Friday, January 8, 2010

If you were to give yourself one piece of advice about your own beliefs or lack thereof, what would it be?

TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF MOREIf you were to give yourself one piece of advice about your own beliefs or lack thereof, what would it be?
To have more faith, God doesn't need my help. : )If you were to give yourself one piece of advice about your own beliefs or lack thereof, what would it be?
I would tell myself ';you already know all you need to know';
To not let ANY religion govern MY life. Going about life with a positive attitude and doing the best I can at all I do is plenty.
NEVER settle in to ONE way of thinking, ALWAYS challenge your faith. Whatever faith that is.
you're right,stick to it
ALWAYS be thankful for what you have.
I will tell myself that YOU MUST BELIEVE IN SOMETHING. this might be the God that your religion introduces you, or any kind of beliefs.

without believing in a greatest power you will lose everything and will reach to a point that you have nothing to be alive for it.
Don't believe others, and don't believe yourself, because you will learn better as you get older.
Faith is the single most destructive, nonsensical and stupid concept ever to be perpetrated upon humanity.

The idea that you should believe something simply because you are told to believe is the epitome of ignorance. Faith is ';belief without evidence'; - and is defined by usage, not the Bible. I know some Xians will claim faith is ';the substance of things hoped for ...'; but that's not it. Substance is not faith, but the part about ';hope'; is.

Faith is wishful thinking based on hope, not reality. What's wrong with hope %26amp; faith you ask? How could the entire basis of your religion be wrong??

Faith in an afterlife cheapens the only life you DO have. The one here on Earth. Enjoy it while it lasts, it's fleeting. One day you'll be gone forever, and the only thing left will be the memories of you that exist in people's brains, so make SURE those are good %26amp; positive memories.

There is no god. Man invented god. That is not a belief, it's a fact. Man has invented THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of them. If you believe in one, yours is just one in a very long list of gods invented by man.

The concept of god is stupid %26amp; ignorant, as I will demonstrate:

1) God created all life.

2) God is alive.

3) Therefore, God created himself.

This eloquently demonstrates how stupid god belief actually is. There not only is no god, there CAN be no god. Infinity is just a concept, a direction. We know from calculus that nothing can ever attain infinity, not even a god. However, if you were going to invent a god, calling it infinite would guarantee that nobody elses god could one-up you. It's a complete fallacy that some infinite god exists.

So in a nutshell: Fantastic claims require fantastic evidence. If someone claims something that seems a bit unlikely, DEMAND evidence....

and there is none for any god.
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