Friday, January 8, 2010

Advice about having a CVS..?

I have had the results back from my Nuchal and blood tests... it seems I am at high risk of 1-75. I have been offered an appointment tomorrow to discuss my options and the choice to have a CVS if I want one...

Its such an agonising decision to make, even though I have an excellent hospital with some of the lowest rates of miscarriage after CVS in the UK..

I don't have any intention of aborting a baby with Downs - but obviously these results can detect other serious chromosomal disorders as well and as it happens the agony of waiting to know either way is too much for me.

Can anyone describe what happens with thte test - how painful it is, the aftercare you receive, how long the results took to come back... anything really..Advice about having a CVS..?

I've just had CVS done last week due to being high risk as my daughter was born with a chromosome abnormality (edwards syndrome).

For us, we wanted to have a definite answer if our baby had any chrosome abnormality straight away and this seemed like the perfect option.

Personally, The CVS didn't actually hurt, it was just a little uncomfortable. The only way I could describe it as if you had a needle and a balloon and you pierced the balloon but it was in slow motion. That's the way it felt. We had an option whether I wanted to watch it on the monitor but freaked out a bit after I saw the needles.

After the test if you feel unwell they will let you lie down a little bit longer but I was sent home within 45 minutes. We got part of the results back 24 hours later and will get the rest of the results in a week or so but a lot of people get the fast track results within 48 hours and the rest of the result in 2 weeks.

You get told for to have some bed rest for the first day after the test and for to take it easy as people can be prone to miscarriage after such test. My partner wouldn't let me do a single thing. :-)

Also advised not to do housework for a few days or lift anything.

Good luck if you go through the test and if you need anymore advice don't hesitate to contact me xxAdvice about having a CVS..?
Just keep in mind that the blood test you got is just a screening for a possible risk, and it is full of false positives. So it is very likely that nothing is even wrong. You should make sure you get a high resolution ultra sound to look for any soft markers of downs syndrome before you opt to take any risky procedures on.

I had the same scare, and after the ultra sound with nothing wrong, i opted to not take the amnio i was offered.

It is a personal decision, i just thought i would put that out there.

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