Friday, January 8, 2010

Advice about therapy sessions?

My GP has diagnosed me with Depersonalisation/Derealisation Disorder. She recommended I make an appointment with the practise therapist - I have an appointment this friday.

I don't know what to expect, and I don't even know if I should go. I doubt what they will say/do will help me, and fear that based on my (somewhat gothy) appearance they will simply write me off as a attention seeker.

Have you any advice or insight that may help me?

Thank you for your time.

xxxAdvice about therapy sessions?
Please, Please , Please your GP is not qualified to diagnose a mental illness this requires a psychiatrist the specialist. If you are diagnosed with this disorder you will need medication and some therapy. A therapist is not qualified either to treat you without a correct diagnosis and treatment from a psychiatrist. Go to the site this is the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. On this site you can find your local chapter and their phone number. They are there for any kind of help you need, explain to them what your problem is and that your GP has diagnosed you with this disorder and referred you to a therapist. They will offer the correct advice and referrals if you need. Never worry about your appearance that is what makes you who you are.Advice about therapy sessions?
I agree with the post above: GP`s are not medically qualified to diagnose psychiatric illnesses / disorders.

Are you sure that the GP actually diagnosed this? It was`nt just suggested as a possibility?

I think you should go to the appointment on Friday, and seek clarification as to what your diagnosis is (if anything) or if you are being assessed for a specific diagnosis, such as a form of dissociative disorder.

Your appearance does influence diagnosis, etc but only in so far as that you take care of your basic needs (as some people with some mental health problems either become too ill to care for such things and others become hyperfocused on their appearance). If you`re `somewhat gothy`, it`s nothing more than style / fashion and will have no relevance to any treatment or diagnosis.

Take care.
Please forgive me but I have never heard of the disorder you mentioned. Although I am a qualified counsellor. But never mind.

Your session tomorrow; she might ask you to tell a bit about yourself, a bit of history so to speak. Your hobbies etc, just to get to know you, to establish a relationship. Give her time she is only a human being like yourself. If in the unlikely event she will write you off as an attention seeker visit this webside;
you should go. the first session is always the hardest to go to. the therapist will ask you some questions and try to get to know you a little more. just talk to him/her and try to keep an open mind. tell him/her what you're going through right now. they won't think of you as an attention seeker because you have come to them for help.
Yeah and my GP diagnosed Dissociative psychotic disorder but the consultant psychiatrist said that was crap that I had anxiety and depression!! Get a second opinion. Some of these GP's think they are God.
lots of advice that will help you ---but stay of f all druggs

and a lot to be aware of

even this depression protocol will help you

Western health care has evolved in some very detrimental ways to our health

,All treatment recommended by the doctors should be tested and approved and quite rightly so.

That makes sense right

Obviously it costs vast sums of money to test and approve treatments because of the possible damage to people and the subsequent litigation costing millions of pounds.

The point is this Where does this money come from to test and approve treatments?

By far the biggest source is the drug companies.

So take for example a researcher might go along to his local drug company and tell them his findings about this treatment he has been working on which is of outstanding value but needs testing further or approving, you might think they would be falling over themselves to know more 鈥搑ight, you could not be more wrong.

By and large only and I mean only treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a profit, will even get examined.

Because they are in business to make a profit, not for serving the people.

So many of the thousands of therapies which they see as having no profit potential do not get approved or even looked at 鈥︹€?

and thus do not get recommended by your local doctor or hospital.

You wont hear a word about them from your doctor

Despite The fact that some of them do have overwhelming benefits some, which have saved needless operations, needless amputations, needless pain and trauma, needless kidney failures and much loss of life.

This will apply to any country where most research is being done by drug companies 鈥?

they would probably laugh in your face if you went there with a promising therapy which was so cheap anyone could get it.

Do you really think they would invest thousands or millions of pounds in any therapy which did not show the promise of good profit.

Your local G.P/ doctor is not a researcher, do you clearly understand that

he is told鈥︹€︹€︹€︹€?what to prescribe 鈥︹€︹€︹€? he does not even have the time often to look at research.

In fact some G.P .s doctors have had action taken against them for prescribing simple supplements.

They are in a difficult position in a way many would like to prescribe many different therapies but many feel they cannot for action could be taken against them.

This does not help you does it though. when you are ill and suffering

In 2004 approx 5000 Beds are being taken up by people in the UK who have had adverse reactions to drugs. Some will die others will be maimed .A serious amount of suffering is taking place on a scale that makes some wars look like a minor infringement. That is a fact

So Mr/Mrs patient in 99% of the time because of this system you will probably only get recommended drugs.

Primarily because of deliberate government policy not to fund research into other therapies.

Have you heard your local doctor recommend,


Spiritual healing,



Light therapy,

Colour therapy,

Regression therapy,



Magnetic devices,

Electrical Frequency devices.

The rife machine

The bob beck protocol

Colloidal silver


Karma therapy

has he mentioned detoxing , , colonics,


sweat baths ,


tai chi,



not to mention

castor oil packs

epsum salt packs etc etc.

Has he ever mentioned the power of nutrition what you eat how much protein, carbo, vitamins, water you take in etc.

All of these have shown their inherent worth with thousands if not millions of testimonials.

As you can see this system in its present state is inherently flawed, and is criminally negligent

Until the day comes when most of the research and testing is done by an agency with no vested interests attached and a very clear agenda of being objective. Acting for the people. Printing and revealing all results good and bad.

Moving on to a more positive note .One of the biggest problems we see when giving this material is that a lot of people do not have good evaluation skills. They rely on a white coat, a hospital building, the sound of a persons voice to sway their thinking into accepting treatments when they are ill.

Of course this is what some of these drug companies rely on the vast sums of money which can be generated are enormous.

So as the wise among you will see a little investment in time over your health could be a very wise move indeed.

So what do we recommend ---well we get very beneficial results doing these therapies 鈥?i am writing a book on this subject but here is the general principles

Depression protocol but these therapies will work for many complaints of a so called mental nature

Hi well I do quite a bit of research and practice the art of healing , my research centers around the teachings and study of

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