Friday, January 8, 2010

I need advice about breaking up...?

I am kind of seeing someone that has a kid. The person is younger than me and because the situation... life is pretty planned out. It seems like he wants me to take over and be the mom and so on. I am not ready for this and I have been avoiding becoming close to the kid because it is not fair to him. The worst part is that I have a high level of education and a good job. He is the opposite. At first it was great but then you see the differences and they are to big to ignore. Some of my friends can not believe that I am even with him at all. He is a very sweet person but I can not see myself being with him for ever. He does things for me that other have never done. But when it comes to deal with society there is such a huge gap... The best thing is to breakup, but how? Is it selfish that I do want someone that has no prior past (kid)?I need advice about breaking up...?
Wow. Tough situation. Sounds like you have things thought out, but can't figure out how to act. And, it sounds like it's really dragging you down. You need to sit down and have a face-to-face and let him know that you're not ready for a ';ready-made'; family. No offense, but you're not ready for kids yet. Be honest, but not hurtful. You can't really go wrong when you speak from the heart, but do it with kindness. It sounds like you care for him, which is good, but you need to cut the ties. And, sorry to inform you, but the kid is probably already getting attached to you - they do that, without adult intervention. Whoever the parent puts in front of the child, they get attached to. Don't waste any more time.I need advice about breaking up...?
you sit him dow and say that i not rady to take on this resobality so i have ot break up!
well i dont think u have 2 break up with him. u could just tell him politely that u dont wanna b this kids mom. but if u rly do wanna break up with him then i think the best way is 2 tell him y then maybe he will understand
It is your life you have to be happy with the person your with. what would be selfish is if you continue this relationship any further. just tell him that you two want different thing in life and it is best if you go your seperate ways

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