Friday, January 8, 2010

I need advice about my dad?

Everytime I get my dad's phone number he changes it...I haven't seen him in like 4 years...he picked his new g/f over me(step-mommy#9)...and I have no way to find him or to get in cotact with him...he used to be on probation but now he's not so there's no way to see him when he comes to go to court...and he filed for banktruptcy-and he never pays mom tells me I used to worship the ground he waled on...I used to be such a daddy's girl...and I kinda miss that!I need advice about my dad?
My moms second husband adopted me or so I thought until now. I am 35 and just found out that the paper work was never filled and my name was never legally changed,so now I not only have to change my last name I have 3 kids. I worshiped the ground my dad walked on also but not any more. I was a dad's little girl to the point that I got to skip school and ride in the semi to Florida to see my grandparents. After everything that he has done to me and my kids I won't talk to him. I have left it up to my kids whether or not they want to talk to there grandpa. I am getting on with my life and am happier than I have been in a long time. I am married and to me it doesn't matter whether or not he is in my life. I have a step-dad whom is more of a dad to me than any for my dads have ever been.I need advice about my dad?
I'm sure you love him, and I feel for you. But, if he keeps changing his phone # and is avoiding you, you need to let go for awhile. At least until he comes to his senses and re-discovers what a wondeful daughter he has in you. Don't worry, give him time, he will.
That's a tough break Tinkerbell. I don't have an answer for you.

Just that my heart is with you. God bless
That's sad to hear.Do you think its all his girlfriend idea.maybe he thinks ever time you call you want money,But what ever it is, he is still your dad.He will come to his sense's soon.Good bless
~It's all of a sudden bothering you.. I was like that too, but it will pass.

Your dad is irresponsible and doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself.

He doesn't want to pay Child Support, so he avoids you and your mom for fear that she can tell Support Enforcement where he is.

I'm in the same situation with my ex. I wouldn't blame the women, it's his responsibility and he's the one avoiding it.

Kids are always cute when they're little and my daughter was a daddy's girl also. She still misses him, but it's better that he is out of her life since he doesn't care enough to help her financially, he tells lies, promises everything and doesn't follow through. He's a drug addict/alcoholic/womanizer and is a bad influence.

You're better off without him. Be thankful you have your mom, she will always love you. Don't blame her for his lack of responsibility.

Merry Christmas.~
It sounds as if your Dad's girlfriend is pretty much controlling his life right now. That may not be for very long, considering it sounds as if he gets over women pretty frequently. Maybe you just need patience to let him get over her.

Or, maybe he finally sees that he's a bad influence on you. You said he was on probation - maybe he doesn't want you looking up to him any more because he thinks you may get in trouble too.

It's hard to say without finding out what type of conversations you have managed to have with him.

Are you demanding of his time when you do get in touch with him? Don't drive him further away by expecting him to do things he isn't ready to do yet.

Does he talk to you at all when you phoned him before or does he avoid you altogether?

Does his girlfriend answer the phone? It may be the girlfriend changing the phone number.

I think it's best to wait it out, as frustrating as that might sound, until he realizes what he's missing. Or, what does your Mom recommend? I know you don't always want to do what your Mom says, but she knows him better than you (since you 'worshiped'; him, you probably don't know what he's REALLY like). Listen to your Mom.
Sometimes fathers aren't as mature as their daughters. I am sorry that you have had to go through that crap. It sounds like a lot of dead-beat dads I know. I would write him a letter, tell him how you feel and leave it at that. THe ball is in his court and if he wants to be in your life he will do the responsible thing, if not, your better off without him.

I Need Advice About My Boyfriend? PLEASE HELP!?

My boyfriend and I have will have been dating for 3 years next month. First of all he is lying to me about his age and he doesn't know that I know it (its only by one year). Second we hardly ever spend time together anymore. He claims it is because of the hours he works. He sometimes works 10-12 hours a day (so he says). But everytime I call his cellphone he doesn't answer or when I call his house his mother says he isn't home. Not to mention HE NEVER CALLS ME. On his days off he is always with his best friend. (The last movie we saw was When A Stranger Calls and that is probably about to be out on DVD soon). He either has to take him to work or do something for him. Am I wrong to be jealous or am I just hating. What should I do?I Need Advice About My Boyfriend? PLEASE HELP!?
Sounds to me like he might have found someone else and has lost interest in you, at this point you need to have a serious conversation with him about where the relationship is going. After that, you should then decide whether to try and work things out or move on. If a guy loves and cares for you, he would always keep the communication line open and actually pays attention to you as a person. When he is avoiding you like that, something is definitely wrong and you need to resolve this now as he is not worth wasting your life over, you need to tell him that if after 3 years; you and him can't see where you guys are going then it's time for each of you to go your separate ways.I Need Advice About My Boyfriend? PLEASE HELP!?
Glad to see that Betty Crocker is dating. I was a bit worried about her. Anyways, it doesn't seem like that he is too much into the relationship. I'd let him go.
Dump him. You deserve to be treated better than that. He is just not that into you.
I think this is a sad position for you. I don't know much about how that feeling is but If he ever call you or anything I think that is a sign I mean you can't be the guy in the relationship!! I mean its ok to feel kinda ignored he could at least call but idk well hope I helped

he basically telling you in so many ways he doesn't have the time or want to be with you because he spends it with some one else and the last time he toom you out was when a stranger calls came out plz do yourself a favor and get over him cuz he is with some one else its all betta 4 u
Sweetie, he is not a good boyfriend at all. You deserve a guy who will be honest with you. Lying about his age is a HUGE lie and I would never be able to trust my boyfriend about anything if I knew that he lied about his age. You also deserve a guy who can spend time with you when he has the time. He can spend time with his friend too, but should make time for you too! You deserve better girl!

I need advice about this friend?

well we were going to go to a music festival and planned on sneaking in. Now when we get there it was immpossible to sneak in through the gate like we had planned. So I said we should jump the fence to sneak in. But my friend was like no I dont really want to. Then I tried convincing him but we just ended up going home. Why would he not want to jump the fence with me?I need advice about this friend?
because you guys might be friends but he has smarts if u look at the consiquences you could get caught and whatevere party it is you could even go to jailI need advice about this friend?
Because maybe he was afraid of getting in a lot of trouble and no offence but you shouldn't pressure your friend into doing stuff like that.
Your friend was listening to his gut. PLAN ';A'; got scrapped, so, he took that as an omen that PLAN ';B'; would've got you busted.

You should thank your friend for attempting PLAN ';A'; with you. He's a pretty good friend.
Because he decided it was wrong?
Because he didnt want anything to go wrong and get himself into trouble
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  • I need advice about this girl?


    Here's the thing, I like this girl and I think she likes me but here's the thing, she seems to have low self-esteem about herself and she is getting over a tough break up with a stupid boyfriend. I recently told her after I got back from vacation that I like her over the phone, but she said right now relationships aren't worth it and she considers me only as a friend. Lemme add something though...She'll stay up even though shes tired to talk to me, while I was gone on vacation she gave me like 4 emails in the month of July page long email/per wk basically ';and I responded back to them';. In the email's she said how she misses me, she wants to call me when I get back, and she wants to see me. So here's my question, does she really consider me a friend or more? and if a girl has low self-esteem about her self, what are the best ways ';from a females stand point'; to give her that boost of confidence?I need advice about this girl?
    comfort her, give her a warm smile, and everything will fall into placeI need advice about this girl?
    It sounds like she likes you to. Keep in mind that she just got out of a serious relationship and she's probably worried she'll get hurt again. If you guys are such close friends, and you were to date, what if it didn't work out. That's probably what she's thinking. Just keep complimenting her and be there for her as a friend. She'll come around soon. Just keep hangin wtih her and be her Best Friend. Girls like it better when your friends first. It's much more of a turn on. Good Luck..
    I wish I could sugar coat this for you, but from a girl's standpoint, I would say that at this point, you are a nice distraction from her otherwise shaky world. Since you mention that she told you she's going through a break up, odds are, if she does like you, and you both start seeing each other, this is just a -rebound. Unfortunately, this may be an unconscious thing on her part. She needs a distraction, and what girl doesn't like to be around someone she knows like her- the attention from you will help her not to think of her problem too much. But when she is over it, most likely, you two will be over too.

    If you really do like her, I think it's best if you be the good friend and help her through her problem, be the shoulder to cry on, and help her cheer up. Even though she seems to be showing you mixed signals at the moment, it may be because she just needs comfort from someone who will most likely reciprocate.

    When you know she's in a better state of mind, then it'll be better to persue her as a love interest, so that you know her feelings will be genuine.

    As far as the low-self esteem is concerned, try complimenting her, not just when she looks nice, but be specific, like, her shirt really suits her or something. But beyond just physical compliments, tell her how great she is at something, and how she always try at things she loves to do. these compliments though should always be heartfelt for them to work. Trust me, she'll know if you're just saying it to say it.

    I know this is lengthy, but I hope it helped you a little. sorry to have been so harsh in the beginning, but it's better so you don't get hurt. =o) Best of luck.
    Keep in mind that she's in the process of getting over a tough break up. She likes you and just needs a friend and she came right out and told you she considers you only as a friend. You shouldn't be asking us what she's thinking after she told you this and she's not sending you mixed signals.

    Respect her wishes, remain friends with her and don't push her for more. When she gets over her ex, she will remember you were there for her when she was hurting. She's being smart by not getting involved with someone as soon as she broke up.

    Give her some time and be a good listener and be patient. If you can't do that, you might be doing this girl a favor by finding someone else.
    she's sending you mixed signals. so act like a friend be nice to her and be very careful on what you say. because she cud misinterpret something u mite say
    shes getting to know you she wants you to make the move again, trust me ima a girl, ive been there done that.
    It really just depends on her age. ';Most'; people go for the rebound after a relationship ends. It does sound like she likes you and maybe doesn't want to jump into anything right away because rebounds usually NEVER last.

    My sister is alot like this girl. She is 21 and just can't make up her mind about boys/men. She tends to lead them on and then lets them go. I've told her a thousand times that this isn't the way to be, just be single or be with ONE person. People with low self esteem HAVE to constantly have attention. Until she gets herself together, I would just remain friends with her.

    That means, no making out, no dates, and no drunken one night stands. She's very vulnerable and woman with low self esteem usually let themselves get drunk and do things that they'll regret later. If you really care for her, watch out for her and NEVER take advantage even if she's asking for it. (unless you really feel that she knows what she's doing).

    This is a long answer, but I hope it helps.
    Then wait for her, try to comfort her, spend more time with her. Girls always like having a nice guy around.

    Good Luck,

    as a girl i think she likes you but is too shy to admit it even when u bring up the subject. I think you should spend more time getting to know her and she'll warm up to you.
    she likes you and probably as more than a friend but she is going through some stuff and she is not ready let her chill a little and let a little romance evolve! I MEAN ASK HER TO DO STUFF WITH YOU! like movies, dinner you know date type stuff.
    I think give her time sometimes we like to be alone to lick our wounds and sometimes we don't want to be save we just want someone to love us. Have a care and don't be pushy but just be there.
    Always be sweet and loving. Give her hugs and don't involve sex with it. However, she is the only one that can find true happiness with herself. You can't give her that. She needs her own happiness if she will ever be able to love another individual. Love her and be nice to her..........Don't expect much except that she needs to start finding things about herself to love aside from yourself.
    Just be a friend, thats what it seems like she needs right now and that is prob the reason for the emails and missing you. She wants someone to talk to because she is depressed. I think if she liked you more than a friend she would make it more obvious. Keep an eye out but dont read too much into things. Sounds like for now she just wants a friend.
    shes confused. all girls are like this sometimes. she probably hates herself becuz of her break up. maybe hates guys right now too. but tell her that shes wonderful and you love talking to her, and you feel sorry for that guy cuz he is missing out on such a lovely person. if things keep up, she will probably want to be with you. after a break up its kind of hard to tell. girls will go to the next guy they see and just talk to them because they need the affection. but i really think she likes you. so dont rush. just keep her company. tell her shes awsome, or you love chatting with her. :]
    she might just need u as for friend right now but then she might realise that ur a really good friend and wud b an even better bf. u need to tell her how u c her in ur eyes an reassure that shes a great person on the inside and out and that her ex bf was a dumb jerk for dumping her! =D good luck!!

    I need advice about older guys that like me!!!!?

    ok yall here is my problem.......there r 2 i6 yrs. olds that both like me..... one lives near me and the other lives in covington.....but the one who lives in covington talks 2 me all the time.....but the one that lives near me only talks to me like 2ce a weekI need advice about older guys that like me!!!!?
    Wait, wait. What's the problem? Where they live or how often they talk to you? Because I honestly don't see any problemsI need advice about older guys that like me!!!!?
    you find their carector good or bad
    There is no harm going casual datings with these guys to decide which suits your personality/character to ensure that the relationship works.
    I dunno what to tell you. Try and talk to them. I don't know. I have no idea. Cuz right now this confuses me. What are you trying to ask???
    there is nothing wrong in dating older men your case i advice to try two of them before making ur choice
    what is the question my dear ?
    move here to london and chat with me,, sure tht will cheer you up
    forget tham both and start studying
    do not get confuse, make a choice for one u like most be happy

    I need advice about breaking up...?

    I am kind of seeing someone that has a kid. The person is younger than me and because the situation... life is pretty planned out. It seems like he wants me to take over and be the mom and so on. I am not ready for this and I have been avoiding becoming close to the kid because it is not fair to him. The worst part is that I have a high level of education and a good job. He is the opposite. At first it was great but then you see the differences and they are to big to ignore. Some of my friends can not believe that I am even with him at all. He is a very sweet person but I can not see myself being with him for ever. He does things for me that other have never done. But when it comes to deal with society there is such a huge gap... The best thing is to breakup, but how? Is it selfish that I do want someone that has no prior past (kid)?I need advice about breaking up...?
    Wow. Tough situation. Sounds like you have things thought out, but can't figure out how to act. And, it sounds like it's really dragging you down. You need to sit down and have a face-to-face and let him know that you're not ready for a ';ready-made'; family. No offense, but you're not ready for kids yet. Be honest, but not hurtful. You can't really go wrong when you speak from the heart, but do it with kindness. It sounds like you care for him, which is good, but you need to cut the ties. And, sorry to inform you, but the kid is probably already getting attached to you - they do that, without adult intervention. Whoever the parent puts in front of the child, they get attached to. Don't waste any more time.I need advice about breaking up...?
    you sit him dow and say that i not rady to take on this resobality so i have ot break up!
    well i dont think u have 2 break up with him. u could just tell him politely that u dont wanna b this kids mom. but if u rly do wanna break up with him then i think the best way is 2 tell him y then maybe he will understand
    It is your life you have to be happy with the person your with. what would be selfish is if you continue this relationship any further. just tell him that you two want different thing in life and it is best if you go your seperate ways

    I need advice about a guy. pleas and thank you?

    there is a guy in one of my classes that i like. He might like me but i am to shy to ask him if he does. The other day in class he asked me a question and i had a migrane and i wasn't really up to answering his question with out an attitude. I think that made he a little ill tempered towards me. He normally talked to me about class stuff and before class started he would always ask me how i was ( and he would also do that after lunch 2) and after i had gotten an attitude with him it stopped. It was almost like he was looking for an excuse to talk to me. i guess i have a few questions :

    1. does/did he like me?

    2. if he does i am to shy to ask him out, so what should i do?

    3. should i just put my pride on the line and ask him if he likes me?

    HELP ME- Curios GeorgetteI need advice about a guy. pleas and thank you?
    Just catch up to him the next time you cross paths and mention casually that you're sorry if you seemed a little out of it in class last time and tell him that you had a migraine. Don't make a big deal of it -- just play it light.

    Ask him some questions about how HE is (nothing better to deflect attention from yourself than to make the other person the focus of your attention).

    He probably does like you, but might be shy himself.

    So just get back into the groove of being comfortable with one another over the next week or so.

    Then take the leap and invite him for coffee or something laidback so there's no pressure on either of you. Hang out and try to gauge his reaction to being with you. The one-on-one time should give you a good vibe for how he feels about you.

    After that, if you're still uncertain about where things stand, just go ahead and ask him. Guys always like a direct approach. Don't be wishy-washy. Just take the leap.

    Good luck!I need advice about a guy. pleas and thank you?
    Dear Georgette,

    If you are nervous to speak to him for fear of rejection, then write him a note. ';Faint heart ne'er won the fair maid,' and sweety, 'you have nothing to fear but fear itself'. Good luck.
    Grow some balls *in your case, ***** and ask him. Why ask advice from those of us who don't know either of you or the situation at hand...
    Please I will say talk to him and express your mind to him. There is no harm in trial.
    Before class ask him how he is. Do it again after lunch.

    See if you can draw him back in. If it works then he likes you, and he will know it wasn't him who set you off. Then see were it gos from there.

    Good luck
    Go to him and apologize for snapping at him. Explain to him you had a migraine. From what you wrote it does seem that he is at least interested in you, if he doesn't like you already. If I were you, I would tell him that you are interested in him. There was this guy that I went to high school with that I had a huge crush on, but I never had the guts to tell him. He was friendly to me, gave me hugs and talked to me a lot! Well, let's just say from time to time I still wonder what things would've been like if I would've told him how I felt. So, if you don't tell him how you feel and he gets away, you may always wonder what could've been.
    look no one can read mids as of if he likes you or not. what you have to do is tell your self nothing great comes with out risks and just simply ask him out to lunch or to study. if he says yes he eather likes you or loves to eat or loves school. from there let him make the next move. play your cards right and youll get him. all guys like to be treated like a king so if you treat him like one weather he likes you now. he will in the end.
    Nope. nope Nope.

    1 you can tell him you were having a bad day or have a friend tell him.

    2. Be yourself and don't slobber all over yourself. That'll get you attention you don't' want.

    3. Stay with your friends. if he can;t get over that after you did number 1, he's still a big baby and you don't need the drama.

    4. Go to a football game and have a good time. That'll attract all of 'em like bees to honey

    Remember, low key with prince cranky, be yourself be patient with ourself and have a good time.
    go tell him what happened and say your sorry
    What you should do is keep your head in your books and get an education. THEN worry about whether guys like you or not.
    Close shave... he should thank you for your attitude. Now, you'll never know.
    Hey, he does like u.. but wait for him to take initiative... he will certainly do... what u have to do is just behave little nice with him... and he will surely ask u out.. just wait
    yes he does like you...explain to him the migraine situation and just get your man gal!
    1. Yes, he definitely likes you, but he probably doesn't think you like him.

    2. He probably felt you were pushing him away when you had an 'attitude', so make a point of talking to him and let him see that you really like talking to him. You could even explain why you spoke curtly that one day, if you want to.

    3. Yes, you should ask him if he likes you, but I don't quite see how that's putting your pride on the line, since you already know the answer. (And you DO know it, don't you, sweetie?)

    4. Best of luck!
    Tell him how you feel and ask him out. What you are doing is called ';playing games'; and is the leading cause for upsetting the people you like. Otherwise you will end up wasting lots of time worrying about it instead of being able to hang out and have fun.
    Break the ice by apologising for the attitude and explain why you were in that state. That should break the ice enough to find out whether or not he likes you/wants to go out with you. Then suggest maybe meeting up outside the classroom and let it hang. He will give you a yes/no answer. Good luck.
    If you have been flirting with the guy. Continue to do so. Send out subtle little messages. Be a little playful with him. If he has any courage, he will ask you out in good time. Usually we guys like it when the ladies flirt with us. ;)
    Hey CG - it certainly sounds like he liked you. Why not just create a conversation point by stopping him in the hall and apologising for the attitude thing -like ';Hey - I pretty much snapped your head off the other day - just wanted to say sorry - it wasn't you - was just having a bad day';

    Maybe see where it goes from there?
    growup %26amp; just ask him.

    I need advice about this friend?

    well we were going to go to a music festival and planned on sneaking in. Now when we get there it was immpossible to sneak in through the gate like we had planned. So I said we should jump the fence to sneak in. But my friend was like no I dont really want to. Then I tried convincing him but we just ended up going home. Why would he not want to jump the fence with me?I need advice about this friend?
    because you guys might be friends but he has smarts if u look at the consiquences you could get caught and whatevere party it is you could even go to jailI need advice about this friend?
    Because maybe he was afraid of getting in a lot of trouble and no offence but you shouldn't pressure your friend into doing stuff like that.
    Your friend was listening to his gut. PLAN ';A'; got scrapped, so, he took that as an omen that PLAN ';B'; would've got you busted.

    You should thank your friend for attempting PLAN ';A'; with you. He's a pretty good friend.
    Because he decided it was wrong?
    Because he didnt want anything to go wrong and get himself into trouble

    I need advice about a guy who wont leave me alone?

    ok, so my best friend went out with this one guy and when she moved away from the city i thought they had broken up...... after a month he came over to my house and asked me out so we went out for about two weeks, then gwen (my friend) calls and tells me that she's coming over to visit and turns out that this guy was hanging out with me when she arrived and i hadn't told him that she was coming so when he saw her at my door he got all nervous and after i greeted her she was so happy to see him and went over to him and said ';hey baby did you miss me'; and leened over to kiss him..... so they were still going out and i didn't have the guts to tell her that he was cheeting on her with her best friend (me) so i didn't and when she left i yelled at him and we were over. but he still keeps coming back saying that he's srry and stuff but i just don't wanna see him. How should i get him away from me? gwen is still with him.... should i tell her what happened? if yes how should i say it? HELP!!I need advice about a guy who wont leave me alone?

    When he calls next. (on the phone, not in person) tell him that you will NOT play this game with him.Tell him that If he doesn`t tell your friend himself, You, will tell her. He will be a Butthole, She will be angry, but if, she is your friend, it is right for her to know what a scumbag he is. YOU%26lt; be the friend. She may quit talking to you for awhile. BE her friend anyway. HE SOUNDS SCARY TO ME.. This is NOT normal behavior..


    Quit answering the door to him, as well as the telephone. Cough up the money for caller id and screen your calls. Or get an answering machine and screen them. By the way, get a male relative or friend to put the answering message, on there.

    You should also tell everyone else. Tell your parents, brothers, sisters, Pastor, Aunts, Uncles, friends, co-workers and anybody else who will listen. He is stalking you.. NOT GOOD!!!

    Make sure you keep your doors locked at all times. Even if you are gonna be gone just to get the mail from the mailbox. LOCK the door. Lock the door, lock the door. Did I say Lock the door. I know it is a hassle.. But, it is better you be safe, than sorry.


    If he doesn`t stop, and leave you alone, in a short time, you need to file a complaint with the police department and get a restraining order.. SERIOUSLY!!!

    If he calls you, and keeps hammering at you , report it to the phone company and change your phone number.

    Do not play with this man. This is NOT a game.. He makes me scared for YOU.. Avoid him at all costs.I need advice about a guy who wont leave me alone?
    Yes tell her about it ASAP. Plus its like an un-written rule, you shouldnt date your best friends ex's in the first place.
    I would quit seeing him if I were you, and I'd let your friend know the truth. Tell her how thought they were broken up. Obviously this guy is a total player! I wonder what other girls he was trying to hook up with while the GF was away! I've had this happen to me before, and while it hurt, I was glad to stay away from a dumb guy who thinks he is some player and date tons of girls and their friends at once. To get him to stay away from you... I'd quit taking his calls, quit inviting him over or letting him hang out with you... or better yet, find a nice guy who isn't into being a player.
    I think you should tell your friend the truth if you care about her feelings. I think she would want to know if her boyfriend was cheating on her. I also suggest you tell him you never want to see him anymore.
    ya give him a taste of his own medicin go on a date but have somew close to you who you could kiss and when on this date they show and say hi honey and kisses you and say see ya oh and bye the way how is 8th grade these days
    ok...ive been in this situation before buh with a girl. i mean i was wit mah freinds grl when she didnt tell me they were done. neway, do wat i did, and tell da person whus tryin to play u and ya friend to f*c* off. i mean sho him no mercy at all. then tell ya friend wat happened and if shes a tru friend at all she'll understand. hopefully she'll get rid of da loser whu was playin u nd her.
    3 words.

    Temporary Restraining Order.
    One thing, no matter what you should never date your friends ex's. But since you did, You should tell her asap. Just tell her that you thought she had broken up with him, and tell the guy that you want nothing to do with him, and if he still persist threaten to call the cops.
    You need to find some other things to get involved in so that you are not thinking about someone like this.

    Just don't talk to him any more if that helps any. If he comes to the door then don't answer. Don't say anything more to him.

    Was he hoping that you would be a swinger about the whole thing? Then let him and his friends know that you are not into that kind of thing, to forget it, and do this if you really feel that strongly about it.
    tell him you have an std
    Next time, talk to your friends about dating their ex-bfs, as you see, things can change from one day to another in relationships and you want to make sure you dont screw up. Be honest wiht your friend about what happened. She may be mad at you for a while, but if she really values the frienship, she will come around. If you dont tel lher what happened, then can you live with the fact that you are a fake? That you are a lier? I dont think that is who you want to be. You seem to really care about your friend. So give her the respect she gives you back.

    As for the guy, dont take his calls, ignore him completely and eventually he will give up. If he doesnt then he is sick and if you feel harassed, warn him your next step will be to file a complaint against him or get a restraining order.
  • beauty makeup
  • Question and advice about...miscarriage?? and my bf are trying to get pregnant...Ive had a lot of symptoms like headaches, I am exptreamly tired...nausea...and stuff like that...I tell him it is too soon to feel anything and I havent tested because it is too soon. I havent had implantation bleeding...or at least I dont think I have and I should get my period for another 2-3 weeks...yesterday...I started having lower back really Cramps are still there and now it hurts all around my waist...I dont know what it could and advice about...miscarriage??
    You really are too early to tell, and too early for any of your symptoms to be pregnancy related. You will need to wait the 2-3 weeks to find out if you are pregnant. Normally, women ovulate 2 weeks before they have their period so I would think that your are at your best to get pregnant now or in the next couple days.Question and advice about...miscarriage??
    Wait til you miss your period and test. Unless you can get a doctor to do a blood test and you can find out sooner.
    You will have to wait until u miss a period, because if your period isn't due for another 2-3 weeks then u would of just now got pregnant. Wait until u missed a period and test, or 10-14 days after ovulation u can go to the Dr and have a blood test done.
    Don't think the worst. You're stressing yourself out which could be really bad all around. It could cause the cramping and/or cause your period to be late when in fact you aren't pregnant. I personally think it is too early to test. But if it will make your bf happy, go ahead and take one. It can't hurt.

    Need some advice about guy changes....?

    Recently I have noticed a HUGE change in my boyfriend's attitude. We used to be able to talk about anything. Now it seems I can't even get an answer out of him. I ask about his college work and he says on a need to know basis. He never tells me anything about what is going on with him. How do I confront him and make him see that this change is hurting me?Need some advice about guy changes....?
    Let him know how you feel. And he could just be having a hard time and doesn't want you to know.Need some advice about guy changes....?
    jennywen, Hon, just sit him down and say okay honestly share with me what';s going on or I am gone !
    Just have a heart to heart talk with him and tell him how you feel but not in a condescending accusatory tone or manner.
    Well there is a reason behind his becoming so secretive. Does not look good.
    all you can do is tell him how you feel and if that doesn't help then screw him. i'm guessing by your question that either you aren't in college or you're still in highschool. if that's that case then believe me when i tell you that going to college changes a lot of things, especially the eye's ability to wander. there are probably tons of chicks on his campus so he has a veritable woman buffet at his disposal. usually when people start shutting their bf or gf out it's because they've let someone else in or want to.
    just tell him
    just tell him
    Well you can always try a break.
    Tell him just like you did on here, If you can not talk to your guy about what is bothering you then you guys don't need to be together. If you just hold it in sooner or later you will blow, trust me, I know. Just tell him that he is changing and its hurting your feelings that things are not like they used to be.. and see if something is wrong with him, maybe something your doing is bothering him too and hes afraid to say something also.

    I need Advice about Epilators...?

    I need some help. I'm a guy and I bought myself an epilator. I make sure my leg hair is trimmed very low then I use it. It hurts somewhat so I have to relax to ease the pain. Ladies, does it hurt for you when you use an epilator? Any advice on how to ease the pain? I was thinking about buying myself some numbing cream/ointment to put over my legs.

    NOTE: I am only attracted to females. I however just hate how leg hair feels and I want a hot smoothe body.I need Advice about Epilators...?
    It hurts for anybody to use an epilator, lol. It's pulling your hair out from the root. Try using some aloe vera gel after.

    Want some advice about ?

    If you found out that a guy like using Maxi Pads and or Tampons and also like wear panties. The tampon would be put up his a**Want some advice about ?
    i dont see an issue.

    we all have some wierd fantasies.

    Want some advice about ?
    go buy the guy some tampons and's really not a big deal. I wear panties ALL the time, and i've also inserted tampons before. They're fun to put in and leave for a couple of hours....but be sure to tell your friend that extracting them is not so easy!!!
    What do you need advice about? It isn't as if this guys forte is affecting you at all. So what, you know something. It's like knowing the capital of India is New Dehli. Would that be cause for needing advice? I think what you're looking for is attention.
    I would be a little shocked.... but I once I got over that, I would laugh my freaking head off. Really it wouldn't be any of my business tho, and I wouldn't really give a damn.
    Tell him to shop online, Or suck it up and buy it himself...

    Time to put his big girl panties on and deal!

    I need advice about someone?

    I need some good advice about thsi lady I found on here! I asked a question about wanting someone to talk to cause i'm going through a terrible time and everything! Anyway, she doesn't believe me about this situation, she keeps e-mailing me and telling me off and she that she'll track me down and get her large hunsband to come to my house! I'm scared, and this that I told her is not even a lie! My name is Ashura, most people call me Ash and i'm 13 years old and she doens't believe me about anything! What should I do, I mean I was only looking for someone to talk to me while i'm going throught his hard time, and she doesn't even know what it's like, what should I do now? In teh last message she sent, she was swearing, she said the F word and the ';hell'; word and now i'm soo scared, she just doesn't care about me! I don't know if I can ever talk to s again if their all like that! What should I do?I need advice about someone?
    Print a copy of the letters you received from her. You'll not want to erase them keep them as further information on this person to trace.

    Check your personal information on your profile make sure that nothing is available to track you (address, full name, phone number) even if you have to give wrong information. (usually there is a edit profile button when you go into your e-mail)

    Take the copies and show them to an adult you trust (parent, school counsellor, teacher, friends parents)

    Open a new e-mail account and don't use the other anymore.

    You are 13 there is laws out there to help you.I need advice about someone?
    dummy report her and more importantly tell your parents well ash i hope u dont confide in another adult on line again, u got sum burly trucker looking for u know u r 13 find another 13 yr old 2 talk about your problems, good luck genius.
    you need to talk to an adult that you can confide in. Not anyone on the internet either but rather someone you can talk to in person...
    block her email address and quit opeing them.
    just get her out of your contact list and ignore!!
    Turn off your computer and walk away.
    You should tell you parents about this and make copy of you emails. Also you should save all phone messages and tell you parents to hire some one track her down.
    should this to your parent and then they will talk to this lady and call the police. This is harrasssment, being young doesn't matter, when it is in black and white in the computer.
    i would block her from ur email account and remind her that ur only 13 yrs. old! and if possible u should tell ur parents about this cause basically ur being harassed. if u don't want to tell ur parents...tell a friend or someone u can trust in case something were to happen, they have a clue who this person is.
    I would first off, find friends, family members, somebody in the church locally, to talk to that lives near you about the hard times you are going through. You can find some crazy people on here and I would be very careful! Who knows who she/he is??? I wouldn't mess with her anymore, stay away and find some new friends! Life gets better, things change, and at your age, you also have hormones to deal with on top of life and learning about life itself. It's probably one of the hardest times, but be strong, have faith, you will get through it and this too shall pass...............
    well what u need to do is don't e-mail her back.........edit your personal info and make it to where people can't e-mail you know what i mean? don't be scared....hope it works out for you.
    Look i dont know what the situation is but what ever it was you need to know that no one can track you down ther are more than 10 billion people with your name and more than 50 billion people on this planet so dont talk ter her agein and if you are going to through a hard time let your family know their isnt going to be a greater advice in this world than the lords or your family

    I am the woman he is talking about and yes I am very mad let me explain...... This little liar tells a sad story about his/her parents being killed by a drunk driver leaving 15 children in an orphanage so I offered to take them into my home and give them ALL a place to live. Then after contacting an adoption agency I and a little more research I found out this person was lying!!! And trying to run some kind of scam on here! So every time I see him/her posting on this site I WILL expose them. And when he/she emails me YEAH I tell them off!!!!
    call the police and show them the messages

    I need advice about this girl?


    Here's the thing, I like this girl and I think she likes me but here's the thing, she seems to have low self-esteem about herself and she is getting over a tough break up with a stupid boyfriend. I recently told her after I got back from vacation that I like her over the phone, but she said right now relationships aren't worth it and she considers me only as a friend. Lemme add something though...She'll stay up even though shes tired to talk to me, while I was gone on vacation she gave me like 4 emails in the month of July page long email/per wk basically ';and I responded back to them';. In the email's she said how she misses me, she wants to call me when I get back, and she wants to see me. So here's my question, does she really consider me a friend or more? and if a girl has low self-esteem about her self, what are the best ways ';from a females stand point'; to give her that boost of confidence?I need advice about this girl?
    Always be sweet and loving. Give her hugs and don't involve sex with it. However, she is the only one that can find true happiness with herself. You can't give her that. She needs her own happiness if she will ever be able to love another individual. Love her and be nice to her..........Don't expect much except that she needs to start finding things about herself to love aside from yourself.I need advice about this girl?
    shes confused. all girls are like this sometimes. she probably hates herself becuz of her break up. maybe hates guys right now too. but tell her that shes wonderful and you love talking to her, and you feel sorry for that guy cuz he is missing out on such a lovely person. if things keep up, she will probably want to be with you. after a break up its kind of hard to tell. girls will go to the next guy they see and just talk to them because they need the affection. but i really think she likes you. so dont rush. just keep her company. tell her shes awsome, or you love chatting with her. :]
    Keep in mind that she's in the process of getting over a tough break up. She likes you and just needs a friend and she came right out and told you she considers you only as a friend. You shouldn't be asking us what she's thinking after she told you this and she's not sending you mixed signals.

    Respect her wishes, remain friends with her and don't push her for more. When she gets over her ex, she will remember you were there for her when she was hurting. She's being smart by not getting involved with someone as soon as she broke up.

    Give her some time and be a good listener and be patient. If you can't do that, you might be doing this girl a favor by finding someone else.
    she might just need u as for friend right now but then she might realise that ur a really good friend and wud b an even better bf. u need to tell her how u c her in ur eyes an reassure that shes a great person on the inside and out and that her ex bf was a dumb jerk for dumping her! =D good luck!!
    I think give her time sometimes we like to be alone to lick our wounds and sometimes we don't want to be save we just want someone to love us. Have a care and don't be pushy but just be there.
    comfort her, give her a warm smile, and everything will fall into place
    I wish I could sugar coat this for you, but from a girl's standpoint, I would say that at this point, you are a nice distraction from her otherwise shaky world. Since you mention that she told you she's going through a break up, odds are, if she does like you, and you both start seeing each other, this is just a -rebound. Unfortunately, this may be an unconscious thing on her part. She needs a distraction, and what girl doesn't like to be around someone she knows like her- the attention from you will help her not to think of her problem too much. But when she is over it, most likely, you two will be over too.

    If you really do like her, I think it's best if you be the good friend and help her through her problem, be the shoulder to cry on, and help her cheer up. Even though she seems to be showing you mixed signals at the moment, it may be because she just needs comfort from someone who will most likely reciprocate.

    When you know she's in a better state of mind, then it'll be better to persue her as a love interest, so that you know her feelings will be genuine.

    As far as the low-self esteem is concerned, try complimenting her, not just when she looks nice, but be specific, like, her shirt really suits her or something. But beyond just physical compliments, tell her how great she is at something, and how she always try at things she loves to do. these compliments though should always be heartfelt for them to work. Trust me, she'll know if you're just saying it to say it.

    I know this is lengthy, but I hope it helped you a little. sorry to have been so harsh in the beginning, but it's better so you don't get hurt. =o) Best of luck.
    Just be a friend, thats what it seems like she needs right now and that is prob the reason for the emails and missing you. She wants someone to talk to because she is depressed. I think if she liked you more than a friend she would make it more obvious. Keep an eye out but dont read too much into things. Sounds like for now she just wants a friend.
    as a girl i think she likes you but is too shy to admit it even when u bring up the subject. I think you should spend more time getting to know her and she'll warm up to you.
    Then wait for her, try to comfort her, spend more time with her. Girls always like having a nice guy around.

    Good Luck,

    It really just depends on her age. ';Most'; people go for the rebound after a relationship ends. It does sound like she likes you and maybe doesn't want to jump into anything right away because rebounds usually NEVER last.

    My sister is alot like this girl. She is 21 and just can't make up her mind about boys/men. She tends to lead them on and then lets them go. I've told her a thousand times that this isn't the way to be, just be single or be with ONE person. People with low self esteem HAVE to constantly have attention. Until she gets herself together, I would just remain friends with her.

    That means, no making out, no dates, and no drunken one night stands. She's very vulnerable and woman with low self esteem usually let themselves get drunk and do things that they'll regret later. If you really care for her, watch out for her and NEVER take advantage even if she's asking for it. (unless you really feel that she knows what she's doing).

    This is a long answer, but I hope it helps.
    shes getting to know you she wants you to make the move again, trust me ima a girl, ive been there done that.
    It sounds like she likes you to. Keep in mind that she just got out of a serious relationship and she's probably worried she'll get hurt again. If you guys are such close friends, and you were to date, what if it didn't work out. That's probably what she's thinking. Just keep complimenting her and be there for her as a friend. She'll come around soon. Just keep hangin wtih her and be her Best Friend. Girls like it better when your friends first. It's much more of a turn on. Good Luck..
    she's sending you mixed signals. so act like a friend be nice to her and be very careful on what you say. because she cud misinterpret something u mite say
    she likes you and probably as more than a friend but she is going through some stuff and she is not ready let her chill a little and let a little romance evolve! I MEAN ASK HER TO DO STUFF WITH YOU! like movies, dinner you know date type stuff.
  • beauty makeup
  • Advice about a bank charging to many overdrafts?

    I am helping my boyfriend with his financial troubles. Im pretty good with money but he is really bad with it.

    His bank is national city, and he is always getting overdraft fees, because he thinks he has money in his account but it hasnt gone through yet.

    Thats not the question and i know that he is in the wrong here. One day he went to the bank to deposit cash, he asked the teller woman how much he would need to put in his account to cover all pending transactions. she said something like 122 dollars. So he put in a little more than that. A week later we look at the account and there is $600 in overdraft fees. As soon as we noticed he went in to talk with the bank manager about the issue. The bank manger said that it wasnt the tellers responsibility. I think thats crap, my bf was asking his financial instution about his money, they should be able to give him reliable answers and be held accountable.

    Now we have a letter in the mail from collections saying we owe the $600, we disputed the claim, but what do we do now. The bank wont even talk to us about it anymore because it is at collections.

    Also as a side note. The young woman teller who messed up the first time, also messed up one day when we were in the drive through; every month we deposit money into our landlords account, sign the deposit slip from us, and put the money in there. with out question the lady sent us the accound balance back to us...i think thats wrong!!

    Any thoughts, i dont know what to do about it any more, were tight on cash and to pay the $600 would take a couple months, and i feel its not totally his fault.

    Advice about a bank charging to many overdrafts?
    Bank policy will be not to refund charges unless it is a bank error. In my opinion, it was an error if the teller gave you a bad number. The manager had full capability of refunding the charges, but they are horribly pressured by upper management to resist refunds. In fact, manager bonuses are frequently given a little bump based on fee income. When I was a manager and several charges caused multiple fees, I generally refunded all but one fee. You would have needed a manager to listen and use common sense and human decency. There aren't many. Now that it's in collections, you aren't going to get anywhere with them.

    One basic problem is that no matter how much he deposited, I believe the fees would likely have hit. Unless the deposit was made the same exact day of the purchases, they will get you. Even if the charges are still in a pending status.

    Advice about a bank charging to many overdrafts?
    It is totally your boyfriend's fault. He needs to learn basic personal financial management and become an adult.
    You need to not deal with that bank but call and ask how to get a hold of corporate.Go above there heads to get this taken care of.Do not be rude but be professional tell them what happen-how it happen-when it happen send all copies of what you have (by fax) keep a record of every person you speak to.Keep going until you get answers they have the power to wave this $600 fee.Also it is possible the window clerk gave you the information that at that time was available her .What happens is it some times takes days or at least hours for late charges to fully show up,but once they do they are suppose to let you know .So I would make darn sure he was not getting notices and throwing them away because $600 in late fees takes a long time even at 35 a pop.I hope you have copies of all the things in his account right,checks withdrawals deposits? If not you need to get that and make sure when the fees got applied make sure no other out standing checks got bounced in that same time frame.Any how go to corporate be nice and they might be able to help you.Then take over your banking and do not allow your boy friend to do this again.Good Luck
    Excuse me, but how do you expect a teller to know about all of your outstanding checks? Banks don't have a magic lamp that tells them your boyfriend wrote seven checks. They do know of any outstanding electronic transfers that have been approved but not yet cleared. For instance, he used a debit card, the transaction is approved but not yet debited from his account. Those a teller can see. But checks??? How would they know about those? The mistake the teller made is thinking your bf was smart enough to understand this.
    Most likely what happened is you deposited your money after the business day ended (remember this isn't the bank hours). So you will be charged fees for all the pending items. Problem is fees are not added in until everything post (basically till midnight). So the teller was correct. They can only see what the system is telling them.

    The problem is you didn't repay the debt when it was negative from all the fees and now it is at collections. Basically once there the bank can no longer help you. Pay the agency the debt asap. Hopefully his credit won't take to much of a hit, but at this point odds are it is destroyed.

    He can probably try and start building good history again with one of those 2nd chance accounts. Think B of A offers them. Otherwise not much can be done other than pay the debts.
    Only your boyfriend knows what items are outstanding. That is, items such as checks or debit card purchases that he wrote or authorized but have not been presented to the bank for payment. The bank, much less a lowly teller, will not know about these. She was not the one to mess up.

    If this account is in collections, beware. If it is not paid promptly, your boyfriend's name could be reported to ChexSystems, and if it is, good luck on him being able to open even a savings account or even be a signer on someone's else's account for up to 5 years at almost every single bank in the country. In other words, he's blacklisted.

    I know that NSF fees are stiff. And not only that, but most banks, including any other bank he may switch to, even debits items presented for payment from his account from highest to lowest in order to generate more of them. But the fact remains that if he had been more responsible, kept an accurate register, and would not spend more than what he has, then he wouldn't have even been charged a dollar.

    Your boyfriend needs to find a way to pay this bill. BEFORE sending them any money, have him request from the collection agency that no reports about this be made to ChexSystems and the like, and if it already has been reported, to have it removed. Get this agreement in writing BEFORE sending them a check. After this is taken care of, have him verify that nothing was reported by having him check his ChexSystems report at

    Additional Information

    Just because it has been a week since your boyfriend used his debit card, it doesn't mean that all the charges he made have POSTED to the account. That takes a few days for most merchants, and some merchants take their sweet time doing so.

    If the account is in collections, then that means the account has been charged off. In other words, the bank already closed it.

    Advice about bikini wax? ?

    I'm 16 and thinking about getting my first bikini wax. I've used Nair before and that worked out fine, but this time I'm going on a seven day vacation to Mexico and I don't want to have to worry about my bikini line. I've asked my mom and she's fine with taking me for one, and she's given me advice also. Ladies, what's your advice? First experience? Age? How was it for you? ANY advice helps to make my decision between the old Nair or going out on a limb and getting my first bikini wax (Eek!!!) Thank you so much!!!Advice about bikini wax? ?
    I was also looking for advice and found a TON at:

    Good luck!

    Advice about boys, please help?

    there this guy nate. ive been talking too him alot lately, but im not sure if its just as friends or what, we flirt %26amp; i made out with him once....but that was all me being drunk. plus he was close to dating one of my friends, valentyna, when this happened. its only been 2 days %26amp; ive talked to him, but he cant talk to valentyna for a while since shes grounded, (we're only 15 by the way). so first...would i be a total slut if i tried flirting with him %26amp; stuff? and second....what do i do when he talks to me about valentyna? its hard to not get jealous, but when he talks about missing her then idk what to say. i want to flirt with him %26amp; hint at him that i do like him, but im not sure how.Advice about boys, please help?
    Stay away from him. If he cheated on his gf, he'll cheat on you, too. If he was mature, he would have broken up with Valentyna before making out with you.

    Advice about having a CVS..?

    I have had the results back from my Nuchal and blood tests... it seems I am at high risk of 1-75. I have been offered an appointment tomorrow to discuss my options and the choice to have a CVS if I want one...

    Its such an agonising decision to make, even though I have an excellent hospital with some of the lowest rates of miscarriage after CVS in the UK..

    I don't have any intention of aborting a baby with Downs - but obviously these results can detect other serious chromosomal disorders as well and as it happens the agony of waiting to know either way is too much for me.

    Can anyone describe what happens with thte test - how painful it is, the aftercare you receive, how long the results took to come back... anything really..Advice about having a CVS..?

    I've just had CVS done last week due to being high risk as my daughter was born with a chromosome abnormality (edwards syndrome).

    For us, we wanted to have a definite answer if our baby had any chrosome abnormality straight away and this seemed like the perfect option.

    Personally, The CVS didn't actually hurt, it was just a little uncomfortable. The only way I could describe it as if you had a needle and a balloon and you pierced the balloon but it was in slow motion. That's the way it felt. We had an option whether I wanted to watch it on the monitor but freaked out a bit after I saw the needles.

    After the test if you feel unwell they will let you lie down a little bit longer but I was sent home within 45 minutes. We got part of the results back 24 hours later and will get the rest of the results in a week or so but a lot of people get the fast track results within 48 hours and the rest of the result in 2 weeks.

    You get told for to have some bed rest for the first day after the test and for to take it easy as people can be prone to miscarriage after such test. My partner wouldn't let me do a single thing. :-)

    Also advised not to do housework for a few days or lift anything.

    Good luck if you go through the test and if you need anymore advice don't hesitate to contact me xxAdvice about having a CVS..?
    Just keep in mind that the blood test you got is just a screening for a possible risk, and it is full of false positives. So it is very likely that nothing is even wrong. You should make sure you get a high resolution ultra sound to look for any soft markers of downs syndrome before you opt to take any risky procedures on.

    I had the same scare, and after the ultra sound with nothing wrong, i opted to not take the amnio i was offered.

    It is a personal decision, i just thought i would put that out there.

    Advice about weed. please help..?

    this is about me and my boyfriend that i care so much about. please give me your honest opinion:

    last night he came over and we got into the beer and started talking. we were listening to come really chill songs and it reminded me when we were baked. i told him that i felt we were closer while baked. he agreed. i also told him i want to do it again with him. he said he wanted to also. but today, now that he is sober, he said no and that is isnt going to unless i say yes. but i want to and he quit.. so i dont want him to get back on it. cuz if you do drugs a lot, then stop, then do it again, that first time you are going to get a really good high and im scared he will want to continue if that happens.he has been off weed for a month now, just for me. i dont want to be the cause of him starting again, yet i would like to experience the feeling a few more times. i know this is greedy of me and a bad thing.

    what do i do??

    please help me.Advice about weed. please help..?
    if an illegal drug is what makes you guys feel close. there is a problem.Advice about weed. please help..?
    If I were you, I would ask myself why I even smoke weed to begin with.

    It seems to me like your boyfriend is the only one who wants to make his life better by avoiding drugs.

    As for you, my advice is to do whatever it takes to get your mind off weed. You're not doing yourself any good.

    I can't get any more honest than that.
    You need to realize that what you think you know is just a doped up fiction. If you want to be close than quit drugs all together. That includes alcohol the most widely used and abused drug.

    Advice about my lone rabbit after one of a pair died please?

    I had 2 male dwarf rabbits. A fox severely attacked their hutch over night. It dug 2 massive holes under neath to get to them. It didn't succeed in getting in but when I found the rabbits one of them had its leg hanging off where the fox had caught him. It was heart breaking, I rushed them both to the vets and sadly had the injured one put to sleep. Thing is the vet said he couldn't believe he hadn't died of shock, pain or bleeding. He seemed so calm and i cuddled him while he was put to sleep. I miss him badly. When I left the vets we went straight to the pet shop and bought all new indoor cage for the remaining rabbit, I couldn't face putting him back into a hutch that smelt of his brother nor could I risk putting him outside again. I expected the lone rabbit to be severely traumatised after the attack, also missing the one that was always the brave one that he hid behind. But he's acting like nothings happened. He is eating well, playing and generally looks happy. I was advised by the vet that rabbits don't like being on their own but he seems fine. He's not as sociable as the one that died but I have been paying him lots of attention. Will he remember the attack? Will he be missing his brother? It seems so odd that he's acting like nothings happened. I think it's traumatised me more than him !! They are 2 and a half. Any advise would be great. Thanks xxAdvice about my lone rabbit after one of a pair died please?
    I am so sorry for your loss.

    You are doing exactly the right thing for your remaining bunny. Bringing him indoors and spending time with him will help him adjust to not having his brother around. he may well have got lonely and depressed on his own back in the old hutch. Bonded rabbits can suffer grief and depression following the death of one, you just need to give him lots of TLC and make sure he still acts normally.

    Here are some links that might help you:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Advice about my lone rabbit after one of a pair died please?
    i have a bunny and he lives with 2 male guinea pigs.. if your concerned about him being lonely you could get him one too... i had a female rabbit before and i thought she was lonely and bought 2 more for her to play with and she hated them... maybe he'll be ok alone
    Sure, he will miss his brother, but the attention from you is great for him. Perhaps after he gets a little more friendly, you could introduce a friend. They do like to hang out together for play and comfort. Have a healthy and happy year!
    Awe, im so sorry to hear that.

    All my rabbits live alone, i mean there

    right next to eachother but none of them share

    a cage. He probable will miss his brother but

    as long as you still play with him im sure he

    will be just fine.
    Aww! That's so sad...I luff bunnies...anyway, all I can say is to keep watch on him. You see while most rabbits are social, some DO like to be just keep monitoring his behavir. If he acts weird than consult your vet, or maybe get another rabbit. I'm sorry for your loss!
    oh whata shame i was gettin upset reading ur story i think ur rabbit will be ok on his own if hes still the same in a few weeks leave him on his own that must have been so horrible to see i have 4 bunnies
    If he's not neutered then he may not take well to a new bunny friend (unless it's an unneutered female, which I don't recommend!). If you want to pair him then once he's neutered and recovered from that you could try him out with a new neutered girl friend. Be warned though I bought a new friend for my neutered female when her neutered male buddy died (they were inseparable) it has taken 18 months of very careful introductions and many bunny scraps to finally get them to agree to live together (I thought the day would never come!) Now however they are as inseparable as the original pair were but it was hard work to bond them.

    A bonded pair of rabbits are a wonderful thing but that doesn't mean that your bunny won't do well on his own with lots of TLC from you. Introducing a new rabbit is not as easy as just getting another bunny and putting them together. Occasionally that works but for the majority of the time it's a recipe for disaster.
    I'm so sorry to hear that, losing a bunny can be really hard. I had a similar situation when one of mine died, I was absolutely heartbroken, but her sister didn't seem to notice. I kept her as an only bunny for about 6 months before getting a friend for her. They got on famously for a while, but now hate each other! (I think this happened because I had my new male bunny neutered straight away, but left the original female bunny entire on advice from the vet.)

    There are many websites that give information on introducing a new rabbit into the family, but if he seems happy there's no reason to change things.
    Give your remaining rabbit time to adjust before thinking of a new mate. He will still be traumatised and will need you attention and reassurance for at least 2 months before introducing a new rabbit.

    You are best getting him neutered if not already done so to calm down his territorial tenancies and feistyness.

    Introducing a mature and spayed doe from a rescue centre is the best option as you will be able to find a compatible temperament. you cannot do this with a immature doe as temperaments can change at maturity which may end up in a personality clash.
    hi there! just keep doing what you are doing the rabbit will be fine this is a bad thing to say but the boss is gone now he can get on with his life rabbits don't do well in pair cause there is always a boss i've had to split rabbits up and the shy one is not shy anymore!! its if the boss doesn't like them coming near anybody they have to rely on the boss its a whole new world for your rabbit and you both should enjoy it!! good luck hope this is of some help and you don't find me cheeky
    Your story is so sad i really feel for you. I just recently lost one of my bunnies and his friend definately was upset. He stopped eating and i had to take him to the vets for an injection to stimulate his gut. I have bought a new bunny and they are showing signs of interest. I have not introdued them yet as i am allowing them time to get used to each other through sight and smell. Rabbits are sociable animals and in the wild they live in a group. That does not mean to say that your rabbit would like another. It may be that he would not bond but on the otherhand he might. Do keep an eye on your rabbit though and if you want to put him back outside you can buy hutches that have fox proof wire on them.
    hi, i'm so sorry for your loss. i know it's not quite the same, but we had a rabbit a few years ago that was pretty close to someone who lived with us, and when she moved out, we expected the rabbit to morn, but she didn't. she just carried on as normal. about 2 months later though she started to act strange. she started pulling out her fur, attacking everyone who went near her even though she was usually very friendly, and wasn't eating properly. we made her an appointment for the vets, but unfortunately she didn't make it. one day we come home from work and found that she'd passed away. i hope this doesn't happen with your rabbit, but thought i should say so you can be more aware to this being a possibility. we don't know that this was what killed her, but are pretty sure it was. please watch your bunny closely, and if he acts at all different take him to the vets straight away. also, have you tried buying him a teddy. i know this sounds silly, but with the animals i've seen, they are in a lot of ways like children, and even though your rabbit might not be very sociable, it's a companion for them, and a lot of animals seem to like this. good luck with everything, and i truly hope your rabbit is ok. xXx.

    he may not take to a new rabbit friend and, since he seems to be coping fine, I see no reason why you should get a new rabbit if you do not particularly want to.

    I have a solitary rabbit and he is perfectly happy and loving. If you do not want to spend money and time on a new rabbit, I suggest that you do not unless your current rabbit displays abnormal behaviour such as not eating, pulling fur out etc

    at this, I would take him to the vet before opting for a new companion
  • beauty makeup
  • Advice about a ';freedom'; agreement with my mom. PLEASEE HELLLP?

    I'm 14 and i'm having a huge problem with the freedom that my moms giving me all of a sudden. All summer long i was hanging out with my boyfriend and that never bothered her until we went on vacation and we were caught having sex [i know that sounds bad]. That was about a month ago that we were caught. Now every things back to normal and were aloud to hang out alone and stuff, its just now that school's started my mom doesn't want to let me go anywhere and her only excuse of why she wants me to stay home is that she wants me to be home for a day or two. what is some kind of agreement that me %26amp; her can come up with so that she might let me go places more often? For instance if i do all my homework before i leave and have it sitting there for her to look at then i would be aloud to go somewhere that day.Advice about a ';freedom'; agreement with my mom. PLEASEE HELLLP?
    Just tell your mom your more responsible now.

    Advice about husband?

    I'm sorry to post this again. I got a lot of suggestions about medications and he's already on antidepressants, so I hope you don't mind but I'm posting again. Thank you so much for any advice you can give me...

    Been together 20 years

    I love him

    I believe he loves me

    He's depressed

    He doesn't work

    He's becoming very passive agressive

    Doesn't do his share any more (I work, he doesn't)

    Children involved, not teens yet

    He's got a chronic and expensive illness

    No passion, no sex

    Don't sleep together any more

    He spends all day sleeping and most of the night on the computer doing first shooter games

    He used to be addicted to online porn. I don't think he does this much any more if at all. That's really when I stopped feeling passionate towards him.

    Used to help with parenting, now pretty much disengaged

    I fear he's suicidal

    He's becoming more outwardly angry

    He has never hit or abused me. He has never really even yelled at me.Advice about husband?
    Dear Florida Chica,

    This isn’t advice “about husband”… this is advice “about you and more importantly the bigger picture: your life”. What you’ve told me here is that your husband has major mental health problems that you cannot help him with. And that’s exactly right… you can’t help him. You already know this. THIS IS ABOUT YOU!!! You’ve been in this unhealthy, codependent, self-defeating relationship for so long that you’ve completely lost perspective. You can’t see up from down and you don’t even know it.

    Please see a mental health councilor as soon as possible, whom will be able to help you find the perspective and empowerment you need to turn your life into a meaningful direction. If you don’t... the thing you’ll be “enabling” is your children growing up under the care of Two depressed/angry/impassionate/ and defeated parents, instead of just One.


    ask.oliverAdvice about husband?
    I don't usually recommend divorce but...WTF!!!!!!!!! Don't you deserve some happiness? Don't your kids deserves some happiness???????? Please wake up. Sorry to say. Good luck.
    A person has to help themselves first ... before any one else can help them.

    When a person won't help themselves, and it is known that they are capable of helping themselves ... then often - ';tough -love must be applied.

    He needs to be diagnosed by a really good doctor. Then he needs to be assessed to his capabilities.

    I would say that he seems to be milking his situation with you for his own personal reasons ... however, you say he has a chronic %26amp; expensive illness -- soooooooo you must already know his illness .. which may make him do lots of things .. and which is hard to give advice about when we don't know what is going on.

    You need to know exactly ';what-is-what'; with him, in every aspect. When you know this information - you will have more answers .. and know what to do.

    I think you need to know that if he really wanted to -- could he hold down a job .. or would his sickness prevent it . If he could hold down a job -- a job would be the best thing for him ... a job would stop a lot of the problems he has now .. and it would help your family as a whole.

    You need to know it all before your solution can come.
    There is no way he is going to improve while he is just lying around the house acting like a teenager all day. He either needs to get a part-time job or do some charity work. How can he feel even ';ok'; about himself if he is a useless waste of oxygen?

    Make him do something. anything.
    I think that he has issues that he has to deal with. He needs professional counseling to get through this tough time in his life. You both need counseling. You know you can't go on much longer like this. Something needs to change and professiona counseling is needed.
    Oliver is exactly correct!!!
    He needs to go into a mental instution for help. If this doesn't do the trick then give he a time line for gitting a job. Marriage counseling of course
    Seek professional help if you can afford it. If not, get him to the nearest priest (they are free, after all). It sounds like he's beginning to give up on life, and he's probably pretty depressed. Nobody quits working, having sex, and having a social life out of the blue. Something has gradually resulted in his current state, but don't automatically assume it's your fault, because it likely isn't. Just open the lines of communication and get him outside help.
    Sometimes helping someone isn't always being there for them. Sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they can get up, sounds like you catch him before he falls. You are NOT responsible for his life, he IS. A person can only help so much, he has to WANT HELP, otherwise anything you offer will go to the waste side. I would first check his medication, it might be the reason for his lack of desire to do anything. I would find a doctor that is willing to listen and take the time to find the proper medication and dose so he may be able to get that ';inner motivation.'; This is very draining on you and there might be a time where you have to make a decision
    I would get a doctors point of view. They would be more likely to have more answers for this type of behavior. also take him to a psychiatrist. maybe it can help him get out of what ever he is going through. i admire you for sticking by him with your vowes and doing what you can to try to help him. Good luck
    first of all i wanna say that I admire people like you that can be so unselfish.... that can put up with so much crap to help somebody they love... but honey when everything you do doesn't help but rather enables him to keep that behavior then it's time to change tactics... if he is gonna kill himself ... he's gonna do it no matter what you do... so i would take my kids away for while and just tell him I cannot put up with it anymore...or tell him he has so and so time to find help either a group or a psychologist....and that he has to help with kids and around the house... if he has the time to be in the computer for hours he can handle a couple dinners and some cleaning a week. But I know that he may be too far gone... sorry that you're going trough all this.
    you need to find the right therapist to help him with his sister has personality disorder..same symptoms you mentioned about your husband and she is much better now. She is on Prozac and another pill she takes every night as well as a 3rd pill that melts under her tongue every morning...if it wasn't for this therapist that really knows her meds..i think my sister wouldn't be around, she was also i am thankful for this doctor.

    if you are in NY i can give you the Dr's number..she is really smart about the meds she is providing..also, my sister went to a day outpatient mental health clinic.That is were she met this therapist. .it was good because she started leaving the house every morning instead of sleeping all day..she had to be there 9am ,5 days a week...with that program and the meds, she can now work and she go into a are a very strong and patient women to put up with this..god bless you, he is lucky to have you..Find the right Dr. to prescribe the meds and try the day mental health works!
    Sounds like you have done all the research and you know it all. You even know you are an enabler. Yet you are still here asking us? Why because deep down you know you still haven't heard the truth. Everything you read from the experts and what all the lying married couples are telling you is a lie. Welcome to marriage hell and reality. Once you both said

    ';I do'; your loving relationship was over. Some people realize this in weeks and get divorced other people lie to themselves for years!!! Well you just realized that it is over. Marriage destroys even soul mates. Take an honest look at all the married couples you know are any of them still truly in love?!? You don't have to answer we all already know the answer. You have only one life if you want to waste it babysitting a grown man that is your problem and you are the one with issues. He isn't your responsibility no matter what he does once you leave. If you ever do leave and you are ever lucky enough to fall in love again, learn your lesson and never get married again unless you want to destroy your new loving relationship. Happy New Year!!!
    Then become roommates instead of being married. You need to live and he is living to die. Move his stuff into another bedroom and start dating. No one comes into the house but you can have your outside relationships. That way he can still be on the insurance. Have seperate accounts for banking and make sure you are the beneficiary. This would be the first step in getting your freedom. You could even move out and still be married and him still be on the insurance without living together. Just because you have moved on with your life doesn't mean that he can't be on your insurance.
    You're husband has given up on life and family and is letting you handle everything. That is not fair. You deserve to be happy and to live life. You only get one chance. You have turned into a caregiver. He will only bring you down and depress you. Try a separation for a while to clear your head and reflect on your relationship and its effects. Perhaps his relatives can take over. Have him seek mental health assistance.
    Im very religious and religion i believe helps tremendously for so many things the answer to your question is church and every thing else will work itself out.

    ADVICE ABOUT Kissing?

    How do you french kiss...i mean what am I suppose to do , I am kind of in a relationship with this boy(about a month and a half)and he told me to kiss him and he wasnt talking bout a peck on the lips.I could've ask him to teach me but im I just gave him a peck on the lips really quick and took like 6 steps back and he look at me like i was crazy it was funny.NEWAYS PLEASE HELP I NEED ADVICE ON HOW TO FRENCH KISS...!ADVICE ABOUT Kissing?

    i like how you're willing to give it your all.


    well i actually had my first kiss and french kiss at the same time XP

    he got into it.


    just let him guide you through it, really,once you see everything he's doing, give it your all.

    there really isn't anything that you can do WRONG.


    -too much spit

    -having your mouth open TOO wide

    -having stinky breath

    -biting his lip too hard

    otherwise, there isn't anything you should worry about.

    have fun tomorrow =D

    hope i helpedADVICE ABOUT Kissing?
    stick ya tongue in and out swish it around bite his and bite his lip
    Maybe you should just try making out with him first. If he sticks his tongue in your mouth, then just go with it. But if you just can't then he will notice that your not responding and ask you about it.
    go to google and type in how to french kiss or in youtube.鈥?/a>

    Watch this.
    ok just kiss him and stick your tongue in his mouth and while its in there, massage his tongue with yours. he will do the rest.

    ADVICE about a guy please give me some?

    OK so I meet this guy on the internet. We exchanged #'s and then started text, and talking on the phone. This went on for like 2 weeks and then he decided to drive for 3 hours and come and meet me. He came a saturday evening and he picked me up, I took him for drinks, and he seemed he was having a great time... We went to his hotel, We needed up talking and messing around all night. (i didn't not sleep with him), and he laid next me and told me how happy he was that we came out here... anyways he left on sunday afternoon, and text me when he got home, he told me how happy he was and that he wanted me to come to his place the next weekend. So i took it off... anyways monday was fine, and TUESDAY we and i were texting and he said he was driving and he wanted me to continue texting him, to keep him occupied, i said ok, and I asked if he was happy to see me next weekend and he said ';not this weekend'; so i said ok I wont take off, and he said ok. I then asked if i did something wrong, and he didn't reply and later told me to ';keep in touch';. Then I was like ';that's what you say when you don't want to talk to someone anymore'; and then he didn't respond, and then I said';i am assuming that is what you meant';

    So anyways I liked him so so much and I was totally devastated, but I just ignored the situation, and left him alone since he never answered me.

    That was Tuesday night... Friday unexpectedly he text me how are you, I never replied because my feelings were really hurt.

    Anyways my question is why did he do that... and I really want to talk to him, and maybe email him... but I dont know if I should. We had such a great connection, and he kept telling me that, and then like changed his mind within an hour..

    ADVICE about a guy please give me some?
    Sounds like he was talking to you and another girl at the same time. He met you first. Then met her. Things probably fell through with her which is why he contacted you again out of the blue. Chalk it up to bad luck and move on sister!!ADVICE about a guy please give me some?
    Who is to say ? He could have been involved with someone else and just confused, it has happened to me. He could have been considering the distance Between you two /

    Advice about a sick kitty, please!?

    My male kitty, about a year old,inside only, seems lethargic and is only eating and drinking a little bit. He is so tired that he just laid in his litter box for a couple of minutes after he peed. He hasn't been neutered yet, and his testicles seem swollen. I am taking him to the vet in the morning, but I am hoping someone can give me some idea of what is wrong and what I can do until we can get to the vet. This is the first kitty I have ever had, and I am still learning about cat care. Any help is appreciated!Advice about a sick kitty, please!?
    It sounds like he might have a urinary tract infection, which is somewhat common but they vary in severity, He might have also got into a toxin which made him ill.Advice about a sick kitty, please!?
    I have had many many cats over the years. You need to get him to the vet NOW. I can usually give advise on taking care of them at home but this situation sounds like he may not make it until the morning. Don't call for an appt. take him in and get treatment now. Good luck and I hope that he can be helped.
    I agree with Suki. Maybe he had to try extremely hard to even go to the bathroom, and that's why he just layed down because he was so tired. He needs to be able to go to the bathroom, otherwise everything will get backed up and something worse could occur like a urinary track infection.
    Seeing he is a kitten, I am ruling out some of the things I read about tumors. It sounds like a urinary tract infection. If he gets worse or if you can see blood in the urine, call the vet to see if there is an emergency vet available.
    Please take him to the vet ASAP. This sounds like a testicular torsion, where the testicle pretty much 'spins' on itself, cutting off the blood supply.

    Advice about my friend please?

    am in a difficult spot: I dont like my best friend anymore. We have been friends since we were 9 and now we are 26. But I think she or I has changed

    Keep in mind we are 26 and she isnt working or in school. She lives with her mom who just filed bankruptcy and cries eevryday about money.

    All my friend cares about is guys and partying. She brags about how many shots she can do.

    And as much as I hate it I think her hygiene is horrible. She always has bad breath and she borrowed my mouthwash when she had her own! When she drinks its disgusting to see how she acts.

    I dont think she is trying to find work and she's not interested in school. She says she wants to help her mom but then she goes on dates.

    And when a guy is digging me and not her it pisses her off.

    I am so disaapointed in her. I dont know what to do about our friendship because we have known eachother so long. We are grown women and her mentaility is still 9th grade!

    What should I do?

    And I know this is thr wrong section for this but I'm not getting good answers elsewhereAdvice about my friend please?
    Your friend has taken the wrong way in life and she sounds like she's tring to drag you with her!Tell her you've been friends for a long time but her life is not going in the right tract and yours is.If she wants to remain friends she must become a productive person again,otherwise your moving on with your life!Advice about my friend please?鈥?/a>
  • beauty makeup
  • Advice about having a CVS..?

    I have had the results back from my Nuchal and blood tests... it seems I am at high risk of 1-75. I have been offered an appointment tomorrow to discuss my options and the choice to have a CVS if I want one...

    Its such an agonising decision to make, even though I have an excellent hospital with some of the lowest rates of miscarriage after CVS in the UK..

    I don't have any intention of aborting a baby with Downs - but obviously these results can detect other serious chromosomal disorders as well and as it happens the agony of waiting to know either way is too much for me.

    Can anyone describe what happens with thte test - how painful it is, the aftercare you receive, how long the results took to come back... anything really..Advice about having a CVS..?

    I've just had CVS done last week due to being high risk as my daughter was born with a chromosome abnormality (edwards syndrome).

    For us, we wanted to have a definite answer if our baby had any chrosome abnormality straight away and this seemed like the perfect option.

    Personally, The CVS didn't actually hurt, it was just a little uncomfortable. The only way I could describe it as if you had a needle and a balloon and you pierced the balloon but it was in slow motion. That's the way it felt. We had an option whether I wanted to watch it on the monitor but freaked out a bit after I saw the needles.

    After the test if you feel unwell they will let you lie down a little bit longer but I was sent home within 45 minutes. We got part of the results back 24 hours later and will get the rest of the results in a week or so but a lot of people get the fast track results within 48 hours and the rest of the result in 2 weeks.

    You get told for to have some bed rest for the first day after the test and for to take it easy as people can be prone to miscarriage after such test. My partner wouldn't let me do a single thing. :-)

    Also advised not to do housework for a few days or lift anything.

    Good luck if you go through the test and if you need anymore advice don't hesitate to contact me xxAdvice about having a CVS..?
    Just keep in mind that the blood test you got is just a screening for a possible risk, and it is full of false positives. So it is very likely that nothing is even wrong. You should make sure you get a high resolution ultra sound to look for any soft markers of downs syndrome before you opt to take any risky procedures on.

    I had the same scare, and after the ultra sound with nothing wrong, i opted to not take the amnio i was offered.

    It is a personal decision, i just thought i would put that out there.

    Advice about waxing and spray tans.?


    I am going on holiday soon and I want to get a bikini and full leg wax. I have never done this before (I always have used the creams) but my skin can become sensitive and I am 17, (if this makes any difference) I would also like to get a VERY light spray tan. Partly because I never really tan and I don't like sitting in the sun for long.

    I have a few questions.

    1. How many days before I go on holiday should I get the wax?

    2. And should I get the spray tan before or after the wax?

    3. If I get a spray tan after the wax is it ok to do it the same day or would I get that chicken skin look?

    4. If I get the spray tan before can the wax take the colour off?

    Thanks xxxxAdvice about waxing and spray tans.?
    1. 1 week before

    2. spray tan after the wax, if you get it before when they wax you it will pull the tan off!

    3. wait a few days becuase it will go into the pores and your legs will be senstive that day.

    4. yes it can

    also you should get a pair of exfoliating hand gloves and try and exfoliate evry day so your skin is super smooth, when skin is smooth the tan goes on alot better!! xxAdvice about waxing and spray tans.?
    Not Sure..

    How Long Are You On Holiday For Waxes Last A Few Weeks So Whenever Really But I Would Say Few Days Or A Week Before + I Would Get The Wax Before The Tan ++ Wouldent Do It In The Same Day Just Incase (: Have A Great Holiday + Good Luck
    Waxing hurts!! It's a shame you're not 18, i'd recommend a big glass of wine first!! (Not condoning underage drinking here)

    You don't say how long you're goin away for, I'd suggest to get a wax 3 days before if it's a week, and 2 days if it's 2 weeks. This allows any redness or blotchiness to clam down. And also ensures no hair will pop back whilst away!

    Get your spray tan AFTER a wax. Otherwise ther's no pint in having a wax, because waxing will just take off any colour you have put on your skin. (This even applies to a natural tan)

    I'd get the spray tan done the next day, again to allow your skin to calm down.

    Yes the spray tan will come off if you have a wax after

    Good luck!!

    Hiya :), well i would get the wax about 3 days beofre going away (because remmeber your is not supposed to grow back 4 another 6 weeks after a wax) so i think your safe to do it a few days before. I wouldnt recomend doing the spray tan the same day as the wax as its very likly u could comr up in a rash as your skin will be irratated. Do the spray tan the day before going on holiday, but make sure u exfoliate and moisturise really well before the tan as thats what really helps it come out even with no streaks, it also helps it last longer.

    Hope i helped x

    Advice about therapy sessions?

    My GP has diagnosed me with Depersonalisation/Derealisation Disorder. She recommended I make an appointment with the practise therapist - I have an appointment this friday.

    I don't know what to expect, and I don't even know if I should go. I doubt what they will say/do will help me, and fear that based on my (somewhat gothy) appearance they will simply write me off as a attention seeker.

    Have you any advice or insight that may help me?

    Thank you for your time.

    xxxAdvice about therapy sessions?
    Please, Please , Please your GP is not qualified to diagnose a mental illness this requires a psychiatrist the specialist. If you are diagnosed with this disorder you will need medication and some therapy. A therapist is not qualified either to treat you without a correct diagnosis and treatment from a psychiatrist. Go to the site this is the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. On this site you can find your local chapter and their phone number. They are there for any kind of help you need, explain to them what your problem is and that your GP has diagnosed you with this disorder and referred you to a therapist. They will offer the correct advice and referrals if you need. Never worry about your appearance that is what makes you who you are.Advice about therapy sessions?
    I agree with the post above: GP`s are not medically qualified to diagnose psychiatric illnesses / disorders.

    Are you sure that the GP actually diagnosed this? It was`nt just suggested as a possibility?

    I think you should go to the appointment on Friday, and seek clarification as to what your diagnosis is (if anything) or if you are being assessed for a specific diagnosis, such as a form of dissociative disorder.

    Your appearance does influence diagnosis, etc but only in so far as that you take care of your basic needs (as some people with some mental health problems either become too ill to care for such things and others become hyperfocused on their appearance). If you`re `somewhat gothy`, it`s nothing more than style / fashion and will have no relevance to any treatment or diagnosis.

    Take care.
    Please forgive me but I have never heard of the disorder you mentioned. Although I am a qualified counsellor. But never mind.

    Your session tomorrow; she might ask you to tell a bit about yourself, a bit of history so to speak. Your hobbies etc, just to get to know you, to establish a relationship. Give her time she is only a human being like yourself. If in the unlikely event she will write you off as an attention seeker visit this webside;
    you should go. the first session is always the hardest to go to. the therapist will ask you some questions and try to get to know you a little more. just talk to him/her and try to keep an open mind. tell him/her what you're going through right now. they won't think of you as an attention seeker because you have come to them for help.
    Yeah and my GP diagnosed Dissociative psychotic disorder but the consultant psychiatrist said that was crap that I had anxiety and depression!! Get a second opinion. Some of these GP's think they are God.
    lots of advice that will help you ---but stay of f all druggs

    and a lot to be aware of

    even this depression protocol will help you

    Western health care has evolved in some very detrimental ways to our health

    ,All treatment recommended by the doctors should be tested and approved and quite rightly so.

    That makes sense right

    Obviously it costs vast sums of money to test and approve treatments because of the possible damage to people and the subsequent litigation costing millions of pounds.

    The point is this Where does this money come from to test and approve treatments?

    By far the biggest source is the drug companies.

    So take for example a researcher might go along to his local drug company and tell them his findings about this treatment he has been working on which is of outstanding value but needs testing further or approving, you might think they would be falling over themselves to know more 鈥搑ight, you could not be more wrong.

    By and large only and I mean only treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a profit, will even get examined.

    Because they are in business to make a profit, not for serving the people.

    So many of the thousands of therapies which they see as having no profit potential do not get approved or even looked at 鈥︹€?

    and thus do not get recommended by your local doctor or hospital.

    You wont hear a word about them from your doctor

    Despite The fact that some of them do have overwhelming benefits some, which have saved needless operations, needless amputations, needless pain and trauma, needless kidney failures and much loss of life.

    This will apply to any country where most research is being done by drug companies 鈥?

    they would probably laugh in your face if you went there with a promising therapy which was so cheap anyone could get it.

    Do you really think they would invest thousands or millions of pounds in any therapy which did not show the promise of good profit.

    Your local G.P/ doctor is not a researcher, do you clearly understand that

    he is told鈥︹€︹€︹€︹€?what to prescribe 鈥︹€︹€︹€? he does not even have the time often to look at research.

    In fact some G.P .s doctors have had action taken against them for prescribing simple supplements.

    They are in a difficult position in a way many would like to prescribe many different therapies but many feel they cannot for action could be taken against them.

    This does not help you does it though. when you are ill and suffering

    In 2004 approx 5000 Beds are being taken up by people in the UK who have had adverse reactions to drugs. Some will die others will be maimed .A serious amount of suffering is taking place on a scale that makes some wars look like a minor infringement. That is a fact

    So Mr/Mrs patient in 99% of the time because of this system you will probably only get recommended drugs.

    Primarily because of deliberate government policy not to fund research into other therapies.

    Have you heard your local doctor recommend,


    Spiritual healing,



    Light therapy,

    Colour therapy,

    Regression therapy,



    Magnetic devices,

    Electrical Frequency devices.

    The rife machine

    The bob beck protocol

    Colloidal silver


    Karma therapy

    has he mentioned detoxing , , colonics,


    sweat baths ,


    tai chi,



    not to mention

    castor oil packs

    epsum salt packs etc etc.

    Has he ever mentioned the power of nutrition what you eat how much protein, carbo, vitamins, water you take in etc.

    All of these have shown their inherent worth with thousands if not millions of testimonials.

    As you can see this system in its present state is inherently flawed, and is criminally negligent

    Until the day comes when most of the research and testing is done by an agency with no vested interests attached and a very clear agenda of being objective. Acting for the people. Printing and revealing all results good and bad.

    Moving on to a more positive note .One of the biggest problems we see when giving this material is that a lot of people do not have good evaluation skills. They rely on a white coat, a hospital building, the sound of a persons voice to sway their thinking into accepting treatments when they are ill.

    Of course this is what some of these drug companies rely on the vast sums of money which can be generated are enormous.

    So as the wise among you will see a little investment in time over your health could be a very wise move indeed.

    So what do we recommend ---well we get very beneficial results doing these therapies 鈥?i am writing a book on this subject but here is the general principles

    Depression protocol but these therapies will work for many complaints of a so called mental nature

    Hi well I do quite a bit of research and practice the art of healing , my research centers around the teachings and study of