service to anyone and kick anyone out of the bar if they have reason to believe they are doing something illegal or making a scene. In this case its just embarassment that was the result. If this happened in America and your boyfriend got injured then you could have done something or if it was racial.
    Well, as unfair it may seem, there was nothing you could have done. **** happens at bars. Swallow your pride and move on.

    I know this isn't the answer you want but there's simply nothing that can be done in a situation like this. Of course you can meet with the owner and explain what happened but he/she can't do much other than apologize and maybe give you a free drink.
    He could have left when asked instead of arguing with the man who kicked him out. Had he maintained a cool head he could have then called and spoken with the manager during a slow part of the day.

    The pub has the right to refuse service to anyone.
    it was a while back don't worry about it nothing will be done on you it happens all the time. weekends are all ways busy in town centres you did the right thing i have had a few drinks on connelly st myself
    Slap or threaten them with a lawsuit for false accusation and slander.

    The least it could do will be to scare them to make sure they get their facts straight and not do that to anyone else...
    Most eating and drinking establishments reserve the right to refuse service for whatever reason they see fit. Whether he's guilty or not they're not obligated to serve you.

    Basically...find yourselves a new pub.
    There's nothing to do. Whether or not the bouncer was right or not, he still had to go.

    There isn't a right to be in a pub. Not even in Dublin!
    At least he wasn't physically hurt.

    Take your business elsewhere and get over it.
    no you just leave, bars can do what ever they want. it was 2 months ago get over.
    Contact the owner of the pub and tell him what you told us.
    You cant really do much. The guy couldve kicked you out for any reason he wanted. ';Right to refuse service to anyone';
    Get over it and have a pint of Goodness at another pub
    It's been 2 months, forget about it.
    dont get kicked out of the pub...great advice
    s hit happens just get over it..
    Not really worth doing anything at the time I don't think. If its a place you want to go back to because all your friends go there or something, stop by during the day when the manager or owner is there and explain what happened and offer to have some people vouch for you. I'm guessing if the bouncer was careless enough to mistake your boyfriend for someone else, he maybe has done this before to other people too.

    If its just some pub in Dublin, among hundreds of others, just quit going there on the theory that they employ lazy bouncers who make poor assumptions.

    Good luck.
    I'm not familiar with Irish culture, but I'm guessing that there are plenty of pubs to be found in Dublin, so, at the risk of seeming insensitive, allow me to say, ';Find yourself another pub';. That one doesn't need (or apparently want) your money. If you actually did anything illegal, the police will come get you soon enough anyway.

    Advice about this one girl?

    im in a bit of a situation. one of my friends likes this one girl who is hella pretty. he talks to her sometimes and they seem like they are kinda friends. Heres the problem i like her also, but i have only talked to her once. on sunday he is having a party where a buch of people are going over to his house, and so is the girl. so should i try to talk to the girl and let her know that i like her and stuff, or should i back off and let my friend try to get her. she is so fine that i almost feel like i would be stupid for not talking to her, but i would also feel bad if i stole her away from him.

    what should i doAdvice about this one girl?
    You won't wanna hear his, but i think you should step off just for a while. The party is too soon, meaning you should wait a bit. Talk to her, and if she's any decent sort, she will understand you like her and want to be friends. Talk to your friend about it, but start off by asking if he likes her. If so, how much. If not, decide then whether or not to tell him you like her. but give it time, and talk with her, and show her you like her. (Don't hang around too much, or go too far... you might creep her out!).Advice about this one girl?
    There's no harm in talking to her. Its better that you do and get to know her before you make any decision whether to go for her or not. If you really like her once you get to know her talk to you buddy about it before you do anything you'll regret.
    If she does go out with you, you will have a girl that will treat you, just like she treated her friend. Not Good.

    If she does not go out with you, she will think you are an all time creep.

    What guy would want to be your friend?
    as a friend.. i suggest you ';wait'; for your turn.

    if your friend is trying to hook up with that girl. let him get that girl. and you should wait until they break up.

    would you feel good if you steal the girl from you friend?
    Go for yours thats not his girl

    Advice about GATE for IITs ( India)?

    Hi, Im in my t.e. and want to appear for Gate 2009.

    I wanted to know wat percentile or rank-range is required to qualify for courses in the IITs.

    Also, is there any other exam I can give which is similar to Gate ?

    What happens if I get a good score , but not good enough to qualify for IITs. Do some post-graduate universities grant admission going by the GATE score ?

    Which reputed universities should I do or M.E. from ?

    Would be really grateful if someone could help outAdvice about GATE for IITs ( India)?
    You need 98+ percentile to get into IITs;

    There are many good other institutes like IIIT, I2IT etc. if you get more than 85-90 but not get enough for IIT.

    Advice about my friend please?

    am in a difficult spot: I dont like my best friend anymore. We have been friends since we were 9 and now we are 26. But I think she or I has changed

    Keep in mind we are 26 and she isnt working or in school. She lives with her mom who just filed bankruptcy and cries eevryday about money.

    All my friend cares about is guys and partying. She brags about how many shots she can do.

    And as much as I hate it I think her hygiene is horrible. She always has bad breath and she borrowed my mouthwash when she had her own! When she drinks its disgusting to see how she acts.

    I dont think she is trying to find work and she's not interested in school. She says she wants to help her mom but then she goes on dates.

    And when a guy is digging me and not her it pisses her off.

    I am so disaapointed in her. I dont know what to do about our friendship because we have known eachother so long. We are grown women and her mentaility is still 9th grade!

    What should I do?

    And I know this is thr wrong section for this but I'm not getting good answers elsewhereAdvice about my friend please?
    Your friend has taken the wrong way in life and she sounds like she's tring to drag you with her!Tell her you've been friends for a long time but her life is not going in the right tract and yours is.If she wants to remain friends she must become a productive person again,otherwise your moving on with your life!Advice about my friend please?鈥?/a>

    Advice about waxing and spray tans.?


    I am going on holiday soon and I want to get a bikini and full leg wax. I have never done this before (I always have used the creams) but my skin can become sensitive and I am 17, (if this makes any difference) I would also like to get a VERY light spray tan. Partly because I never really tan and I don't like sitting in the sun for long.

    I have a few questions.

    1. How many days before I go on holiday should I get the wax?

    2. And should I get the spray tan before or after the wax?

    3. If I get a spray tan after the wax is it ok to do it the same day or would I get that chicken skin look?

    4. If I get the spray tan before can the wax take the colour off?

    Thanks xxxxAdvice about waxing and spray tans.?
    1. 1 week before

    2. spray tan after the wax, if you get it before when they wax you it will pull the tan off!

    3. wait a few days becuase it will go into the pores and your legs will be senstive that day.

    4. yes it can

    also you should get a pair of exfoliating hand gloves and try and exfoliate evry day so your skin is super smooth, when skin is smooth the tan goes on alot better!! xxAdvice about waxing and spray tans.?
    Not Sure..

    How Long Are You On Holiday For Waxes Last A Few Weeks So Whenever Really But I Would Say Few Days Or A Week Before + I Would Get The Wax Before The Tan ++ Wouldent Do It In The Same Day Just Incase (: Have A Great Holiday + Good Luck
    Waxing hurts!! It's a shame you're not 18, i'd recommend a big glass of wine first!! (Not condoning underage drinking here)

    You don't say how long you're goin away for, I'd suggest to get a wax 3 days before if it's a week, and 2 days if it's 2 weeks. This allows any redness or blotchiness to clam down. And also ensures no hair will pop back whilst away!

    Get your spray tan AFTER a wax. Otherwise ther's no pint in having a wax, because waxing will just take off any colour you have put on your skin. (This even applies to a natural tan)

    I'd get the spray tan done the next day, again to allow your skin to calm down.

    Yes the spray tan will come off if you have a wax after

    Good luck!!

    Hiya :), well i would get the wax about 3 days beofre going away (because remmeber your is not supposed to grow back 4 another 6 weeks after a wax) so i think your safe to do it a few days before. I wouldnt recomend doing the spray tan the same day as the wax as its very likly u could comr up in a rash as your skin will be irratated. Do the spray tan the day before going on holiday, but make sure u exfoliate and moisturise really well before the tan as thats what really helps it come out even with no streaks, it also helps it last longer.

    Hope i helped x
  • skin cream
  • Advice about a crush?

    I fell in love with one of my best friends, a girl. I asked her out the other day and got rejected. Things have been really awkward since. I really liked her and she really hurt me. She said she wanted to be friends and we talked normally for about a week. But it really hurt me talking to her so I haven't talked to her yet this week. She just texted me, just saying hi, and how are you. What should i do? Should i ignore her like I have been for a little while? I really liked her a lot but I really don't think she's into me at all :(.Advice about a crush?
    If you don't want to lose her as a friend, text her back. Time heals everything. Right now you feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest. All you need to do is keep your mind of the situation and move on. She doesn't like you as a boyfriend only a friend. Sorry to be harsh, but realize that you will find your other half. It takes time to find her, but you will find her. Good luck.

    Advice about school?

    Well, it is hard to explain ten years of my life, but I am very uncomfortable with school. I live in the United States, in the suburbs, and it is very tough going to school here. The kids are ignorant, learning is frowned upon even in high classes (by kids) and all kids are about are sports and video games. I have made my life as good as I can here by immersing myself with culture, languages, food, knowledge via internet, television, newspaper, books, and some educated adults that I know and traveling, but school is aweful. I have to hide from everybody because everybody is so unfriendly and mean. Sometimes I become depressed outside of school because I don't hang out with other kids, but I occupy myself really well and am usually happy. but school is just so depressing and i am loosing the desire to even do my work because it is so miserable. does anybody have any advice? i am in high school by the way.Advice about school?
    I know this seems obvious, but do is there ANOTHER school in the area you can go to? If this isn't an option, then look at your school again. Don't be so quick to judge. You can't be the ONLY person in the school that is into culture, and whatnot. It seems like you have nothing to lose, so try to form a club that reflects your interests. You will be surprised that people you never expected to may join. If that doesn't work, then just bite the bullet. Keep going, participating in activities, and try to get into a good college, that is as far away from the out-of-touch suburbs as possible.

    Advice about government state penstion?

    My husband is 61yrs old and never lost a day's work in his life. I am almost 59 yrs. My husband has not a pension through his firm. Took out Private Pension which has literally 'went down the tubes' as have many others. His state pension forecast shows he should get approx. 拢200 per wk at 65 yrs. My state pension shows I should get just a little under 拢100 per week. We thought therefore this would be our joint income if he retired, plus a very small private pension. However, a friend who is usually knowlegeable in such matters actually laughed at us and said we will not recieve anything like this from the state and more likely to be something like 拢130 per wk between the 2 of us. I am now a bit worried with how we could survive on that. Is this correct?: Both of us have worked almost all our lives.Advice about government state penstion?
    This is a useful link.鈥?/a>

    In fact, as I understand it, the pension you might receive yourelf as of early in 2009 will be higher than the additional pension that your husband receives in your name once he retires (your chunk of his pension). That means that instead of adding your pensions together, you have to find out what the joint pension will be, as it will be less. But don't forget SERPS -- the earnings related on top of your basic pension. Has your knowledgeable friend taken that into account?

    Sadly, your private pension is taxable. A lot of us forget that when doing our sums.Advice about government state penstion?
    Pension must be readily given to those who are entitled because they spent the best of their lives in the military and served the country well.
    You can now possibly claim Pension Credit to top up to what the government sets as the minimum level of income if your pensions do not come up to that. You can phone them and they're usually quite helpful.
    All State Pensions are also taxable over a certain limit if you are under 65. Your joint pension should be well above 拢130, the Pensions Service will give you the correct figures.

    Advice about relationship?

    hello i'm a girl i am 15 years old i need yoyr help ppl

    so my storry is like this: its already 3 month that i'm dateying a gay wich is my boyfriend he's verry cute and verry popular in his school and ofcours he loves me verry much but the problem is that he is 13 years old and i'm 15 years old :( first time i wonted to be with him cos hes cute and i wonted to forget one boy who i loved verry verry much

    so when my boyfriend told me 3months ago that he loved me and wonted to be my boyfriend i sad that i loved him too and accepted to be his girlfriend

    i thot that i loved him tryed to love him even i thot that i wos happy and loved him but......

    first month we wherre werry good with each other but then he asked me that if we loved each other like this we sould have sex cos he wonted to be moor close to me he asked and asked but i sad no cos in my country there are some boring traditions and other stuff

    soo he stopped asking that cos he didnt wonted to broke up with me the thing is that he says he loves me verry much that i'm his life he even says that when he'll be 20 years old he will marry me cos he wonts to be all the life vith me

    but i dont think that i'will be as happy as he is even now i'm not happy cos i dont know whot to do i love him? or not?

    3 weeks ago i broked up with him told him that i where not sure that i loved him as first time so i dont wonted to lie to him so i told him that hes duch a good gay that he can find allways a girl who will trully love him and make him happy in everything

    we broked up but he wos sending me messages calling me and still saying that he loves me and dont wont to live with out me soo i reconcilated with him and now we are to gether but now i'm thinkikng that i dont love him i wont to brake up with him but i dont wont to be rude and i dont wont to hart his feealings dont wont to breake his heart i just wont him to be happy but with out me :( if he'd broked up with me i guess he would stop calling me and saying that he loves me so ppl whot to do how can i make him brake up with me pleace help :((( if u wont that i talked with you write your yahoo or skype plsm helpAdvice about relationship?
    i think your lucky that u have boyfriend and he really love u. after saying no for sex also he want to be with u. so i think he is little mature as compare to his age. but the think is that u don't want to be his gf. the reason must be age diff. and u don't have that feelings. first seat with your some close friend or alone what u want from your dream boy. is he have that quality.if not and if u get that quality in another person and he like u then after can that guy love this much like he is doing. if u clear this things then u can solve this puzzle very quickly.

    don't worry . it will solveAdvice about relationship?
    yes your order is a side of douche with a little dumbass sprinkled on top and for the main course there is quev and a little *** rape on top
    i dont speak german sorry i cant help you...
    do not date a 13 yr old

    Advice about GATE for IITs ( India)?

    Hi, Im in my t.e. and want to appear for Gate 2009.

    I wanted to know wat percentile or rank-range is required to qualify for courses in the IITs.

    Also, is there any other exam I can give which is similar to Gate ?

    What happens if I get a good score , but not good enough to qualify for IITs. Do some post-graduate universities grant admission going by the GATE score ?

    Which reputed universities should I do or M.E. from ?

    Would be really grateful if someone could help outAdvice about GATE for IITs ( India)?
    You need 98+ percentile to get into IITs;

    There are many good other institutes like IIIT, I2IT etc. if you get more than 85-90 but not get enough for IIT.

    Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?

    About a year ago, a consultant I was seeing for an eating disorder started to contact me at home for help with his masters degree in medical law. I had a background in Law and he was sturggling with his part time course. The calls were unsolicited and unrelenting [often 15 times a day - I never picked up the phone after the first call from him]. I eventually submitted a complaint to the NHS Trust as all he was doing was asking me to help write his essays without providing any form of help to me.

    What happened?

    The complaint backfired on me. The Trust wrote to my GP to say that no doctor should see me unchaperoned as if I had done something wrong. As a result I changed my GP to another who were very understanding, and commenced an independent complaint against the Trust. One year on and the complaints procedure has been concluded. The Consultant was disciplined [I had proof he was phoning me constantly so he could not deny it. He did other things too numerous to go into] continued...Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?
    Personally I would consult a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence, you may even have a claim against the Trust. Always remember, Doctors are the only people who can bury their mistakes and no I wouldn't trust one of them an inch.Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?
    It is unfortunate you encountered this individual who behaved both unprofessionally and inappropriately. You should now try to get some closure and put this behind you. Rather than questioning the motives of the Health Care Trust it's more productive to focus on what you need. Presumably it would be with a different Consultant so it would be in your interest to give him/her a chance. It will probably take a while but your trust will return.
    Honestly, the medical community will defend each other and even hide each other's flaws to keep from being sued. I had a terrible doctor who basically almost killed me, and when my new doctor heard what he had done, she didn't say ';oh my goodness, you should get a lawyer'; She said ';well, that's pretty unorthodox, but maybe he does things differently';. And she's a good doc.

    I would not take their help. I would ask your GP for a referral for other help. They ARE just offering help so they can save some face.

    I hope you find what you need. I'm sorry you had to go through this, I wouldn't trust doctors if I was you either, but hopefully you will find someone you can trust and will eventually feel better about the whole thing.

    Good luck.
    It sounds like the system came round for you in the end. The complaint did not actually backfire on you, it is standard practice to have a chaperone if there is an ongoing complaint; this is to protect you as much as the doctor in question (gives a benefit of the doubt to both sides) so I wouldn't take that personnally.

    The unfortunate side of a system that involves people is that it is fallible.

    It only takes the stupidity of one to spoil the reputation of an entire profession, but there are infinately more good people in the medical profession than there are people like this consultant.

    The only solace for you here, is that it is extemely unlikely that you will encounter someone like that again and that, in general, our doctors are a trustworthy and professional bunch.

    Well done for having the courage to make a complaint about it.
    aaah, yes u should start trusting doctors, jus don't care about wot thay put on ur record, if its false they will get found out, and the person who put it down will get disiplined, or equally u could jus join bupa, jus go with the flow it doesn't matter wot the trust syas its near enough all bollocks, jus listen to ur doctor.
  • skin cream
  • Seeking advice about me?

    im a really shy guy and because of that i have ruined many chances of being with some really beutiful women who even put themselves out there for me. ive been told that im decent looking but i just dont seem to beable to do anything right. any adive it would be appreciatedSeeking advice about me?
    It's just a matter of time, it will come to u soon that there is nothing to be shy about. in the biggining everybody is a little shy and nervous but as the relationship or the affair progresses the jitters that u have will slowly fade away and u will share a certain comfort level with your partner and it applies to all relationship and not only on love life, remember when u first met ur friends u were not as open to them as ur now......right? So don't worry it's just a matter of time.

    All the best deep......have fun!!!!!!!Seeking advice about me?
    best thing is to do is read about what not to do.
    Shed the shyness and everything will be fine.
    Fear of women can actually become a HABIT that

    leads to failure. hy is it that when we see a woman that we'd

    like to meet, we don't just walk over and start

    talking to her?

    What is it that we're doing inside of our heads

    that is preventing us from just DOING IT?

    Why do we prevent ourselves from being

    successful, when it would be SOOOO EASY?

    And, an even MORE interesting question is:

    How do we overcome this self- defeating pattern

    of thought and action?

    The short answer is that most of us guys let

    our initial EMOTIONAL REACTIONS and our

    IMAGINATIONS keep us from taking action.

    In other words, we see a woman we'd like to

    meet, we become nervous (for reasons we can't

    explain logically), we feel FEAR, we make all

    kinds of negative MENTAL IMAGES, and we finally

    just decide that it isn't worth it... so we just

    walk away.

    But, isn't this CRAZY behavior?

    I mean, it doesn't make any sense at all when

    you REALLY reflect and think about it, right?

    Doesn't it make sense that we should just

    REALIZE that nothing bad is going to happen, and

    instantly change how we behave towards women?

    Now that we KNOW what we do, shouldn't we be

    able to just walk out the door and start meeting

    women RIGHT NOW?

    Well, first you have to BREAK THE HABIT of

    making yourself feel BAD and AFRAID, and LEARN the

    habit of making yourself feel GOOD and OPTIMISTIC.

    Remember, you've been doing things the way you

    do them for a long time now, so it might take some

    PRACTICE to be able to do this in the moment every

    time you need to...

    Here are some action steps:

    1) Take some time to vividly imagine the BEST

    possible outcome of walking up and talking to a

    woman that you find attractive. Every time you see

    a woman that you'd like to meet, just do this. Try

    it for a few days. Then realize that this BEST

    outcome is far more likely than your WORST idea of

    what could happen. Read that again. Your BEST

    outcome IS FAR MORE LIKELY than your worst.

    2) Make a ';realistic'; list of the worst things

    that could happen, then decide exactly what you'd

    do if any of them actually did happen. You'll

    realize that you can deal with them and live

    through it.

    3) Realize that NOT taking the risk to meet a

    woman is actually a BIGGER risk in the LONG RUN of

    your overall life. If you risk NOT meeting her,

    you'll never know what might have happened, and if

    you let it become a habit, it will keep you from

    realizing ALL your dreams in life.

    Think about it... in any given situation, YOU

    have the opportunity to make a ';free bet';: Your

    bet is you walking over and starting a


    Possible loss: Getting turned down.

    Possible gain: Use that creative imagination.

    You do the math.

    This is like going to Las Vegas and having a

    casino say to you, ';OK, you can bet all day long

    as much as you want. If you win, you keep all the

    money. If you lose, you lose nothing.';

    Are you with me?

    Use this concept to go out and overcome your

    habit of not talking to women. Do it now.

    Need advice about geting my mother to accept me for being Gay.?

    When my mom found out it was in an argument over me talking to my first bf that she didnt even know about. Well she went through all my stuff, computer files, room, books, journals, and even took my phone and broke it. Then she sent me to counseling and it helped her accept me more. But she knows i sneak around to see guys and stuff. But she doesnt want me to and she doesnt like me to have friends who support me. I mean i do and always will live my own life. I try and follow her rules and obey what she says to make it easier on myself. But the other night i was talking to a friend about one of my ex's and she over heard some info I guess cause that morning she was pissed off and then started ranting about me talking to 17-20 yr olds...and the guy is only 18 and still a senior in high school and i have talked to him for years now. I am not seeing a psychatrist after seeing 3 other counselors... They have all said she has the problem now me. I dont know what to do. PLEASE GIVE ADVICE!!Need advice about geting my mother to accept me for being Gay.?
    Suggest PFLAG for her. She could get information and referances to counselors to help her relax.

    She also may be simply scared for your safety. Anal sex is dangerous thing when not done properly and with protection, even with protection, there is still risk involved. This knowledge may be making her nervous about you being gay and in turn it comes out as anger.

    She does need some counseling, that much is certain.

    Be kind to her, let her know you appreciate her concern but you will always be yourself. Try to help her confront her fears by attempting a civil discussion with her, one on one.

    If she's not open to it. Really push for counseling and PFLAG.

    If she resists, there's not much you can do.Need advice about geting my mother to accept me for being Gay.?
    ever see the movie ';throw momma off the train';, yea, do that. or in front of a train, that works too.
    As I had put it to my parents, I was not trying to get them to accept the lifestyle because most parents won't or can't, but just accept me for who I am and that is their daughter, and just because I choose to love differently then them, I am no different then them. I was still the same little girl that they brought into this world. Good Luck, and know there are many others that have been through this and you will be a survivor , all of you!
    Depending how old you are, get the hell out of that house.
    say hey mamma go away ugly mamma! fly away! (if she start yelling fake runnign and crying then crash into the wall! it will make her feel so bad hating you being gay!)
    Your mother will have to sort through her own issues about your homosexuality. All you can do is be patient. I don't expect you to change who you are. But you need to respect some boundaries with her. Think of it this way- If you were Republican and she were Democrat, you would probably agree to not talk politics. Until she can sort through her own stuff, try to be aware of how she is feeling. I want you to know that I recognize you are in a very difficult situation.One that calls for a lot more maturity than most 17 year olds have. But If you want this transition to go smoothly, just bide your time and respect that this is hard for her too. You will most likely get past this, but if not, it really is her issue not yours. You are not defective just because you are gay.
    Wow, I don't envy your position at all! I'm sorry your mother is treating you this way. It's totally unfair that she would dictate who you are and who she expects you to be.

    The others have a point when they suggest PFLAG or other counsellors who may be able to 'help your mom'. I believe that may be the key here. You obviously have your 's'h'i't' together, perhaps it's time she got hers together.

    Parents have a difficult time accepting their child's fate. My mother told me those exact words. She worried with this disease called HIV/AIDS that I would succumb to it, and that it would be her fault because she didn't stop me. WRONG!

    To this day, we are able to talk about many things. She's come around a bit, by meeting my boyfriend, coming to gay functions and offering a bit more support than she ever had before. She realized in order to love me, she had to accept me. Accept who I am - her son; not what I am - her gay son.

    I strongly believe, given time, your mother may do the same.

    Good luck honey!
    PFLAG will help her with this.... I'm lucky to have a mom that is very understanding and i dont have to hide who i am
    This is exactly why I strongly advise NOT coming out to parents until you are on your one listens until the sh*t hits the fan, and it has hit.

    Assure her that you are very comfortable with yourself, you like yourself, and things are not going to change. Suggest that she look up PFLAGG for help in dealing with HER problem. Good luck
    Get a job, get an apartment, and get away from momma--unless you seem to honestly feel she is right. Then you need to decide. Essentially, it is either her way (straight) or the highway, so either move out or straighten up and fly right. Decide.
    She is going to have to accept you. It will probably take time. If you are planing to move out, it might be better or you will have to let time take it's course. If you are under her roof, she has you in a tight bind and you might have to think of other ways to live your life a little bit less stressfull. There should be no reason why she has gone through your stuff other than curiousity and I would not be all that mad about it. I, personally, would find another place to live.
    Been there and done that, your Mother will accept you over time, I was without a home for 3 days, there was a big fight with my parents, but within time things got better, though I had to move out on my own. I guess Mom was very upset because there was no grandchildren, back then in the early '80's there was no real chances of gays having kids and being out. I never lost my love for my parents, either. Best of luck.
    Assuming that you still live with her, show some bloody respect for your mother, and your mother's house. And observe the rules she lays down.

    You bring a way of life that she finds revolting in to her house and you have the temerity to suggest that she has the problem and not you?

    You want to know what to do?

    Have the common decency to leave her house and create one of your own where you can righteously set the rules and regulations.

    Until then, at least try to act like a grown up and accept that the world doesn't revolve around you and your whims. And keep your behaviour well away from your mother and her house.

    Any advice about travel in Costa Rica? Gay areas and local gay scene.?

    Costa Rica is a fairly liberal country with relaxed attitudes. Outside of San Jose, Quepos is is a very popular beach town that is also gay friendly with many businesses catering to the gay community.

    Guy Advice about Prom...?

    I asked this guy I work with to go to prom and he said yes. That same night my friend asked him if he was going with me and he said maybe. What does that mean?Guy Advice about Prom...?
    I'd say he was thinking that your friend was about to ask him to go to prom with her and he was leaving his options open.

    If you aren't a ';couple'; yet, I'd let it pass.

    Go to the prom and have a good time.

    There is not committment in your relationship at this point. I wouldn't fault him. Go enjoy him.Guy Advice about Prom...?
    he is either embarrised about you, he might be considering changing his mind, or just leaving an opening for ur friend b/c he likes her more

    one or more of those reasons
    hmm, I think I agree with WonderWoman...
    don't watch porn it ain't good for you!
    I thik it's his way of telling your friend to mind his/her own business. Unless its a way to hold out for better offers, like your friend would announce that Beyonce or some Celebrity would like to go with him.
    He doesnt want her in his business so he just said maybe to throw her off. Because she might spread it all over the place.
    probably to she why she wanted to know, or because he doesnt liek you. oorrr.. he doesnt know if he is, like he cant go or ssomehting
    it meens your friend is hot the same thing happend to me and dude have this thing where they channal out at ';hot'; girls i once had an attractive friend ask out a guy i liked for me ..bad idea
    It could mean a variety of things. He may have felt bashful in answering, because maybe you were joking. Or maybe he was hoping that your friend was going to ask him. Or maybe he just likes to be mysterious.

    Any advice about this girl?

    So she's 19. She's never had a boyfriend before. She's never kissed before. lol she's thinks kissing is ';gross';. When someone asked her ';so what would a boyfriend be to you?'; She said ';a really really good friend - someone whom I'm really really close with, with whom I would have a special connection';

    I really like this girl, but I kind of feel there aren't to many girls who think like this... so any tips on how to 'win her over?';Any advice about this girl?
    yuk! find some other chick that knows what she's doing.Any advice about this girl?
    dude chics automatically have a anti whore mechanism built in she is 19 she doesnt want anybody to think she is a slut but really she knows whats going on you have to step up your game if you are just hitting on her like every other A hole then you are just one of every other A hole that hits on her everyday. she wants a connection give it to her next time she talks actually listen and build a repor with her once you build trust with her lightly touch like on the hand thigh or shoulder just so you are out of friend mode but not in pervert just want to steal her virginity mode
    hang on

    is this youre friend or someone that you like?

    im confuzzled

    if its your friend take her to a party or like an outing with friends and make sure that there are some guys she can meet and talk to.

    someone you think would be good for her

    if this is someone you like you're talking about

    just be friends with her and talk to her and stuff and that drop a few hints that you like her but nothing too obvious or she might freak out.

    hope this helps:)
    thats really weird that she hasnt kissed a lad before at tht age so obv tht makes her still a virgin .. how old are you and are you still a virgin . ?
    she seems immature. run.

    Any Advice about C-Sections?

    Hello My name is Carmen I am having a C-Section on Friday Dec. 15th because my baby weighs about 9 lbs 14 oz as of Wed. the 6th she is also breech and the doctor says she most likeley wont turn by the time I go into labor. She is also concerned about her weight I had 2 other kids one weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz and the other 7 lbs 12 oz. she says this one is really big and doesn't want to take any chances. Any advice from moms who have had c-sections it will really helpAny Advice about C-Sections?
    You will be admitted to the hospital. They will start an IV and some hospitals start a urine cathater right before you leave to or some start after you are in the or. Then they will either give you a spinal or epidural to numb you. They lay you down and prep for surgery (cleaning shaving bikini line). Then they make the incisions and the baby comes out usually all together the csection takes 30 min but only a few to get the baby out. Once baby is out the close incision and you go to recovery. They give you pain meds and you don't leave the hospital for a few days. The worst part for me was the trying to walk afterwards. You have to walk hours later to get everything going again.

    I found this article this will be especially helpful. The above is what I remember.鈥?/a>Any Advice about C-Sections?
    Congrats on your new baby!

    C section isnt the worst thing in the world. It doesnt hurt at all during the procedure, but it does afterwards.

    That's why you'll get some really fabulous pain meds. They'll also give you a prescription but you won't even need it after about a week home from the hospital.

    After 2 weeks you'll go in for your post-surgery checkup, and then you should be able to get back into normal activities...stairs etc.

    Good luck!
    Dont rush your recovery, take the time now, and it will save you time later. On a monday i had my c-section, and by tue. night i was at the grocery store, i rushed it and carried my baby and all that, i didnt screw up my incision, but it should have and i know it was super retarted to do so much. This is major surgery, but is safer to do this than risk baby getting stuck. I think a c-section is easyer than a regular birth, at least for some one who has a lean body. I had no problems with mine, and I do belive my child is so darn cute and perfect cause she didnt get her head squished through the birth canal.

    I honestly enjoyed having a c-section, and will probably elect to have one with my current child to be, Just eat healthy, take it easy, and get going when you feel like it. Also i do believe the younger(or healthyer) you are the better and faster your body will heal. Good luck and dont worry, it;s a breeze, a painful one but a breeze.
    I had a csection it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be. Go in there as calm and possible. For the recovery it will be hard to laugh, cough or sneeze because of the incision. you should also walk as soon as the doctor wants you to so that the recovery will be smoother and easier on your body. Good luck and congrats on knowing that your baby will be here very soon!
    try not to laugh after it cause it hurts a lot
    Well to start off it's not that bad. I mean I had it with my 15 month daughter and I wouldnt change it. I mean I'm hoping now that I can give birth just to get that experience in my life but since I'm pregnant again I think I will be having anotehr c-section. Anyways dont panic and dotn stress! YOUR GONNA BE FINE! Most women need to know that....I DID! ;)

    But anyways it's nice and easy. After the drugs kick in you wont feel a thing and the next thing you know your little one will be here. After the baby comes the hard work though. You have to exercise your stomach daily and you also have to try and walk around. I was in the hospital for 3 days and hated it but I killed time by walking around with my daughter and it made the pain go away easy. So for the advice just dont be nervous! And exercise after the baby, your stomach that is, and walk around alot after the baby is born. TRUST ME it helps
    I had a c-section with my first child and I'm currently scheduled to have another one on December 12 if I don't go into labor on my own by then. I was in labor at the time of my first c-section, but not progressing, so that made my recovery a lot worse. They anesthesiologist numbed me from the armpits down through the epidural line. They wheeled me out of delivery and into an operating room after that was done. My husband was present in the operating room for the birth. They used a bikini line incision, but cut right through the placenta, then still had to use a vacuum extractor to get the baby out. Thankfully, she was born healthy and screaming.

    What they don't tell you is that the pain is excruciating afterward. The hospital left the epidural in for a day after the surgery and the medication they were giving me for pain made me narcoleptic--I actually fell asleep while talking to my mom. They left me alone with my daughter in that condition. They took the epidural and the catheter out the next day at the same time and told me to use the toilet and not forget to take my pain pills. I could not move to go pee. When I finally made it to the bathroom, it took so long to go I just sat there and cried. I also had a liquid diet at the time because the hospital won't let you eat solid food until you pass gas. I could not sleep that night because I assumed, incorrectly, that the nurse would bring me my medication without my asking for it. I was wrong. I had gone 12 hours without pain meds. The nurse was also trying to help me breastfeed my daughter, but I just couldn't because of a lack of sleep, total pain, and a poor diet. The baby slept in the nursery that night, where the nurses gave her a bottle. The next day, I remembered to ask for my medication and the nurses had me get up and walk around. I finally passed wind and was allowed to eat. They actually discharged me that day with instructions not to drive or lift anything for 2 weeks--which I had to ignore because I had a newborn to take care of. I ended up with an infection in the incision, but it was not serious.

    My Advice:

    -Rest as much as you can before and after the surgery--nurseries were meant to have babies in them. Let the nurses take care of the baby if you need them to.

    -Ask your nurse about your pain medication schedule and whether you have to request it when you need it.

    -Get up and moving as soon as they tell you it's ok. That's what really helped get things going.

    -Bring gum to the hospital with you. I read in a magazine that moms who have c-sections are more likely to pass gas quicker if they chew gum afterward. Sounds strange, but it's worked for 2 people I know.

    -Follow your doctor's discharge instructions exactly. Do NOT overdo it when you get home. You and your baby get to be the center of attention--and sympathy--for a little while, so enjoy it. Let all your friends and relatives who offer to help do so.

    Good Luck to you and your upcoming blessed event. I'm praying for all of us who are due this week.
    My main goal was to NOT have a C-section, and I ended up with one after being induced. It's easy to say, but don't worry. You'll be conscious the entire time and will be able to ask questions or even have a conversation with your surgeons. I was told not to name my baby ';Ralph';. Stay in the hospital an extra day or so if you can, you will have just had abdominal surgery. After you get home, have as much help around the house as you can (I was doing laundry 3 days later, and my in-laws and husband were there...wonder why I'm divorced?) The biggest challenge will be getting out of bed, you'll have to kind of roll off the bed onto your feet. The soreness works itself out. I'll probably have another c-section when baby #2 comes along...just take it easy and enjoy your new baby! You probably won't get to see your baby long just after she's born because they keep a closer eye on c-section babies due to the lack of pressure from the birth canal on their lungs, plus you'll be in recovery. You'll be fine with it, though, she'll be in your room soon enough. Don't scratch your face and nose too hard, a side effect of the meds is itchiness, just watch out for that.
    If the baby is overdue and weighing a bit too much, then it would be advisable to do a c-section. But if your due date is still coming, then the baby might still turn, therefore breach wont be a concern. By all means do listen to your Dr. if your baby is overdue.
  • skin cream
  • Need Advice about brothers girlfriend?

    Ok here is the brother and I used to have a really tight and close relationship. He started dating this chic 6 years ago when my second son was born. Everything was fine until we all went camping one time. They got into a fight and she jumped at me (punched me 4 times, I never did anything, I have more respect than that plus she had been drinking alot) she told my brother that he had to pick between me and her. The fight was between the two of them. I wasnt involved at all until she shoved his head into our camper...then I said she needed to stop. Well he picked her and we didnt talk for about 4 or 5 months. Started talking again and then a year and a half ago kind of the same thing happened. He picked her again and we havnt talked for that long. Now this Christmas he decided to call me and we are all going to be in the same house again and she will be should I act? I dont forgive either of them and I dont think I should. Just really confused about the situationNeed Advice about brothers girlfriend?
    Ok i think she seriosly needs an attitude check...she sounds jealous....and also if she makes him choose between you or her then she isnt a good girl not meaning to diss either of them but maybe if he picked her you guys werent as close as you thought....i think you should tell him how you feel....

    good luckNeed Advice about brothers girlfriend?
    your brother is a big wuss. Just relax and act like its old times. Its all for your amusement. If you guys really were tight, you think some girl is going to get between that. Wake him up.
    You need to forgive your brother as best you can. He is involved in an abusive relationship and he may not feel able to leave. After you get back into his life then you can talk about how he feels about his relationship and offer your support, but all in all he has to make the decision to leave on his own!
    My Dad always would tell me and my siblings to ';be the better person.'; It's hard, believe me, I know; I have brothers (3, and one is older), and he and I grew apart, when we were younger, because his friends always seemed to be his priority. Even when we were older, we weren't that close, because his buddies came first. Now that we're a little older, and have been living our own lives in the world, we are somewhat closer; however, I just have come to recognize, that he loves me (thinking about all the things he's done for me in the past, and how he would try to protect me and what not), and there are just some areas in life that siblings relationships will be different. He may've chosen his girlfriend, but remember AS HIS GIRLFRIEND. She's not necessarily your replacement, but rather, he's saying, he needs that other type of companionship, which you definitely cannot provide. As his sister though, you'll always be #1, cause blood is thicker than water. BE THE BETTER PERSON, and forgive your brother's girlfriend, and forgive your brother's weakness, or you may never forgive yourself. We're only here for so long, don't let life's obstacles cause you more pain, by carrying them with you, just forgive, let it go.

    Need advice about hairline (picture)?

    I'm 19 and I noticed that my hair line got bigger and it just feels diffrent up on the crown of my head. Picture below, does that normal? do you think it get worse and if it does, what can I do to cover it up? or treat it??鈥?/a>Need advice about hairline (picture)?
    Rogain Fast!Need advice about hairline (picture)?
    do not stress over this just do another style,it looks like your hair is trained to part that much so I would just tease it and flip it al back for a while go to a hair stylist and get some advice.good luck and do not worry I do not see no hair loss.











    could be your hair are just getting more trained to that position, otherwise female baldness is pretty easy to treat i think
    Hmm yeh i see what you mean :/ i'd go to your local doctors or pharamcist they might hae some treatments for you and be able to tell you more about it (:
    go t the doctor and he will give u a drug to fix it that is what i did

    Need advice about break up?

    My x and I were on for 2 years.. all of a sudden she change.. the changes are: 1. she's not telling me the truth.. I ask her were she was and told me she has a family thing.. but i found out that she was out with her friends.. 2. always grumpy.. 3. she is always tired whenever i ask her out.. after noticing all of these, i told her that i want us to break up.. but she begged me to give her time.. i thought we are ok but after 3 months, she just disappered.. meaning, she won't return my call or text.. after a few weeks, she told me to set her free.. i tried to ask her why she wanted this to happen but no answer.. thats all i know and i am finding it hard to move on bec. i don't know the reason for our break up.. should i approach her and ask her what happened? or should i just wait for me to get numb?Need advice about break up?
    Your breakup still bothers you because you never got closure. You may never, so you'll have to deal with that the best you can. Try not to bring it into your current relationship. Now, on to your ex...

    In a word, coward. I think she wanted to break up with you but was too cowardly to step up and be a real woman! She only begged for time, so she could see if things were going to work out with her new man! She was done with you. Women like that really anger me. I'm sure I'm scoring ZERO points with you by being so blunt, but there you have it. I'm a woman. We know other women. Take my word for it.

    You are a better person than she and remember that. You will be better off for having found out what kind of character she possessed before you did something like ask her to marry you for God's sake. Can't you not honestly say that you're glad she's gone if she was that selfish anyway?? Count yourself lucky and consider this one of life's very hard lessons.

    You won't always get closure. You might have to find your own brand of closure sometimes. Concentrate on the relationship you're in now.

    And one other small piece of advice I've been known to give in the past...

    Your best revenge is to live well! Be happy!

    I hope this helps...good luck to you!Need advice about break up?
    dont let it get numb, it will never go away. you have to confront her, its the only way u'll be able to forgive her for what she did to you and u can move on. u deserve better. good luck
    past stays in past. never carry it to your present life, otherwise, you lose the right one who is next to you. your ex treated you wrong, never mean others will. so, be fair.

    she may just cheated on you, and was not ready to break up when you bought the subject up. when she decided to break up, she did not have gut to tell you. sometimes, men do the same me.

    if i were you, i careless what your ex does, and pay more attention to your new girlfriend. she is your ex, and you don't need to deal with her for rest of your life. look forward.

    p.s. : goes around, comes around. she wastes your time, and someone hurts her too later. so, just give it time and see.
    approach her and ask her what happened
    Let her have the freedom she desires;

    If she comes back, she was always urs;

    If she does not, she never was
    It's been said.. Girls go out with guys thinking they will change but they don't.. And guys go out with girls hoping they stay the same but they end up changing.. It is just the way of life.. Time to move on to a new girl...
    U have spoken...the answers are there already. After 6months, both of you have your own love. Meaning you two aren't meant for each other. She has other plans..and certainly the plan is not you.
    Since you have a new gf and she has a new bf the best thing is to just move on and do your best to put her out of your mind. She is your ex for a reason and the girl you are with is with you for a reason as well. Try not to focus on why things didn't work out with you and your ex and focus on making things work with the girl you are with now. Good luck!
    it's her not you. you did your part asking her why but she didnt respond instead she did everything to move away from you. Perhaps she might be confused that time about choosing between you and her other man and whn you met at the mall, her glance may mean she's plain guilty of what she did to you and silently wish she could say sorry but too late.

    Need advice about relationship with girl!?

    A girl that I've known for three years knows I like her. She has a boyfriend, but her friends say that she likes me. I'm all confused. Please help!Need advice about relationship with girl!?
    Just 'go with the flow'. I mean, if people are saying she likes you, its possible that she may have told someone that she does, and its spreading. On the other hand, it may be a made up rumor, so I wouldn't jump right in if I were you. Just give it time, and get to know her. She may not be the person you thought she was, OR she could be your dream girl! Hope this helps :)Need advice about relationship with girl!?
    well, theres not really anything u can do if she has a boyfriend. but if they break up, find out FROM HER herself if she likes u, and if she does, tell her u like her 2 (even if she already knows)...%26amp; go from there :)
    wait then ask her out thats all u can do in less you catch him cheating
    if she has a boyfriend, then my advice is to try to forget about her until she's single. and if she likes you, then you won't have to wait long. :)
    well some time they will break up and when that happends just ask her if she wants to go out for dinner but, after she breaks up with her x give her some time to get over it.And dont forget to buy the dinner! %26lt;3
    Just be a friend to her for now and when she's ready she'll maybe enter a relationship with you. Just sit back and relax for now or maybe date someone else that you have feelings for, but don't be a heartbreaker!

    BEst advice about PROM!?

    About limo,friends,dates,after party or after prom.Everything.Anyone that has already done prom and wish they could done things different,let me know what i could do.BEst advice about PROM!?
    well when i went to prom it was only me and another couple who went together. I just wish that I would have had more friends that went so we could of all gotten a limo. The more friends you take the more fun you have especially all the photos you are going to take. If you get a limo it will be cheap the more friends you take you all could divide up the price. Our school didnt have an after the prom party so everyone went their own way and the sucked. So hopefull your prom is fun and just bring as many ppl as you can b/c you will never get bored, plus its great photos

    Some Advice...About Dating?

    So me and this guy went to the movies and we have been talking as friends every since. And he invited me to his party that he is going to have later on. I know he is a big flirt but I can't help but being extremely attracted to him, he's funny and nice and charming and we have alot in common.

    But he told me a few weeks that he wasn't looking for a relationship because he was moving but his plans changed and he's staying here. Any advice? Or should I not act on my feelings for the fear of him saying he doesn't want a relationship with other words rejectionSome Advice...About Dating?
    You can go into it looking at it as just friends. If he starts acting differently, you can ask him about it and tell him you thought he wanted just friends, but he is acting like he wants more. If you want more, you need to tell him. I believe in open communication and honesty in every relationship.

    I was just friends with a guy for almost two years. I had some more than just friends feelings for him for a while, but blew them off. He then actually had the same feelings. We talked about it and now we have been dating for about 4 months. If you don't talk about it, you will never know for sure. There will always be the fear of rejection, but if you don't know clearly before you step into it, then you will be hurt more in the long run. If you think he is changing his mind, talk to him about it. Don't read into it more than there is, and if you feel like there is more feelings on your part and there is not on his and probably will not be, you should get out of it before you get hurt, unless you can remain just friends.

    Best wishes to you.Some Advice...About Dating?
    Go to the party with an open mind. If you hook up with him, then that's gteat and your question will be answered, but it might be an opportunity to meet someone else. You just never know.

    Be careful. Guys who flirt well are often players. They know how to make you feel good, and how to hook you on them. Keep your clothes on until you know what you both want from the relationship. Don't get caught up in his flirtation.

    Good luck. But all going well, you may not need it.
    ell it looks like he kinda likes you too....just try to get more along with him and do more stuff together maybe he could like you even good luck!!
    It's all about timing. Just wait till you find that you have the encourage to ask and can handle rejection. As they say it is better to have loved than not love at all
  • skin cream
  • Need advice about a guy...?

    he danced with me, asked me out, cancelled, then ignored me.

    he sent me an email 5 days later saying sorry.

    should i forgive him?Need advice about a guy...?
    do the same to him and see how he likes itNeed advice about a guy...?
    I would have some reservations. He canceled and ignored you for 5 days. Just be careful that you don't get hurt. Some people like to play games with other people's hearts and don't care if they get hurt or not. Ask for answers as to why he canceled the date and blew you off for days and then go from there. If the answer is believable and satisfying then give him a shot.
    It depends on you that what you want if u want that guy to do time pass with u and leave than u should forgive him and do TP with him but if u think that he is a serious guy and also honest to you than u test him for sometime do what he did to you after going back to him if he will come back after some time than forgive him and continue with him

    BEST of luck
    not immediately, make him want you as he should..

    help me if you can;_ylt=AiULv9jw_Kk6AEO3Bx2aZFPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090628222126AAoi98x;_ylt=AjPtt9qa7FuhiLvOxIFdfQDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090628223741AAgbkDg
    he probably isn't very confident and panicked

    you should definitely forgive him and make it easy for him to open to you

    if you have to, maybe you should ask him out somewhere
    i think so.

    he prolly really liked you in the moment. then regretted it later. (thats why he cancelled). but then he realized he does actually like you.

    go for it!
    Do you think its a sincere apology? If yes then accept it and move on. If not then leave him alone and don't worry about him anymore.
    You should forgive him but don't make it easy for him to get in good with you. He needs to work for your affection
    NOOOOOOO!! Anyone who treated me that badly would have a hard time getting me to dial 911 if they were injured!! Where is your pride?

    I can't believe you would even consider this.
    You do what you feel is right to you if you think its something he is gonna do again then definately not.
    I would say to forgive him, everyone deserve a second chance right?
    You should.

    He could've just gotten nervous or something.
    Yepp defiantly hun!

    i think he got nervous when asking you, all boys do!

    Hope i helped x :)
    yeah, maybe he got nervous or something
    nope....the other girl fell through
    tell him to sod off...
    no, i sure wouldnt
    yep.. and FORGET about him.. he's nothing to you....

    he'll think about you in the future.. :)

    Any advice about this guy...?

    so there's this guy whos a year younger than me...we say hey to each other but that's about it. how do i start making more conversation with him?Any advice about this guy...?
    well randomly bump into him and start conversation. Random things happen like this all the time. Be flirty and be yourselfAny advice about this guy...?
    Make small talk at first. Find out what kind of music he listens to. What kind of movies he likes. If he is into sports. Things of that nature. Then just take it form there and see where it goes.
    walk up and talk.

    Need advice about d&c?

    ive had a missed miscarriage and i am having a d%26amp;c in 10 days if nothing happens, trouble is ive looked on youtube and seen the procedure and now I'm terrified and i don't want it done, has anybody had it done and is it as bad as it looks, were you conscious or did you get knocked out?

    i live in the uk, but i suppose its the same procedure etc all over the worldNeed advice about d%26amp;c?
    hun my heart goes out to you I'm in the uk and have never had it done but you will scare your self witless if you watch the procedure.

    My friend had one yesterday her baby had died at 12 weeks she was 16 weeks ,they put you to sleep you cant feel anything.

    i was there when my friend woke up she had some cramping,the worst part my friend has said is the emptiness she feels now.

    You are still a mom to an angel in heaven always remember thatNeed advice about d%26amp;c?
    I have had it done after i miscarried at 18 weeks. Its not that bad; you will be asleep and when you wake there is very llittle pain similar to period cramps and bleeding which usually like a period and it settles down in a couple of days. It has to be done to prevent infection if your body is unable to clean itself out. So sorry for your loss.
    First off Im truly sorry. %26amp; Sweetie I felt the same way that you do. But I went in and they do put you to sleep you dont feel anything. And it isnt as bad as it looks. I was only a little sore for a day or two. But other than that im great and no problems have every arose from having it done. But I wish you nothing but the best. Good luck..
    First off I am very sorry for your loss.

    Second off, I had one 8 years ago and was AWAKE. All I was able to take was 4 motrin the morning of procedure. Being awake it was painful didnt take long. The recovery time wasnt bad at all. The first 2 days was the most but not as bad as I felt during procedure. After that it was like having my period for a couple weeks.

    Dont watch videos. I did so much reading on it before hand I was so scared.
    you will be asleep. i also had a missed miscarriage but had to have a d%26amp;c immediately as i went 3 weeks without knowing iy happened. you will most def be sleeping, i promise. you will be tender after it, and bleed and cramp, after a few days you should start to feel better, good luck.

    any questions, email me xxx
    i had one done and they put me to sleep i never had any pain with it at all i got out of the hospital just two hours after it was over and went home and sleep for the rest of the day
    wow im sorry for the loss of your blessed baby, when i had my miscarriage i never went to the doctor at all but i was not very far pregnant at all.i feel for you take care

    Need advice about my best friend??

    My best friend (who is a female, i am male). We used to do everything together. And spend everyday together, just hanging out or having fun. She suddenly started seeing this guy and she stopped spending time with me, I was devastated and we fell out for ages. I really hated the situation. Then we talked about it and decided to be friends again - we saw each other a lot more and they were both more accomodating towards me. I have recently had a text from another friend telling me that the boyfriend has asked for a break and they are now having problems and she is v.upset. She told me none of this, knowing how I felt about their relationship at the beginning. I sent her a text yesterday just saying if she needs to talk to call me. She phoned today to ask if I could help her on this weekend, but i am busy so could not, and she did not mention anything else. I text her a bit later to say does she wanna meet up and just have fun. She has not replied. I don't know what to do. Any advice??Need advice about my best friend??
    She may not be in the mood for fun. She may need you to lean on right now and just let her talk. Re-phrase your text (or pick up the dang phone and forget the texting) and ask if she just wants to talk. Let the past go, she doesn't need criticisms or I-told-you-so, she needs a friend to listen.Need advice about my best friend??
    just keep trying to talk to her if she wants some space then give it to her. but maybe if you acted more friendlier to her bf then yall will get along alot better and yall could even probly all hang out together. but try to put your best friend first. adn help her thru this. you can always say i told ya so later adn both laugh about it. but good luck.
    If she has a bf u need to back off a lil otherwise the bf is gunna think ur after her. And obviously she is gunna wanna spend more time with her bf than u but she shouldnt stop hanging out with u completely. Back off a lil bit and let her figure out her situation with her bf. If she wants to talk to u she will but u cant make her!

    Need advice about my ferret?

    k i got a new ferret a while ago

    hes about 2 years old

    and when i scruff him he doesnt yawn

    arent isnt that supposed 2 happen 2 other ferrets??

    Need advice about my ferret?
    most do but not all (as you've seen). one of mine will yawn a dozen times in a minute, the other just looks at me like i'm trying to get him to recite poetry, lol. have you tried rubbing his ears with your other hand while scruffing him? sometimes that brings it on if scruffing alone doesn't do it.

    but then, you may have just found a yawn-less fur-beastie. nothing to be alarmed about. every ferret is different.Need advice about my ferret?
    There's always exceptions to the rules. I know at least one of mine (Sammy) doesn't yawn when I scruff him. Chloe and Dodger always yawn within in a few seconds of scruffing them and, for some reason, I can't remember if Cooper yawns or not. I don't think he does (I only scruff mine to clean ears, clean teeth, give meds, and for the occasional disciplining - I don't want to go scruff him now just to see if he does yawn or not, I don't want him to think he's in trouble or about to have something not so fun done to him). Anyway, don't worry, as the others already mentioned, not all ferrets will yawn when scruffed.
    If he doesn't yawn, you can give him a very light shake. This usually produces the yawn. Also, if you are giving support to his rear, that sometimes stops the ferret from yawning, and they can even fight through the scruffing, then. Try less support (if he's a bigger boy), or let him free-hang (if he's a lighter boy). Make sure you have a substantial amount of skin; light scruffs (or pinches of skin) hurt and annoy the fuzz butt ;) Hope this helps and good luck.
    Marines are the first to make digital camo retard. They are infantry, and use the best weapons and aviation vihicles to date. Do some research dumbass, below is a pic of a Marine, take a look.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    LOL, most ferrets do yawn while being scruffed. But it seems your little guy didn't get the memo! I wouldn't worry about it. ;)
    are you kidding me that is a dumb question to ask here, but its fine not all ferrets yawn when you scratch them its not like something there born to do.

    Need advice about this girl. Lots of details, Serious question?

    Ok so I'm a senior in high school and i have a class at a community college where dropout kids go to finish high school, i just go for one hour to learn web design cause my school doesnt have it as a class. Theres this girl that sits near me and she gives looks and we kinda flirt around sometimes, she goes to the school as her high school and I only see here in that class, I want to know how i can talk with her easily and get to know her better, also, she just recently started being nice/talking to me and looking at me sometimes, does this mean she considers me a friend or likes me?Need advice about this girl. Lots of details, Serious question?
    It sounds like she likes you, but just assume you're friends at first. To talk with her easily, ask her a lot of questions about herself and listen, listen, listen. Girls really fall for guys who are good listeners!

    Then, when you are ready - ask her out for coffee, or a Pepsi, or something. Keep it friendly, you'll probably know when she wants it to be more.Need advice about this girl. Lots of details, Serious question?
    I would just talk to her, joke around a little bit. You never know unless you try. Then in a few weeks, ask her to go hang out. If you dont then you will regret it.

    I have spent my life not taking chances. I even lost the person that I loved because I never told him. He was my best friend and years later, everything came out into the open. Needless to say he is married with a child and step child.

    however, The father of my (soon to be) child was a different story. I met him through my cousin one night and a few months later I found him on myspace. So I wrote him, actually asked him out a few weeks later and the rest is history. Trust me, I dont ask men out, I dont write people that I have only met once but I knew that something was different went I met him. As we became friends, I was convinced.I couldnt be happier now and its because I finally did something about it.

    Take your time, take a chance. There might be something there with this girl!
    Stop the flirting. Do your work, and just become friends.
    i think she might like you, become friends with her, and if everything goes well and you see her a lot, start something up
    i think she likes you....ask her if she would like to hang out sometime? Ask her for her # or something.
    Your a senior, you should know that nobody cares........
    i smell love in da air...........=D
    I've always found that being open and honest works every time. Let the young lady know that you're interested in her but you need to know if, #1 she's seeing someone at this point in time; and #2, if she's serious or just playing around. If you and she have a dialogue going, find out her likes/dislikes in movies and Invite her to go see a movie. Don't get too serious too fast, hurts too much to be rejected.
    Sounds like she fancies you.

    arrive early and if the seating arrangements are not fixed (i.e you are allocated a specific seat) see if you can either get the seat next to the one she normally sits in, and hope that when she arrives she sits next to you (then you can perhaps chat).

    It really depends on the teacher and if she's got any mates that sit with her (as boy, that can be awkward).

    perhaps catch her after class and go for a coffee or something.

    I think there is more info required to formulate a ';REAL'; plan.
    Well since you dont type like an illiterate yard ape, i'll answer your question. I think that you could only find out if you sit directly next to her one day and start saying ';damn, this teacher is annoying the **** out of me';, or give a common/small talk sort of push to your new friendship ;)
    well she's flirting and talking to you so that means she likes you. don't worry about this...just be yourself and talk to her. ask her about things and share things about you. go with the flow and see where it takes you.
    If she is being nice/talking to you, it is a good sign...

    she wants to be your friend first...

    be a good friend first and listen to her...

    she will slowly start liking you...

    but please, if you end up with her, don't break her heart later :)
    Talk to her next time more. Ask her to meet you for a after school snack somewhere.
    Umm, only one way to find out =) but keep it simple. Ask her to go for a coke or something...something really easy and non threatening..if she likes you then she will be happy to go, if she only likes you as a friend she will probably still go but you will find out how she feels very quickly. And by keeping it simple you won't scare her off being your friend too.
    Get to know her, and then when you are good friends ask her where she lives, and her phone number, that way you can stay in contact. After a little while longer ask her out. Do it carefully, because if you it terribly she may not even want to be friends with you. Try asking her to go to the movies, or out to eat, choose a place like White Castle or Applebees, not Red Lobster or any other place like that because she will think that you are moving to fast.
    She probably likes you. Wh00t wh00t!
    when your in that class give her your e-mail address or phone number
    It all depends... you might want to just consider her a friend, and she''l do the same,.. until you get to know each other better. then its all up to you.
    WoW that's sounds kinda cool! ,but also kinda bad in a way. Do you like the way she looks---%26amp;

    is she a blonde, is she hyper, do you know if she

    has a down side (something that makes her feel

    sad/angry). But how old is she and how old are

    you , compare and as long as you are one year apart it might be fine with me.Unless she has a boyfriend already. She just might respect you not so much as like you but that's what asking is for

    duh! ..... unless your shy then it is harder to talk to someone that filirts with you. But just try.
  • skin cream
  • Need advice about sex?

    Im a 16 year old guy, trying to pleasure my girl, we tried twice to do it, and the problem is that, i get an erection when we're fore playing, but when im about to penetrate her my penis gets flat (loose the erection), do i have some kind of problem like, E.D.?, im really scared if i have it, i dont know what to doNeed advice about sex?
    Yeah that is just a classic case of performance anxiety. You need to relax. Know that she loves you enough to share this with you and that you can't mess it up. It's all about growing and learning. Be sure you are wearing protection and just let what happens happen. Have Fun!Need advice about sex?
    My guess is that you are subconsciously so worried about your

    performance, and pleasing your girlfriend, that you stress yourself right out of an erection. I'm almost positive you don't have E.D., just a bad case of nerves. Try longer foreplay, or ask her if theres any other way to please her besides intercourse. Good luck and be safe.
    if your 16, you shouldnt be doing that anyways. also if youre not married so save it!
    First you are okay. Second you need to realize that male sexuality is the most complex sexual activity. The female has no stress at all she just has to lay still. The male has to be mentally ready, emotionally ready, and physically ready and anyone of those categories if stressed will kill the erection. So you need to destress yourself and not make this first act of sex a major performance for you. So quit thinking about it. Just go to have sex with your girl, pet her, massage her, masturbate her clitoris take your time and make sure she is really enjoying your attention. When she is really excited and very moist and lubricated and you are erect just insert your penis and go at it do not worry about how long you will last, do not worry about being good or bad, just enjoy it. If you loose your erection okay just withdraw lay back and let your girl play with your penis a lot. It is important that she not be in charge. So tell her what to do what feels good and when you have had enough. IF at first you do not succeed keep trying. Sex on command for boys or men will kill the erection everytime. At 16 you are too young to worry about this. It will happen when you are ready with the right girl.
    fukc you people he's not too young.

    idunno dude go ask your doctor
    16?? yeah thats a little too young
    Your fine, promise. My boyfriend did the exact same thing the first 2 times, he would be fine right up until I would put the condom on him then....BAM! Woody disappeared =[ I thought it was my fault, but he kept saying it wasnt. He thought it was because he had to pee, so he went pee and that helped but then once we started he would go limp inside! Ahhh! It sucked because I knew how embarrassed he was, so I just kept telling him its ok we can try as many times as he wants lol If your gf loves you she wont mind. My boyfriend is 18, but I was only his 2nd girl to have sex with, I think his nerves got the best of him....thats probably your problem too. So just make sure to tell your gf its not her fault. It sucks when you think your man cant get it up because your ugly or something lol.

    Best of luck to you.

    Need advice about Sony Vaio*_*?

    I wanna to buy a laptop these days.

    I prefer a Sony vaio C11:

    this is System configurations

    Windows XP Professional SP2; Intel Core 2 Duo T5500; 512MB DDR2 SDRAM 533MHz;60GB Seagate 5,400rpm

    Cost $970.....

    do you think it's worth ,and is sony laotop good??Need advice about Sony Vaio*_*?
    Change the OS to Microsoft Vista, Ram should be 1 Gb. everything else is cool for that price.Need advice about Sony Vaio*_*?
    It seems reasonable for a Sony.

    Need advice about a friend!?

    My best friend is a really good artist, but instead of studing or her doing her homework she does her art.

    She says she wants to be a scientist when she's older but she is not getting very good grades and I don't want to say anything that would upset her.

    How do I help her?!!!!!Need advice about a friend!?
    She is a lost cause, you will have to move on.

    Tell her to become an artist and if she stills wants to become a scientist, then tell her to find new friends.Need advice about a friend!?
    tell her its great that she has a hobby that she is really good at, but at the same time shes throwing away the rest of her life and dreams on a hobby that she may never get recognized for. show her that not many people become famous for art and it would pay off more to study.!

    Any advice about?

    how to write like shakespeare using Elizabethan vernacular slang? e.g. thou, thee, art.Any advice about?
    You would need to know the vernacular they used, the grammar, the political and cocial situation for the current references, the customs etc. It would require more than the substitutions that you have suggested.

    I venture to predict that the job would be as impossible for you to go back as it would be for Shakespeare to come forward. You both would be dealing with the conceptually unknown. Impossible.Any advice about?
    y do u want to write that way anyways?

    Nobody will read it if you do