Friday, January 8, 2010

I need advice about a guy. pleas and thank you?

there is a guy in one of my classes that i like. He might like me but i am to shy to ask him if he does. The other day in class he asked me a question and i had a migrane and i wasn't really up to answering his question with out an attitude. I think that made he a little ill tempered towards me. He normally talked to me about class stuff and before class started he would always ask me how i was ( and he would also do that after lunch 2) and after i had gotten an attitude with him it stopped. It was almost like he was looking for an excuse to talk to me. i guess i have a few questions :

1. does/did he like me?

2. if he does i am to shy to ask him out, so what should i do?

3. should i just put my pride on the line and ask him if he likes me?

HELP ME- Curios GeorgetteI need advice about a guy. pleas and thank you?
Just catch up to him the next time you cross paths and mention casually that you're sorry if you seemed a little out of it in class last time and tell him that you had a migraine. Don't make a big deal of it -- just play it light.

Ask him some questions about how HE is (nothing better to deflect attention from yourself than to make the other person the focus of your attention).

He probably does like you, but might be shy himself.

So just get back into the groove of being comfortable with one another over the next week or so.

Then take the leap and invite him for coffee or something laidback so there's no pressure on either of you. Hang out and try to gauge his reaction to being with you. The one-on-one time should give you a good vibe for how he feels about you.

After that, if you're still uncertain about where things stand, just go ahead and ask him. Guys always like a direct approach. Don't be wishy-washy. Just take the leap.

Good luck!I need advice about a guy. pleas and thank you?
Dear Georgette,

If you are nervous to speak to him for fear of rejection, then write him a note. ';Faint heart ne'er won the fair maid,' and sweety, 'you have nothing to fear but fear itself'. Good luck.
Grow some balls *in your case, ***** and ask him. Why ask advice from those of us who don't know either of you or the situation at hand...
Please I will say talk to him and express your mind to him. There is no harm in trial.
Before class ask him how he is. Do it again after lunch.

See if you can draw him back in. If it works then he likes you, and he will know it wasn't him who set you off. Then see were it gos from there.

Good luck
Go to him and apologize for snapping at him. Explain to him you had a migraine. From what you wrote it does seem that he is at least interested in you, if he doesn't like you already. If I were you, I would tell him that you are interested in him. There was this guy that I went to high school with that I had a huge crush on, but I never had the guts to tell him. He was friendly to me, gave me hugs and talked to me a lot! Well, let's just say from time to time I still wonder what things would've been like if I would've told him how I felt. So, if you don't tell him how you feel and he gets away, you may always wonder what could've been.
look no one can read mids as of if he likes you or not. what you have to do is tell your self nothing great comes with out risks and just simply ask him out to lunch or to study. if he says yes he eather likes you or loves to eat or loves school. from there let him make the next move. play your cards right and youll get him. all guys like to be treated like a king so if you treat him like one weather he likes you now. he will in the end.
Nope. nope Nope.

1 you can tell him you were having a bad day or have a friend tell him.

2. Be yourself and don't slobber all over yourself. That'll get you attention you don't' want.

3. Stay with your friends. if he can;t get over that after you did number 1, he's still a big baby and you don't need the drama.

4. Go to a football game and have a good time. That'll attract all of 'em like bees to honey

Remember, low key with prince cranky, be yourself be patient with ourself and have a good time.
go tell him what happened and say your sorry
What you should do is keep your head in your books and get an education. THEN worry about whether guys like you or not.
Close shave... he should thank you for your attitude. Now, you'll never know.
Hey, he does like u.. but wait for him to take initiative... he will certainly do... what u have to do is just behave little nice with him... and he will surely ask u out.. just wait
yes he does like you...explain to him the migraine situation and just get your man gal!
1. Yes, he definitely likes you, but he probably doesn't think you like him.

2. He probably felt you were pushing him away when you had an 'attitude', so make a point of talking to him and let him see that you really like talking to him. You could even explain why you spoke curtly that one day, if you want to.

3. Yes, you should ask him if he likes you, but I don't quite see how that's putting your pride on the line, since you already know the answer. (And you DO know it, don't you, sweetie?)

4. Best of luck!
Tell him how you feel and ask him out. What you are doing is called ';playing games'; and is the leading cause for upsetting the people you like. Otherwise you will end up wasting lots of time worrying about it instead of being able to hang out and have fun.
Break the ice by apologising for the attitude and explain why you were in that state. That should break the ice enough to find out whether or not he likes you/wants to go out with you. Then suggest maybe meeting up outside the classroom and let it hang. He will give you a yes/no answer. Good luck.
If you have been flirting with the guy. Continue to do so. Send out subtle little messages. Be a little playful with him. If he has any courage, he will ask you out in good time. Usually we guys like it when the ladies flirt with us. ;)
Hey CG - it certainly sounds like he liked you. Why not just create a conversation point by stopping him in the hall and apologising for the attitude thing -like ';Hey - I pretty much snapped your head off the other day - just wanted to say sorry - it wasn't you - was just having a bad day';

Maybe see where it goes from there?
growup %26amp; just ask him.

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